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* Fuel
* Fuel is a fast, lightweight, community driven PHP5 framework.
* @package Fuel
* @version 1.8
* @author Fuel Development Team
* @license MIT License
* @copyright 2010 - 2016 Fuel Development Team
* @link
namespace Orm;
* Record Not Found Exception
class RecordNotFound extends \OutOfBoundsException {}
* Frozen Object Exception
class FrozenObject extends \RuntimeException {}
class Model implements \ArrayAccess, \Iterator, \Sanitization
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Static usage
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @var string connection to use
// protected static $_connection = null;
* @var string write connection to use
// protected static $_write_connection = null;
* @var string table name to overwrite assumption
// protected static $_table_name;
* @var array array of object properties
// protected static $_properties;
* @var array array of views with additional properties
// protected static $_views;
* @var array array of observer classes to use
// protected static $_observers;
* @var array relationship properties
// protected static $_has_one;
// protected static $_belongs_to;
// protected static $_has_many;
// protected static $_many_many;
// protected static $_eav;
* @var array name or names of the primary keys
protected static $_primary_key = array('id');
* @var array name or columns that need to be excluded from any to_array() result
protected static $_to_array_exclude = array();
* @var array cached tables
protected static $_table_names_cached = array();
* @var array cached properties
protected static $_properties_cached = array();
* @var array cached properties
protected static $_views_cached = array();
* @var string relationships
protected static $_relations_cached = array();
* @var array cached observers
protected static $_observers_cached = array();
* @var array array of fetched objects
protected static $_cached_objects = array();
* @var string Name of DB connection to use
protected static $_connection = null;
* @var string Name of the DB connection to use when writing
protected static $_write_connection = null;
* @var array array of valid relation types
protected static $_valid_relations = array(
'belongs_to' => 'Orm\\BelongsTo',
'has_one' => 'Orm\\HasOne',
'has_many' => 'Orm\\HasMany',
'many_many' => 'Orm\\ManyMany',
* @var array global array to track circular references in to_array()
protected static $to_array_references = array();
* Create a new model instance
public static function forge($data = array(), $new = true, $view = null, $cache = true)
return new static($data, $new, $view, $cache);
* Fetch the database connection name to use
* @param bool if true return the writeable connection (if set)
* @return null|string
public static function connection($writeable = false)
$class = get_called_class();
if ($writeable and property_exists($class, '_write_connection') && static::$_write_connection !== null)
return static::$_write_connection;
return property_exists($class, '_connection') ? static::$_connection : null;
* Sets the connection to use for this model.
* @param string $connection
public static function set_connection($connection)
static::$_connection = $connection;
* Sets the write connection to use for this model.
* @param string $connection
public static function set_write_connection($connection)
static::$_write_connection = $connection;
* Get the table name for this class
* @return string
public static function table()
$class = get_called_class();
// Table name unknown
if ( ! array_key_exists($class, static::$_table_names_cached))
// Table name set in Model
if (property_exists($class, '_table_name'))
static::$_table_names_cached[$class] = static::$_table_name;
static::$_table_names_cached[$class] = \Inflector::tableize($class);
return static::$_table_names_cached[$class];
* Get a defined condition for this class
* @param string type of condition to return
* @return array
public static function condition($type = null)
$class = get_called_class();
// a specific condition requested?
if (property_exists($class, '_conditions'))
if ($type !== null)
return isset(static::$_conditions[$type]) ? static::$_conditions[$type] : array();
return static::$_conditions;
return array();
* Attempt to retrieve an earlier loaded object
* @param array|Model $obj
* @param null|string $class
* @return Model|false
public static function cached_object($obj, $class = null)
$class = $class ?: get_called_class();
$id = (is_int($obj) or is_string($obj)) ? (string) $obj : $class::implode_pk($obj);
$result = ( ! empty(static::$_cached_objects[$class][$id])) ? static::$_cached_objects[$class][$id] : false;
return $result;
* Get the primary key(s) of this class
* @return array
public static function primary_key()
return static::$_primary_key;
* Implode the primary keys within the data into a string
* @param array
* @return string
public static function implode_pk($data)
if (count(static::$_primary_key) == 1)
$p = reset(static::$_primary_key);
return (is_object($data)
? strval($data->{$p})
: (isset($data[$p])
? strval($data[$p])
: null));
$pk = '';
foreach (static::$_primary_key as $p)
if (is_null((is_object($data) ? $data->{$p} : (isset($data[$p]) ? $data[$p] : null))))
return null;
$pk .= '['.(is_object($data) ? $data->{$p} : $data[$p]).']';
return $pk;
* Get the class's properties
* @throws \FuelException Listing columns failed
* @return array
public static function properties()
$class = get_called_class();
// If already determined
if (array_key_exists($class, static::$_properties_cached))
return static::$_properties_cached[$class];
// Try to grab the properties from the class...
if (property_exists($class, '_properties'))
$properties = static::$_properties;
foreach ($properties as $key => $p)
if (is_string($p))
$properties[$p] = array();
// ...if the above failed, run DB query to fetch properties
if (empty($properties))
$properties = \DB::list_columns(static::table(), null, static::connection());
catch (\Exception $e)
throw new \FuelException('Listing columns failed, you have to set the model properties with a '.
'static $_properties setting in the model. Original exception: '.$e->getMessage());
// cache the properties for next usage
static::$_properties_cached[$class] = $properties;
return static::$_properties_cached[$class];
* Fetches a property description array, or specific data from it
* @param string property or property.key
* @param mixed return value when key not present
* @return mixed
public static function property($key, $default = null)
$class = get_called_class();
// If already determined
if ( ! array_key_exists($class, static::$_properties_cached))
return \Arr::get(static::$_properties_cached[$class], $key, $default);
* Fetch the model's views
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException Database view is defined without columns
* @return array
public static function views()
$class = get_called_class();
if ( ! isset(static::$_views_cached[$class]))
static::$_views_cached[$class] = array();
if (property_exists($class, '_views'))
$views = $class::$_views;
foreach ($views as $k => $v)
if ( ! isset($v['columns']))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Database view '.$k.' is defined without columns.');
$v['columns'] = (array) $v['columns'];
if ( ! isset($v['view']))
$v['view'] = $k;
static::$_views_cached[$class][$k] = $v;
return static::$_views_cached[$class];
* Get the class's relations
* @param bool $specific
* @return HasOne|HasMany|ManyMany|Belongsto|HasOne[]|HasMany[]|ManyMany[]|Belongsto[]
public static function relations($specific = false)
$class = get_called_class();
if ( ! array_key_exists($class, static::$_relations_cached))
$relations = array();
foreach (static::$_valid_relations as $rel_name => $rel_class)
if (property_exists($class, '_'.$rel_name))
foreach (static::${'_'.$rel_name} as $key => $settings)
$name = is_string($settings) ? $settings : $key;
$settings = is_array($settings) ? $settings : array();
$relations[$name] = new $rel_class($class, $name, $settings);
static::$_relations_cached[$class] = $relations;
if ($specific === false)
return static::$_relations_cached[$class];
if ( ! array_key_exists($specific, static::$_relations_cached[$class]))
return false;
return static::$_relations_cached[$class][$specific];
* Get the name of the class that defines a relation
* @param string
* @return array
public static function related_class($relation)
$class = get_called_class();
foreach (static::$_valid_relations as $rel_name => $rel_class)
if (property_exists($class, '_'.$rel_name))
if (isset(static::${'_'.$rel_name}[$relation]))
return static::${'_'.$rel_name}[$relation]['model_to'];
return null;
* Get the class's observers and what they observe
* @param string specific observer to retrieve info of, allows direct param access by using dot notation
* @param mixed default return value when specific key wasn't found
* @return array
public static function observers($specific = null, $default = null)
$class = get_called_class();
if ( ! array_key_exists($class, static::$_observers_cached))
$observers = array();
if (property_exists($class, '_observers'))
foreach (static::$_observers as $obs_k => $obs_v)
if (is_int($obs_k))
$observers[$obs_v] = array();
if (is_string($obs_v) or (is_array($obs_v) and is_int(key($obs_v))))
// @TODO deprecated until v1.4
logger(\Fuel::L_WARNING, 'Passing observer events as array is deprecated, they must be
inside another array under a key "events". Check the docs for more info.', __METHOD__);
$observers[$obs_k] = array('events' => (array) $obs_v);
$observers[$obs_k] = $obs_v;
static::$_observers_cached[$class] = $observers;
if ($specific)
return \Arr::get(static::$_observers_cached[$class], $specific, $default);
return static::$_observers_cached[$class];
* Register an observer
* @param string class name of the observer (including namespace)
* @param mixed observer options
* @return void
public static function register_observer($name, $options = array())
$class = get_called_class();
static::$_observers_cached[$class] = static::observers() + array($name => $options);
* Unregister an observer
* @param string class name of the observer (including namespace)
* @return void
public static function unregister_observer($name)
$class = get_called_class();
foreach (static::observers() as $key => $value)
if ((is_array($value) and $key == $name) or $value == $name)
* Find one or more entries
* @param int|null $id
* @param array $options
* @throws \FuelException
* @return Model|Model[]
public static function find($id = null, array $options = array())
// deal with null valued PK's
if (is_null($id))
// if no options are present, simply return null. a PK with a null value can exist
return func_num_args() === 2 ? static::query($options) : null;
// Return all that match $options array
elseif ($id === 'all')
return static::query($options)->get();
// Return first or last row that matches $options array
elseif ($id === 'first' or $id === 'last')
$query = static::query($options);
foreach(static::primary_key() as $pk)
$query->order_by($pk, $id == 'first' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC');
return $query->get_one();
// Return specific request row by ID
$cache_pk = $where = array();
$id = (array) $id;
foreach (static::primary_key() as $pk)
$where[] = array($pk, '=', current($id));
$cache_pk[$pk] = current($id);
if (array_key_exists(get_called_class(), static::$_cached_objects)
and array_key_exists(static::implode_pk($cache_pk), static::$_cached_objects[get_called_class()])
and (! isset($options['from_cache']) or $options['from_cache'] == true))
return static::$_cached_objects[get_called_class()][static::implode_pk($cache_pk)];
array_key_exists('where', $options) and $where = array_merge($options['where'], $where);
$options['where'] = $where;
return static::query($options)->get_one();
* Creates a new query with optional settings up front
* @param array
* @return Query
public static function query($options = array())
return Query::forge(get_called_class(), array(static::connection(), static::connection(true)), $options);
* Count entries, optionally only those matching the $options
* @param array
* @return int
public static function count(array $options = array())
return static::query($options)->count();
* Find the maximum
* @param mixed
* @param array
* @return bool|int Maximum value or false
public static function max($key = null)
return static::query()->max($key ?: static::primary_key());
* Find the minimum
* @param mixed
* @param array
* @return object|array
public static function min($key = null)
return static::query()->min($key ?: static::primary_key());
public static function __callStatic($method, $args)
// Start with count_by? Get counting!
if (strpos($method, 'count_by') === 0)
$find_type = 'count';
$fields = substr($method, 9);
// Otherwise, lets find stuff
elseif (strpos($method, 'find_') === 0)
if ($method == 'find_by')
$find_type = 'all';
$fields = array_shift($args);
$find_type = strncmp($method, 'find_all_by_', 12) === 0 ? 'all' : (strncmp($method, 'find_by_', 8) === 0 ? 'first' : false);
$fields = $find_type === 'first' ? substr($method, 8) : substr($method, 12);
// God knows, complain
throw new \FuelException('Invalid method call. Method '.$method.' does not exist.', 0);
$where = $or_where = array();
if (($and_parts = explode('_and_', $fields)))
foreach ($and_parts as $and_part)
$or_parts = explode('_or_', $and_part);
if (count($or_parts) == 1)
$where[] = array($or_parts[0], array_shift($args));
foreach($or_parts as $or_part)
$or_where[] = array($or_part, array_shift($args));
$options = count($args) > 0 ? array_pop($args) : array();
if ( ! empty($where))
if ( ! array_key_exists('where', $options))
$options['where'] = $where;
$options['where'] = array_merge($where, $options['where']);
if ( ! empty($or_where))
if ( ! array_key_exists('or_where', $options))
$options['or_where'] = $or_where;
$options['or_where'] = array_merge($or_where, $options['or_where']);
if ($find_type == 'count')
return static::count($options);
return static::find($find_type, $options);
// min_...($options)
// max_...($options)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Object usage
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* @var bool keeps track of whether it's a new object
protected $_is_new = true;
* @var bool keeps to object frozen
protected $_frozen = false;
* @var bool $_sanitization_enabled If this is a records data will be sanitized on get
protected $_sanitization_enabled = false;
* @var array keeps the current state of the object
protected $_data = array();
* @var array storage for custom properties on this object
protected $_custom_data = array();
* @var array keeps a copy of the object as it was retrieved from the database
protected $_original = array();
* @var array
protected $_data_relations = array();
* @var array keeps a copy of the relation ids that were originally retrieved from the database
protected $_original_relations = array();
* @var array keeps track of relations that need to be reset before saving the new ones
protected $_reset_relations = array();
* @var array disabled observer events
protected $_disabled_events = array();
* @var string view name when used
protected $_view;
* Constructor
* @param array
* @param bool
public function __construct(array $data = array(), $new = true, $view = null, $cache = true)
// This is to deal with PHP's native hydration that happens before constructor is called
// for some weird reason, for example using the DB's as_object() function
if( ! empty($this->_data) or ! empty($this->_custom_data))
// merge the injected data with the passed data
$data = array_merge($this->_custom_data, $this->_data, $data);
// and reset them
$this->_data = array();
$this->_custom_data = array();
// and mark it as existing data
$new = false;
// move the passed data to the correct container
$properties = $this->properties();
foreach ($properties as $prop => $settings)
// do we have data for this this model property?
if (array_key_exists($prop, $data))
// store it in the data container
$this->_data[$prop] = $data[$prop];
// property not present, do we have a default value?
elseif ($new and array_key_exists('default', $settings))
$this->_data[$prop] = $settings['default'];
// store the remainder in the custom data store
$this->_custom_data = $data;
// store the view, if one was passed
if ($view and array_key_exists($view, $this->views()))
$this->_view = $view;
if ($new === false)
// update the original datastore and the related datastore
// update the object cache if needed
$cache and static::$_cached_objects[get_class($this)][static::implode_pk($this->_data)] = $this;
// mark the object as existing
$this->_is_new = false;
// and fire the after-load observers
// new object, fire the after-create observers
* Update the original setting for this object
* @param array|null $original
public function _update_original($original = null)
$original = is_null($original) ? $this->_data : $original;
$this->_original = array_merge($this->_original, $original);
* Update the original relations for this object
public function _update_original_relations($relations = null)
if (is_null($relations))
$this->_original_relations = array();
$relations = $this->_data_relations;
foreach ($relations as $key => $rel)
// Unload the just fetched relation from the originals
// Unset the numeric key and set the data to update by the relation name
$relations[$rel] = $this->_data_relations[$rel];
foreach ($relations as $rel => $data)
if (is_array($data))
$this->_original_relations[$rel] = array();
foreach ($data as $obj)
if ($obj and ! $obj->is_new())
$this->_original_relations[$rel][] = $obj->implode_pk($obj);
$this->_original_relations[$rel] = null;
if ($data and ! $data->is_new())
$this->_original_relations[$rel] = $data->implode_pk($data);
* Fetch or set relations on this object
* To be used only after having fetched them from the database!
* @param array|bool|null $rels
* @throws \FuelException Invalid input for _relate(), should be an array
* @throws FrozenObject No changes allowed
* @return void|array
public function _relate($rels = false)
if ($rels === false)
return $this->_data_relations;
elseif (is_array($rels))
if ($this->_frozen)
throw new FrozenObject('No changes allowed.');
$this->_data_relations = $rels;
throw new \FuelException('Invalid input for _relate(), should be an array.');
* Fetch a property or relation
* @param string
* @return mixed
public function & __get($property)
return $this->get($property);
* Set a property or relation
* @param string
* @param mixed
* @return Model
public function __set($property, $value)
return $this->set($property, $value);
* Check whether a property exists, only return true for table columns, relations, eav and custom data
* @param string $property
* @return bool
public function __isset($property)
if (array_key_exists($property, static::properties()))
return true;
elseif (static::relations($property))
return true;
elseif ($this->_get_eav($property, true))
return true;
elseif (array_key_exists($property, $this->_custom_data))
return true;
return false;
* Empty a property, relation or custom data
* @param string $property
public function __unset($property)
if (array_key_exists($property, static::properties()))
$this->_data[$property] = null;
elseif ($rel = static::relations($property))
$this->_reset_relations[$property] = true;
$this->_data_relations[$property] = $rel->singular ? null : array();
elseif ($this->_get_eav($property, true, true))
// no additional work needed here
elseif (array_key_exists($property, $this->_custom_data))
* Allow for getter, setter and unset methods
* @param string $method
* @param array $args
* @return mixed
* @throws \BadMethodCallException
public function __call($method, $args)
if (substr($method, 0, 4) == 'get_')
return $this->get(substr($method, 4));
elseif (substr($method, 0, 4) == 'set_')
return $this->set(substr($method, 4), reset($args));
elseif (substr($method, 0, 6) == 'unset_')
return $this->__unset(substr($method, 6));
// Throw an exception
throw new \BadMethodCallException('Call to undefined method '.get_class($this).'::'.$method.'()');
* Allow object cloning to new object
public function __clone()
// Reset primary keys
foreach (static::$_primary_key as $pk)
$this->_data[$pk] = null;
// This is a new object
$this->_is_new = true;
$this->_original = array();
$this->_original_relations = array();
// Cleanup relations
foreach ($this->relations() as $name => $rel)
// singular relations (hasone, belongsto) can't be copied, neither can HasMany
if ($rel->singular or $rel instanceof HasMany)
* Get
* Gets a property or
* relation from the
* object
* @access public
* @param string $property
* @param array $conditions
* @return mixed
public function & get($property, array $conditions = array())
// database columns
if (array_key_exists($property, static::properties()))
if ( ! array_key_exists($property, $this->_data))
$result = null;
elseif ($this->_sanitization_enabled)
// use a copy
$result = $this->_data[$property];
// use a reference
$result =& $this->_data[$property];
// related models
elseif ($rel = static::relations($property))
if ( ! array_key_exists($property, $this->_data_relations))
$this->_data_relations[$property] = $rel->get($this, $conditions);
$result =& $this->_data_relations[$property];
// EAV properties
elseif (($result = $this->_get_eav($property)) !== false)
// nothing else to do here
// database view columns
elseif ($this->_view and in_array($property, static::$_views_cached[get_class($this)][$this->_view]['columns']))
if ($this->_sanitization_enabled)
// use a copy
$result = $this->_data[$property];
// use a reference
$result =& $this->_data[$property];
// stored custom data
elseif (array_key_exists($property, $this->_custom_data))
if ($this->_sanitization_enabled)
// use a copy
$result = $this->_custom_data[$property];
// use a reference
$result =& $this->_custom_data[$property];
throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Property "'.$property.'" not found for '.get_class($this).'.');
// do we need to clean before returning the result?
if ($this->_sanitization_enabled)
$result = $this->_sanitize($property, $result);
return $result;
* Set
* Sets a property or
* relation of the
* object
* @access public
* @param string|array $property
* @param string $value in case $property is a string
* @throws \FuelException Primary key on model cannot be changed
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException You need to pass both a property name and a value to set()
* @throws FrozenObject No changes allowed
* @return Model
public function set($property, $value = null)
if ($this->_frozen)
throw new FrozenObject('No changes allowed.');
if (is_array($property))
foreach ($property as $p => $v)
$this->set($p, $v);
if (func_num_args() < 2)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You need to pass both a property name and a value to set().');
if (in_array($property, static::primary_key()) and $this->{$property} !== null and $this->{$property} != $value)
throw new \FuelException('Primary key on model '.get_class($this).' cannot be changed.');
if (array_key_exists($property, static::properties()))
$this->_data[$property] = $value;
elseif (static::relations($property))
$this->is_fetched($property) or $this->_reset_relations[$property] = true;
if (isset($this->_data_relations[$property]) and ($this->_data_relations[$property] instanceof self) and is_array($value))
$this->_data_relations[$property] = $value;
elseif ( ! $this->_set_eav($property, $value))
$this->_custom_data[$property] = $value;
return $this;
* Save the object and it's relations, create when necessary
* @param mixed $cascade
* null = use default config,
* bool = force/prevent cascade,
* array cascades only the relations that are in the array
* @return bool
public function save($cascade = null, $use_transaction = false)
if ($this->frozen())
return false;
if ($use_transaction)
$db = \Database_Connection::instance(static::connection(true));
foreach($this->relations() as $rel_name => $rel)
if (array_key_exists($rel_name, $this->_reset_relations))
if (method_exists($rel, 'delete_related'))
$this->_original_relations[$rel_name] = $rel->singular ? null : array();
if (empty($this->_original_relations[$rel_name]))
$data = $rel->get($this);
if (is_array($data))
$this->_original_relations[$rel_name] = array();
foreach ($data as $obj)
$this->_original_relations[$rel_name][] = $obj ? $obj->implode_pk($obj) : null;
$this->_original_relations[$rel_name] = $data ? $data->implode_pk($data) : null;
if (array_key_exists($rel_name, $this->_data_relations))
$rel->save($this, $this->{$rel_name},
array_key_exists($rel_name, $this->_original_relations) ? $this->_original_relations[$rel_name] : null,
false, is_array($cascade) ? in_array($rel_name, $cascade) : $cascade
// Insert or update
$return = $this->_is_new ? $this->create() : $this->update();
foreach($this->relations() as $rel_name => $rel)
if (array_key_exists($rel_name, $this->_data_relations))
$rel->save($this, $this->{$rel_name},
array_key_exists($rel_name, $this->_original_relations) ? $this->_original_relations[$rel_name] : null,
true, is_array($cascade) ? in_array($rel_name, $cascade) : $cascade
$use_transaction and $db->commit_transaction();
catch (\Exception $e)
$use_transaction and $db->rollback_transaction();
throw $e;
return $return;
* Save using INSERT
protected function create()
// Only allow creation with new object, otherwise: clone first, create later
if ( ! $this->is_new())
return false;
// Set all current values
$query = Query::forge(get_called_class(), static::connection(true));
$primary_key = static::primary_key();
$properties = array_keys(static::properties());
foreach ($properties as $p)
if ( ! (in_array($p, $primary_key) and is_null($this->{$p})))
$query->set($p, $this->{$p});
// Insert!
$id = $query->insert();
// when there's one PK it might be auto-incremented, get it and set it
if (count($primary_key) == 1 and $id !== false)
$pk = reset($primary_key);
// only set it if it hasn't been set manually
is_null($this->{$pk}) and $this->{$pk} = $id;
// update the original properties on creation and cache object for future retrieval in this request
$this->_is_new = false;
$this->_original = $this->_data;
static::$_cached_objects[get_class($this)][static::implode_pk($this)] = $this;
return $id !== false;
* Save using UPDATE
protected function update()
// New objects can't be updated, neither can frozen
if ($this->is_new())
return false;
// Non changed objects don't have to be saved, but return true anyway (no reason to fail)
if ( ! $this->is_changed(array_keys(static::properties())))
return true;
// Create the query and limit to primary key(s)
$query = Query::forge(get_called_class(), static::connection(true));
$primary_key = static::primary_key();
$properties = array_keys(static::properties());
//Add the primary keys to the where
// Set all current values
foreach ($properties as $p)
if ( ! in_array($p, $primary_key) )
if (array_key_exists($p, $this->_original))
$this->{$p} !== $this->_original[$p] and $query->set($p, isset($this->_data[$p]) ? $this->_data[$p] : null);
array_key_exists($p, $this->_data) and $query->set($p, $this->_data[$p]);
// Return false when update fails
if ( ! $query->update())
return false;
// update the original property on success
return true;
* Adds the primary keys in where clauses to the given query.
* @param Query $query
protected function add_primary_keys_to_where($query)
$primary_key = static::primary_key();
foreach ($primary_key as $pk)
$query->where($pk, '=', $this->_original[$pk]);
* Delete current object
* @param mixed $cascade
* null = use default config,
* bool = force/prevent cascade,
* array cascades only the relations that are in the array
* @param bool $use_transaction
* @throws \Exception
* @return Model this instance as a new object without primary key(s)
public function delete($cascade = null, $use_transaction = false)
// New objects can't be deleted, neither can frozen
if ($this->is_new() or $this->frozen())
return false;
if ($use_transaction)
$db = \Database_Connection::instance(static::connection(true));
foreach($this->relations() as $rel_name => $rel)
$should_cascade = is_array($cascade) ? in_array($rel_name, $cascade) : $rel->cascade_delete;
// Give model subclasses a chance to chip in.
if ($should_cascade && ! $this->should_cascade_delete($rel))
// The function returned false so something does not want this relation to be cascade deleted
$should_cascade = false;
$rel->delete($this, $this->{$rel_name}, false, $should_cascade);
// Delete the model in question
if ( ! $this->delete_self())
return false;
foreach($this->relations() as $rel_name => $rel)
$should_cascade = is_array($cascade) ? in_array($rel_name, $cascade) : $rel->cascade_delete;
// Give model subclasses a chance to chip in.
if ($should_cascade && ! $this->should_cascade_delete($rel))
// The function returned false so something does not want this relation to be cascade deleted
$should_cascade = false;
$rel->delete($this, $this->{$rel_name}, true, $should_cascade);
// Perform cleanup:
// remove from internal object cache, remove PK's, set to non saved object, remove db original values
if (array_key_exists(get_called_class(), static::$_cached_objects)
and array_key_exists(static::implode_pk($this), static::$_cached_objects[get_called_class()]))
foreach ($this->primary_key() as $pk)
// remove original relations too
foreach($this->relations() as $rel_name => $rel)
$this->_original_relations[$rel_name] = $rel->singular ? null : array();
$this->_is_new = true;
$this->_original = array();
$use_transaction and $db->commit_transaction();
catch (\Exception $e)
$use_transaction and $db->rollback_transaction();
throw $e;
return $this;
* Deletes this model instance from the database.
* @return bool
protected function delete_self()
// Create the query and limit to primary key(s)
$query = Query::forge(get_called_class(), static::connection(true))->limit(1);
$primary_key = static::primary_key();
foreach ($primary_key as $pk)
$query->where($pk, '=', $this->{$pk});
// Return success of update operation
return $query->delete();
* Allows subclasses to more easily define if a relation can be cascade deleted or not.
* @param array $rel
* @return bool False to stop the relation from being deleted. Works the same as the cascade_delete property
protected function should_cascade_delete($rel)
return true;
* Reset values to those gotten from the database
public function reset()
foreach ($this->_original as $p => $val)
$this->_data[$p] = $val;
* Disable an observer event
* @param string event to disable
* @return void
public function disable_event($event)
$this->_disabled_events[$event] = true;
* Enable a defined observer
* @param string class name of the observer (including namespace)
* @param string event to enable, or null for all events
* @return void
public function enable_event($event)
* Calls all observers for the current event
* @param string
public function observe($event)
foreach ($this->observers() as $observer => $settings)
$events = isset($settings['events']) ? $settings['events'] : array();
if ((empty($events) or in_array($event, $events))
and empty($this->_disabled_events[$event]))
if ( ! class_exists($observer))
$observer_class = \Inflector::get_namespace($observer).'Observer_'.\Inflector::denamespace($observer);
if ( ! class_exists($observer_class))
throw new \UnexpectedValueException($observer);
// Add the observer with the full classname for next usage
static::$_observers_cached[$observer_class] = $events;
$observer = $observer_class;
call_user_func(array($observer, 'orm_notify'), $this, $event);
catch (\Exception $e)
// Unfreeze before failing
throw $e;
* Compare current state with the retrieved state
* @param string|array $property
* @throws \OutOfBoundsException
* @return bool
public function is_changed($property = null)
$properties = static::properties();
$relations = static::relations();
$property = (array) $property ?: array_merge(array_keys($properties), array_keys($relations));
foreach ($property as $p)
if (isset($properties[$p]))
if (array_key_exists($p, $this->_original))
if ((array_key_exists('type', $properties[$p]) and $properties[$p]['type'] == 'int') or
(array_key_exists('data_type', $properties[$p]) and $properties[$p]['data_type'] == 'int'))
if ($this->{$p} != $this->_original[$p])
return true;
elseif ($this->{$p} !== $this->_original[$p])
return true;
if (array_key_exists($p, $this->_data))
return true;
elseif (isset($relations[$p]))
if ($relations[$p]->singular)
if (empty($this->_original_relations[$p]) !== empty($this->_data_relations[$p])
or ( ! empty($this->_original_relations[$p])
and $this->_original_relations[$p] !== $this->_data_relations[$p]->implode_pk($this->{$p})))
return true;
if (empty($this->_original_relations[$p]))
if ( ! empty($this->_data_relations[$p]))
return true;
$orig_rels = $this->_original_relations[$p];
foreach ($this->{$p} as $rk => $r)
if ( ! in_array($r->implode_pk($r), $orig_rels))
return true;
unset($orig_rels[array_search($rk, $orig_rels)]);
if ( ! empty($orig_rels))
return true;
throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Unknown property or relation: '.$p);
return false;
* Generates an array with keys new & old that contain ONLY the values that differ between the original and
* the current unsaved model.
* Note: relations are given as single or array of imploded pks
* @return array
public function get_diff()
$diff = array(0 => array(), 1 => array());
foreach ($this->_data as $key => $val)
if ($this->is_changed($key))
$diff[0][$key] = array_key_exists($key, $this->_original) ? $this->_original[$key] : null;
$diff[1][$key] = $val;
foreach ($this->_data_relations as $key => $val)
$rel = static::relations($key);
if ($rel->singular)
$new_pk = null;
if (empty($this->_original_relations[$key]) !== empty($val)
or ( ! empty($this->_original_relations[$key]) and ! empty($val)
and $this->_original_relations[$key] !== $new_pk = $val->implode_pk($val)
$diff[0][$key] = isset($this->_original_relations[$key]) ? $this->_original_relations[$key] : null;
$diff[1][$key] = isset($val) ? $new_pk : null;
$original_pks = empty($this->_original_relations[$key]) ? array() : $this->_original_relations[$key];
$new_pks = array();
if ($val)
foreach ($val as $v)
if ( ! in_array(($new_pk = $v->implode_pk($v)), $original_pks))
$new_pks[] = $new_pk;
$original_pks = array_diff($original_pks, array($new_pk));
if ( ! empty($original_pks) or ! empty($new_pks)) {
$diff[0][$key] = empty($original_pks) ? null : $original_pks;
$diff[1][$key] = empty($new_pks) ? null : $new_pks;
return $diff;
* Returns whether the given relation is fetched. If no relation is
* @param string $relation Name of relation
* @return bool
public function is_fetched($relation)
if (static::relations($relation))
return array_key_exists($relation, $this->_data_relations);
return false;
* Returns whether this is a saved or a new object
* @return bool
public function is_new()
return $this->_is_new;
* Check whether the object was frozen
* @return boolean
public function frozen()
return $this->_frozen;
* Freeze the object to disallow changing it or saving it
public function freeze()
$this->_frozen = true;
* Unfreeze the object to allow changing it or saving it again
public function unfreeze()
$this->_frozen = false;
* Enable sanitization mode in the object
* @return $this
public function sanitize()
$this->_sanitization_enabled = true;
return $this;
* Disable sanitization mode in the object
* @return $this
public function unsanitize()
$this->_sanitization_enabled = false;
return $this;
* Returns the current sanitization state of the object
* @return bool
public function sanitized()
return $this->_sanitization_enabled;
* Sanitizatize a data value
* @param string $field Name of the property that is being sanitized
* @param mixed $value Value to sanitize
* @return mixed
protected function _sanitize($field, $value)
return \Security::clean($value, null, 'security.output_filter');
* Method for use with Fieldset::add_model()
* @param Fieldset Fieldset instance to add fields to
* @param array|Model Model instance or array for use to repopulate
public static function set_form_fields($form, $instance = null)
Observer_Validation::set_fields($instance instanceof static ? $instance : get_called_class(), $form);
$instance and $form->populate($instance, true);
* Allow populating this object from an array, and any related objects
* @param array assoc array with named values to store in the object
* @return Model this instance as a new object without primary key(s)
public function from_array(array $values)
foreach($values as $property => $value)
if (array_key_exists($property, static::properties()) and ! in_array($property, static::primary_key()))
$this->_data[$property] = $value;
elseif (array_key_exists($property, static::relations()) and is_array($value))
$rel = static::relations($property);
if ( ! isset($this->_data_relations[$property]))
$this->_data_relations[$property] = $rel->singular ? null : array();
foreach($value as $id => $data)
if (is_array($data))
if (array_key_exists($id, $this->_data_relations[$property]))
foreach($data as $field => $contents)
if ($rel->singular)
$this->_data_relations[$property]->{$field} = $contents;
$this->_data_relations[$property][$id]->{$field} = $contents;
if ($rel->singular)
$this->_data_relations[$property] = call_user_func(static::relations($property)->model_to.'::forge', $data);
$this->_data_relations[$property][] = call_user_func(static::relations($property)->model_to.'::forge', $data);
elseif (property_exists($this, '_eav') and ! empty(static::$_eav))
$this->_set_eav($property, $value);
$this->_custom_data[$property] = $value;
return $this;
* Allow converting this object to an array
* @param bool $custom
* @param bool $recurse
* @param bool $eav
* @internal param \Orm\whether $bool or not to include the custom data array
* @return array
public function to_array($custom = false, $recurse = false, $eav = false)
// storage for the result
$array = array();
// reset the references array on first call
$recurse or static::$to_array_references = array(get_class($this));
// make sure all data is scalar or array
if ($custom)
foreach ($this->_custom_data as $key => $val)
if (is_object($val))
if (method_exists($val, '__toString'))
$val = (string) $val;
$val = get_object_vars($val);
$array[$key] = $val;
// make sure all data is scalar or array
foreach ($this->_data as $key => $val)
if (is_object($val))
if (method_exists($val, '__toString'))
$val = (string) $val;
$val = get_object_vars($val);
$array[$key] = $val;
// convert relations
foreach ($this->_data_relations as $name => $rel)
if (is_array($rel))
$array[$name] = array();
if ( ! empty($rel))
if ( ! in_array(get_class(reset($rel)), static::$to_array_references))
static::$to_array_references[] = get_class(reset($rel));
foreach ($rel as $id => $r)
$array[$name][$id] = $r->to_array($custom, true, $eav);
if ( ! in_array(get_class($rel), static::$to_array_references))
if (is_null($rel))
$array[$name] = null;
static::$to_array_references[] = get_class($rel);
$array[$name] = $rel->to_array($custom, true, $eav);
// get eav relations
if ($eav and property_exists(get_called_class(), '_eav'))
// loop through the defined EAV containers
foreach (static::$_eav as $rel => $settings)
// normalize the container definition, could be string or array
if (is_string($settings))
$rel = $settings;
$settings = array();
// determine attribute and value column names
$attr = \Arr::get($settings, 'attribute', 'attribute');
$val = \Arr::get($settings, 'value', 'value');
// check if relation is present
if (array_key_exists($rel, $array))
// get eav properties
$container = \Arr::assoc_to_keyval($array[$rel], $attr, $val);
// merge eav properties to array without overwritting anything
$array = array_merge($container, $array);
// we don't need this relation anymore
// strip any excluded values from the array
foreach (static::get_to_array_exclude() as $key)
if (array_key_exists($key, $array))
return $array;
* Allow converting this object to a real object
* @return object
public function to_object($custom = false, $recurse = false)
return (object) $this->to_array($custom, $recurse);
* EAV attribute getter. Also deals with isset() and unset()
* @param string $attribute, the attribute value to get
* @param bool $isset, if true, do an exists check instead of returning the value
* @param bool $unset, if true, delete the EAV attribute if it exists
* @throws \OutOfBoundsException if the defined EAV relation does not exist or of the wrong type
* @return mixed
protected function _get_eav($attribute, $isset = false, $unset = false)
// get the current class name
$class = get_called_class();
// don't do anything unless we actually have an EAV container
if (property_exists($class, '_eav'))
// loop through the defined EAV containers
foreach (static::$_eav as $rel => $settings)
// normalize the container definition, could be string or array
if (is_string($settings))
$rel = $settings;
$settings = array();
// fetch the relation object for this EAV container
if ( ! $rel = static::relations($rel))
throw new \OutOfBoundsException('EAV container defines a relation that does not exist in '.get_class($this).'.');
// EAV containers must be of the "Many type"
if ($rel instanceOf \Orm\HasOne or $rel instanceOf \Orm\BelongsTo )
throw new \OutOfBoundsException('EAV containers can only be defined on "HasMany" or "ManyMany" relations in '.get_class($this).'.');
// determine attribute and value column names
$attr = isset($settings['attribute']) ? $settings['attribute'] : 'attribute';
$val = isset($settings['value']) ? $settings['value'] : 'value';
// see if we have a result
if ($result = $this->{$rel->name})
// loop over the resultset
foreach ($result as $key => $record)
// check if this is the attribute we need
if ($record->{$attr} === $attribute)
if ($unset)
// delete the related object if we need to unset
return true;
// else return its existence or its value
return $isset ? true : $record->{$val};
return false;
* EAV attribute setter
* @param string $attribute
* @param string $value
* @throws \OutOfBoundsException
* @return mixed
protected function _set_eav($attribute, $value)
// get the current class name
$class = get_called_class();
// don't do anything unless we actually have an EAV container
if (property_exists($class, '_eav'))
// loop through the defined EAV containers
foreach (static::$_eav as $rel => $settings)
// normalize the container definition, could be string or array
if (is_string($settings))
$rel = $settings;
$settings = array();
// fetch the relation object for this EAV container
if ( ! $relation = static::relations($rel))
throw new \OutOfBoundsException('EAV container defines a relation that does not exist in '.get_class($this).'.');
// EAV containers must be of the "Many type"
if ($relation instanceOf \Orm\HasOne or $relation instanceOf \Orm\BelongsTo)
throw new \OutOfBoundsException('EAV containers can only be defined on "HasMany" or "ManyMany" relations in '.get_class($this).'.');
// determine attribute and value column names
$attr = isset($settings['attribute']) ? $settings['attribute'] : 'attribute';
$val = isset($settings['value']) ? $settings['value'] : 'value';
// loop over the resultset
foreach ($this->{$relation->name} as $key => $record)
if ($record->{$attr} === $attribute)
$record->{$val} = $value;
return true;
// not found, we've got outselfs a new attribute, so add it
if ($rel = static::related_class($rel))
$this->{$relation->name}[] = $rel::forge(array(
$attr => $attribute,
$val => $value,
return true;
return false;
* Implementation of ArrayAccess
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
$this->__set($offset, $value);
catch (\Exception $e)
return false;
public function offsetExists($offset)
return $this->__isset($offset);
public function offsetUnset($offset)
public function offsetGet($offset)
return $this->__get($offset);
catch (\Exception $e)
return false;
* Implementation of Iterable
protected $_iterable = array();
public function rewind()
$this->_iterable = array_merge($this->_custom_data, $this->_data, $this->_data_relations);
public function current()
return current($this->_iterable);
public function key()
return key($this->_iterable);
public function next()
return next($this->_iterable);
public function valid()
return key($this->_iterable) !== null;
* Returns a list of properties that will be excluded when to_array() is used.
* @return array
public static function get_to_array_exclude()
return static::$_to_array_exclude;
* Returns a list of properties and their information with _to_array_exclude
* properties removed.
* @return array
public static function get_filtered_properties()
$array = static::properties();
// strip any excluded values from the array
foreach (static::get_to_array_exclude() as $key)
if (array_key_exists($key, $array))
return $array;