You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

708 lines
18 KiB

* Part of the Fuel framework.
* @package Fuel
* @version 1.8
* @author Fuel Development Team
* @license MIT License
* @copyright 2010 - 2016 Fuel Development Team
* @link
namespace Fuel\Core;
class Pagination
* @var array Pagination instances
protected static $_instances = array();
* @var array Pagination default instance
protected static $_instance = null;
* Init
* Loads in the config and sets the variables
* @return void
public static function _init()
\Config::load('pagination', true);
\Lang::load('pagination', true);
* Static access to the default instance
* @param string $name
* @param array $arguments
* @return mixed
* @throws \BadMethodCallException if the request method does not exist
public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
// old pre-1.4 mapping to new instance methods
static $mapping = array(
'get' => '__get',
'set' => '__set',
'set_config' => '__set',
'create_links' => 'render',
'page_links' => 'pages_render',
'prev_link' => 'previous',
'next_link' => 'next',
array_key_exists($name, $mapping) and $name = $mapping[$name];
// call the method on the default instance
if ($instance = static::instance() and method_exists($instance, $name))
return call_fuel_func_array(array($instance, $name), $arguments);
throw new \BadMethodCallException('The pagination class doesn\'t have a method called "'.$name.'"');
* forge a new pagination instance
* @param string $name
* @param array $config
* @return \Pagination a new pagination instance
public static function forge($name = 'default', $config = array())
if ($exists = static::instance($name))
\Errorhandler::notice('Pagination with this name exists already, cannot be overwritten.');
return $exists;
static::$_instances[$name] = new static($config);
if ($name == 'default')
static::$_instance = static::$_instances[$name];
return static::$_instances[$name];
* retrieve an existing pagination instance
* @param string $name
* @return \Pagination a existing pagination instance
public static function instance($name = null)
if ($name !== null)
if ( ! array_key_exists($name, static::$_instances))
return false;
return static::$_instances[$name];
if (static::$_instance === null)
static::$_instance = static::forge();
return static::$_instance;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* instance configuration values
protected $config = array(
'current_page' => null,
'offset' => 0,
'per_page' => 10,
'total_pages' => 0,
'total_items' => 0,
'num_links' => 5,
'uri_segment' => 3,
'show_first' => false,
'show_last' => false,
'pagination_url' => null,
'link_offset' => 0.5,
* instance template values
protected $template = array(
'wrapper' => "<div class=\"pagination\">\n\t{pagination}\n</div>\n",
'first' => "<span class=\"first\">\n\t{link}\n</span>\n",
'first-marker' => "&laquo;&laquo;",
'first-link' => "\t\t<a href=\"{uri}\">{page}</a>\n",
'first-inactive' => "",
'first-inactive-link' => "",
'previous' => "<span class=\"previous\">\n\t{link}\n</span>\n",
'previous-marker' => "&laquo;",
'previous-link' => "\t\t<a href=\"{uri}\">{page}</a>\n",
'previous-inactive' => "<span class=\"previous-inactive\">\n\t{link}\n</span>\n",
'previous-inactive-link' => "\t\t<a href=\"#\">{page}</a>\n",
'regular' => "<span>\n\t{link}\n</span>\n",
'regular-link' => "\t\t<a href=\"{uri}\">{page}</a>\n",
'active' => "<span class=\"active\">\n\t{link}\n</span>\n",
'active-link' => "\t\t<a href=\"#\">{page}</a>\n",
'next' => "<span class=\"next\">\n\t{link}\n</span>\n",
'next-marker' => "&raquo;",
'next-link' => "\t\t<a href=\"{uri}\">{page}</a>\n",
'next-inactive' => "<span class=\"next-inactive\">\n\t{link}\n</span>\n",
'next-inactive-link' => "\t\t<a href=\"#\">{page}</a>\n",
'last' => "<span class=\"next\">\n\t{link}\n</span>\n",
'last-marker' => "&raquo;&raquo;",
'last-link' => "\t\t<a href=\"{uri}\">{page}</a>\n",
'last-inactive' => "",
'last-inactive-link' => "",
* raw pagination results
protected $raw_results = array();
* @param array $config
public function __construct($config = array())
// make sure config is an array
is_array($config) or $config = array('name' => $config);
// and we have a template name
array_key_exists('name', $config) or $config['name'] = \Config::get('', 'default');
// merge the config passed with the defined configuration
$config = array_merge(\Config::get('pagination.'.$config['name'], array()), $config);
// don't need the template name anymore
// update the instance default config with the data passed
foreach ($config as $key => $value)
$this->__set($key, $value);
* configuration value getter
* @param $name
* @return mixed
public function __get($name)
// use the calculated page if no current_page is passed
if ($name === 'current_page' and $this->config[$name] === null)
$name = 'calculated_page';
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->config))
return $this->config[$name];
elseif (array_key_exists($name, $this->template))
return $this->template[$name];
return null;
* configuration value setter
* @param $name
* @param mixed $value
public function __set($name, $value = null)
if (is_array($name))
foreach($name as $key => $value)
$this->__set($key, $value);
$value = $this->_validate($name, $value);
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->config))
$this->config[$name] = $value;
elseif (array_key_exists($name, $this->template))
$this->template[$name] = $value;
// update the page counters
* Render the pagination when the object is cast to string
public function __toString()
return $this->render();
* Creates the pagination markup
* @param mixed $raw
* @return mixed HTML Markup for page number links, or an array of raw pagination data
public function render($raw = false)
// no links if we only have one page
if ($this->config['total_pages'] == 1)
return $raw ? array() : '';
$this->raw_results = array();
$html = str_replace(
return $raw ? $this->raw_results : $html;
* generate the HTML for the page links only
* @return string Markup for the pagination block
public function pages_render()
// no links if we only have one page
if ($this->config['total_pages'] == 1)
return '';
$html = '';
// calculate start- and end page numbers
$start = $this->config['calculated_page'] - floor($this->config['num_links'] * $this->config['link_offset']);
$end = $this->config['calculated_page'] + floor($this->config['num_links'] * ( 1 - $this->config['link_offset']));
// adjust for the first few pages
if ($start < 1)
$end -= $start - 1;
$start = 1;
// make sure we don't overshoot the current page due to rounding issues
if ($end < $this->config['calculated_page'])
// make sure we don't overshoot the total
if ($end > $this->config['total_pages'])
$start = max(1, $start - $end + $this->config['total_pages']);
$end = $this->config['total_pages'];
for($i = intval($start); $i <= intval($end); $i++)
if ($this->config['calculated_page'] == $i)
$html .= str_replace(
str_replace(array('{uri}', '{page}'), array('#', $i), $this->template['active-link']),
$this->raw_results[] = array('uri' => '#', 'title' => $i, 'type' => 'active');
$html .= str_replace(
str_replace(array('{uri}', '{page}'), array($this->_make_link($i), $i), $this->template['regular-link']),
$this->raw_results[] = array('uri' => $this->_make_link($i), 'title' => $i, 'type' => 'regular');
return $html;
* Pagination "First" link
* @param string $marker optional text to display in the link
* @return string Markup for the 'first' page number link
public function first($marker = null)
$html = '';
$marker === null and $marker = $this->template['first-marker'];
if ($this->config['show_first'])
if ($this->config['total_pages'] > 1 and $this->config['calculated_page'] > 1)
$html = str_replace(
str_replace(array('{uri}', '{page}'), array($this->_make_link(1), $marker), $this->template['first-link']),
$this->raw_results['first'] = array('uri' => $this->_make_link(1), 'title' => $marker, 'type' => 'first');
$html = str_replace(
str_replace(array('{uri}', '{page}'), array('#', $marker), $this->template['first-inactive-link']),
$this->raw_results['first'] = array('uri' => '#', 'title' => $marker, 'type' => 'first-inactive');
return $html;
* Pagination "Previous" link
* @param string $marker optional text to display in the link
* @return string Markup for the 'previous' page number link
public function previous($marker = null)
$html = '';
$marker === null and $marker = $this->template['previous-marker'];
if ($this->config['total_pages'] > 1)
if ($this->config['calculated_page'] == 1)
$html = str_replace(
str_replace(array('{uri}', '{page}'), array('#', $marker), $this->template['previous-inactive-link']),
$this->raw_results['previous'] = array('uri' => '#', 'title' => $marker, 'type' => 'previous-inactive');
$previous_page = $this->config['calculated_page'] - 1;
$previous_page = ($previous_page == 1) ? '' : $previous_page;
$html = str_replace(
str_replace(array('{uri}', '{page}'), array($this->_make_link($previous_page), $marker), $this->template['previous-link']),
$this->raw_results['previous'] = array('uri' => $this->_make_link($previous_page), 'title' => $marker, 'type' => 'previous');
return $html;
* Pagination "Next" link
* @param string $marker optional text to display in the link
* @return string Markup for the 'next' page number link
public function next($marker = null)
$html = '';
$marker === null and $marker = $this->template['next-marker'];
if ($this->config['total_pages'] > 1)
if ($this->config['calculated_page'] == $this->config['total_pages'])
$html = str_replace(
str_replace(array('{uri}', '{page}'), array('#', $marker), $this->template['next-inactive-link']),
$this->raw_results['next'] = array('uri' => '#', 'title' => $marker, 'type' => 'next-inactive');
$next_page = $this->config['calculated_page'] + 1;
$html = str_replace(
str_replace(array('{uri}', '{page}'), array($this->_make_link($next_page), $marker), $this->template['next-link']),
$this->raw_results['next'] = array('uri' => $this->_make_link($next_page), 'title' => $marker, 'type' => 'next');
return $html;
* Pagination "Last" link
* @param string $marker optional text to display in the link
* @return string Markup for the 'last' page number link
public function last($marker = null)
$html = '';
$marker === null and $marker = $this->template['last-marker'];
if ($this->config['show_last'])
if ($this->config['total_pages'] > 1 and $this->config['calculated_page'] != $this->config['total_pages'])
$html = str_replace(
str_replace(array('{uri}', '{page}'), array($this->_make_link($this->config['total_pages']), $marker), $this->template['last-link']),
$this->raw_results['last'] = array('uri' => $this->_make_link($this->config['total_pages']), 'title' => $marker, 'type' => 'last');
$html = str_replace(
str_replace(array('{uri}', '{page}'), array('#', $marker), $this->template['last-inactive-link']),
$this->raw_results['last'] = array('uri' => '#', 'title' => $marker, 'type' => 'last-inactive');
return $html;
* Prepares vars for creating links
protected function _recalculate()
// get the current page number, either from the one set, or from the URI or the query string
if ($this->config['current_page'])
$this->config['calculated_page'] = $this->config['current_page'];
if (is_string($this->config['uri_segment']))
$this->config['calculated_page'] = \Input::get($this->config['uri_segment'], 1);
$this->config['calculated_page'] = (int) \Request::main()->uri->get_segment($this->config['uri_segment'], 1);
// do we have the total number of items?
if ($this->config['total_items'] > 0)
// calculate the number of pages
$this->config['total_pages'] = (int) ceil($this->config['total_items'] / $this->config['per_page']) ?: 1;
// make sure the current page is within bounds
if ($this->config['calculated_page'] > $this->config['total_pages'])
$this->config['calculated_page'] = $this->config['total_pages'];
elseif ($this->config['calculated_page'] < 1)
$this->config['calculated_page'] = 1;
// the current page must be zero based so that the offset for page 1 is 0.
$this->config['offset'] = ($this->config['calculated_page'] - 1) * $this->config['per_page'];
* Generate a pagination link
protected function _make_link($page)
// make sure we have a valid page number
empty($page) and $page = 1;
// construct a pagination url if we don't have one
if (is_null($this->config['pagination_url']))
// start with the main uri
$this->config['pagination_url'] = \Uri::main();
\Input::get() and $this->config['pagination_url'] .= '?'.http_build_query(\Input::get());
// was a placeholder defined in the url?
if (strpos($this->config['pagination_url'], '{page}') === false)
// break the url in bits so we can insert it
$url = parse_url($this->config['pagination_url']);
// parse the query string
if (isset($url['query']))
parse_str($url['query'], $url['query']);
$url['query'] = array();
// make sure we don't destroy any fragments
if (isset($url['fragment']))
$url['fragment'] = '#'.$url['fragment'];
// do we have a segment offset due to the base_url containing segments?
$seg_offset = parse_url(rtrim(\Uri::base(), '/'));
$seg_offset = empty($seg_offset['path']) ? 0 : count(explode('/', trim($seg_offset['path'], '/')));
// is the page number a URI segment?
if (is_numeric($this->config['uri_segment']))
// get the URL segments
$segs = isset($url['path']) ? explode('/', trim($url['path'], '/')) : array();
// do we have enough segments to insert? we can't fill in any blanks...
if (count($segs) < $this->config['uri_segment'] - 1)
throw new \RuntimeException("Not enough segments in the URI, impossible to insert the page number");
// replace the selected segment with the page placeholder
$segs[$this->config['uri_segment'] - 1 + $seg_offset] = '{page}';
$url['path'] = '/'.implode('/', $segs);
// add our placeholder
$url['query'][$this->config['uri_segment']] = '{page}';
// re-assemble the url
$query = empty($url['query']) ? '' : '?'.preg_replace('/%7Bpage%7D/', '{page}', http_build_query($url['query'], '', '&amp;'));
empty($url['scheme']) or $url['scheme'] .= '://';
empty($url['port']) or $url['host'] .= ':';
$this->config['pagination_url'] = implode($url).$query;
// return the page link
return str_replace('{page}', $page, $this->config['pagination_url']);
* Validate the input configuration
* @param $name
* @param $value
* @return int|mixed
protected function _validate($name, $value)
switch ($name)
case 'offset':
case 'total_items':
// make sure it's an integer
if ($value != intval($value))
$value = 0;
// and that it's within bounds
$value = max(0, $value);
// integer or string
case 'uri_segment':
if (is_numeric($value))
// make sure it's an integer
if ($value != intval($value))
$value = 1;
// and that it's within bounds
$value = max(1, $value);
// validate integer values
case 'current_page':
case 'per_page':
case 'limit':
case 'total_pages':
case 'num_links':
// make sure it's an integer
if ($value != intval($value))
$value = 1;
// and that it's within bounds
$value = max(1, $value);
// validate booleans
case 'show_first':
case 'show_last':
if ( ! is_bool($value))
$value = (bool) $value;
// validate the link offset, and adjust if needed
case 'link_offset':
// make sure we have a fraction between 0 and 1
if ($value > 1)
$value = $value / 100;
// and that it's within bounds
$value = max(0.01, min($value, 0.99));
return $value;