using NLog ;
using NLog.Config ;
using NLog.Targets ;
using NUnit.Framework ;
using NzbDrone.Common.EnvironmentInfo ;
namespace NzbDrone.Test.Common
public abstract class LoggingTest
protected static Logger TestLogger ;
protected static void InitLogging ( )
new StartupArguments ( ) ;
TestLogger = LogManager . GetLogger ( "TestLogger" ) ;
if ( LogManager . Configuration = = null | | LogManager . Configuration is XmlLoggingConfiguration )
LogManager . Configuration = new LoggingConfiguration ( ) ;
var consoleTarget = new ConsoleTarget { Layout = "${level}: ${message} ${exception}" } ;
LogManager . Configuration . AddTarget ( consoleTarget . GetType ( ) . Name , consoleTarget ) ;
LogManager . Configuration . LoggingRules . Add ( new LoggingRule ( "*" , LogLevel . Info , consoleTarget ) ) ;
RegisterExceptionVerification ( ) ;
private static void RegisterExceptionVerification ( )
var exceptionVerification = new ExceptionVerification ( ) ;
LogManager . Configuration . AddTarget ( "ExceptionVerification" , exceptionVerification ) ;
LogManager . Configuration . LoggingRules . Add ( new LoggingRule ( "*" , LogLevel . Warn , exceptionVerification ) ) ;
public void LoggingTestSetup ( )
InitLogging ( ) ;
ExceptionVerification . Reset ( ) ;
public void LoggingDownBase ( )
//can't use because of a bug in mono with 2.6.2,
if ( BuildInfo . IsDebug & & TestContext . CurrentContext . Result . State = = TestState . Success )
ExceptionVerification . AssertNoUnexcpectedLogs ( ) ;