// ReSharper disable RedundantUsingDirective
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using AutoMoq ;
using FizzWare.NBuilder ;
using Moq ;
using NUnit.Framework ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Model.Notification ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Jobs ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Repository ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Test.Framework ;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
public class ImportNewSeriesJobTest : TestBase
public void import_new_series_succesfull ( )
var series = Builder < Series > . CreateListOfSize ( 2 )
. WhereAll ( ) . Have ( s = > s . LastInfoSync = null )
. WhereTheFirst ( 1 ) . Has ( s = > s . SeriesId = 12 )
. AndTheNext ( 1 ) . Has ( s = > s . SeriesId = 15 )
. Build ( ) ;
var notification = new ProgressNotification ( "Test" ) ;
var mocker = new AutoMoqer ( MockBehavior . Strict ) ;
mocker . GetMock < SeriesProvider > ( )
. Setup ( p = > p . GetAllSeries ( ) )
. Returns ( series ) ;
mocker . GetMock < DiskScanJob > ( )
. Setup ( j = > j . Start ( notification , series [ 0 ] . SeriesId , 0 ) )
. Callback ( ( ) = > series [ 0 ] . LastDiskSync = DateTime . Now ) ;
mocker . GetMock < DiskScanJob > ( )
. Setup ( j = > j . Start ( notification , series [ 1 ] . SeriesId , 0 ) )
. Callback ( ( ) = > series [ 1 ] . LastDiskSync = DateTime . Now ) ;
mocker . GetMock < BannerDownloadJob > ( )
. Setup ( j = > j . Start ( notification , It . IsAny < int > ( ) , 0 ) ) ;
mocker . GetMock < UpdateInfoJob > ( )
. Setup ( j = > j . Start ( notification , series [ 0 ] . SeriesId , 0 ) )
. Callback ( ( ) = > series [ 0 ] . LastInfoSync = DateTime . Now ) ;
mocker . GetMock < UpdateInfoJob > ( )
. Setup ( j = > j . Start ( notification , series [ 1 ] . SeriesId , 0 ) )
. Callback ( ( ) = > series [ 1 ] . LastInfoSync = DateTime . Now ) ;
mocker . GetMock < SeriesProvider > ( )
. Setup ( s = > s . GetSeries ( series [ 0 ] . SeriesId ) ) . Returns ( series [ 0 ] ) ;
mocker . GetMock < SeriesProvider > ( )
. Setup ( s = > s . GetSeries ( series [ 1 ] . SeriesId ) ) . Returns ( series [ 1 ] ) ;
mocker . GetMock < MediaFileProvider > ( )
. Setup ( s = > s . GetSeriesFiles ( It . IsAny < int > ( ) ) ) . Returns ( new List < EpisodeFile > ( ) ) ;
mocker . Resolve < ImportNewSeriesJob > ( ) . Start ( notification , 0 , 0 ) ;
mocker . VerifyAllMocks ( ) ;
mocker . GetMock < DiskScanJob > ( ) . Verify ( j = > j . Start ( notification , series [ 0 ] . SeriesId , 0 ) , Times . Once ( ) ) ;
mocker . GetMock < DiskScanJob > ( ) . Verify ( j = > j . Start ( notification , series [ 1 ] . SeriesId , 0 ) , Times . Once ( ) ) ;
mocker . GetMock < UpdateInfoJob > ( ) . Verify ( j = > j . Start ( notification , series [ 0 ] . SeriesId , 0 ) , Times . Once ( ) ) ;
mocker . GetMock < UpdateInfoJob > ( ) . Verify ( j = > j . Start ( notification , series [ 1 ] . SeriesId , 0 ) , Times . Once ( ) ) ;
public void failed_import_should_not_be_stuck_in_loop ( )
var series = Builder < Series > . CreateListOfSize ( 2 )
. WhereAll ( ) . Have ( s = > s . LastInfoSync = null )
. WhereTheFirst ( 1 ) . Has ( s = > s . SeriesId = 12 )
. AndTheNext ( 1 ) . Has ( s = > s . SeriesId = 15 )
. Build ( ) ;
var notification = new ProgressNotification ( "Test" ) ;
var mocker = new AutoMoqer ( MockBehavior . Strict ) ;
mocker . GetMock < SeriesProvider > ( )
. Setup ( p = > p . GetAllSeries ( ) )
. Returns ( series ) ;
mocker . GetMock < UpdateInfoJob > ( )
. Setup ( j = > j . Start ( notification , series [ 0 ] . SeriesId , 0 ) )
. Callback ( ( ) = > series [ 0 ] . LastInfoSync = DateTime . Now ) ;
mocker . GetMock < UpdateInfoJob > ( )
. Setup ( j = > j . Start ( notification , series [ 1 ] . SeriesId , 0 ) )
. Throws ( new InvalidOperationException ( ) ) ;
mocker . GetMock < DiskScanJob > ( )
. Setup ( j = > j . Start ( notification , series [ 0 ] . SeriesId , 0 ) )
. Callback ( ( ) = > series [ 0 ] . LastDiskSync = DateTime . Now ) ;
mocker . GetMock < BannerDownloadJob > ( )
. Setup ( j = > j . Start ( notification , series [ 0 ] . SeriesId , 0 ) ) ;
mocker . GetMock < SeriesProvider > ( )
. Setup ( s = > s . GetSeries ( series [ 0 ] . SeriesId ) ) . Returns ( series [ 0 ] ) ;
mocker . GetMock < MediaFileProvider > ( )
. Setup ( s = > s . GetSeriesFiles ( It . IsAny < int > ( ) ) ) . Returns ( new List < EpisodeFile > ( ) ) ;
mocker . Resolve < ImportNewSeriesJob > ( ) . Start ( notification , 0 , 0 ) ;
mocker . VerifyAllMocks ( ) ;
mocker . GetMock < UpdateInfoJob > ( ) . Verify ( j = > j . Start ( notification , series [ 0 ] . SeriesId , 0 ) , Times . Once ( ) ) ;
mocker . GetMock < UpdateInfoJob > ( ) . Verify ( j = > j . Start ( notification , series [ 1 ] . SeriesId , 0 ) , Times . Once ( ) ) ;
mocker . GetMock < DiskScanJob > ( ) . Verify ( j = > j . Start ( notification , series [ 0 ] . SeriesId , 0 ) , Times . Once ( ) ) ;
ExceptionVerification . ExcpectedErrors ( 1 ) ;
public void AutoIgnoreSeason_new_series_should_not_ignore_any ( )
int seriesId = 12 ;
var mocker = new AutoMoqer ( MockBehavior . Strict ) ;
mocker . GetMock < MediaFileProvider > ( )
. Setup ( p = > p . GetSeriesFiles ( seriesId ) )
. Returns ( new List < EpisodeFile > ( ) ) ;
mocker . GetMock < EpisodeProvider > ( )
. Setup ( p = > p . GetSeasons ( seriesId ) )
. Returns ( new List < int > { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } ) ;
mocker . Resolve < ImportNewSeriesJob > ( ) . AutoIgnoreSeasons ( seriesId ) ;
mocker . GetMock < EpisodeProvider > ( ) . Verify ( p = > p . SetSeasonIgnore ( seriesId , It . IsAny < int > ( ) , It . IsAny < Boolean > ( ) ) , Times . Never ( ) ) ;
public void AutoIgnoreSeason_existing_should_not_ignore_currentseason ( )
int seriesId = 12 ;
var episodesFiles = Builder < EpisodeFile > . CreateListOfSize ( 2 )
. WhereAll ( ) . Have ( e = > e . SeriesId = seriesId )
. Build ( ) ;
episodesFiles [ 0 ] . SeasonNumber = 0 ;
episodesFiles [ 1 ] . SeasonNumber = 1 ;
var mocker = new AutoMoqer ( MockBehavior . Strict ) ;
mocker . GetMock < MediaFileProvider > ( )
. Setup ( p = > p . GetSeriesFiles ( seriesId ) )
. Returns ( episodesFiles ) ;
mocker . GetMock < EpisodeProvider > ( )
. Setup ( p = > p . GetSeasons ( seriesId ) )
. Returns ( new List < int > { 0 , 1 , 2 } ) ;
mocker . Resolve < ImportNewSeriesJob > ( ) . AutoIgnoreSeasons ( seriesId ) ;
mocker . GetMock < EpisodeProvider > ( ) . Verify ( p = > p . SetSeasonIgnore ( seriesId , 2 , It . IsAny < Boolean > ( ) ) , Times . Never ( ) ) ;
public void AutoIgnoreSeason_existing_should_ignore_seasons_with_no_file ( )
int seriesId = 12 ;
var episodesFiles = Builder < EpisodeFile > . CreateListOfSize ( 2 )
. WhereAll ( ) . Have ( e = > e . SeriesId = seriesId )
. Build ( ) ;
episodesFiles [ 0 ] . SeasonNumber = 1 ;
var mocker = new AutoMoqer ( ) ;
mocker . GetMock < MediaFileProvider > ( )
. Setup ( p = > p . GetSeriesFiles ( seriesId ) )
. Returns ( episodesFiles ) ;
mocker . GetMock < EpisodeProvider > ( )
. Setup ( p = > p . GetSeasons ( seriesId ) )
. Returns ( new List < int > { 0 , 1 , 2 } ) ;
mocker . Resolve < ImportNewSeriesJob > ( ) . AutoIgnoreSeasons ( seriesId ) ;
mocker . GetMock < EpisodeProvider > ( ) . Verify ( p = > p . SetSeasonIgnore ( seriesId , 0 , true ) , Times . Once ( ) ) ;
mocker . GetMock < EpisodeProvider > ( ) . Verify ( p = > p . SetSeasonIgnore ( seriesId , 1 , true ) , Times . Never ( ) ) ;
mocker . GetMock < EpisodeProvider > ( ) . Verify ( p = > p . SetSeasonIgnore ( seriesId , 2 , It . IsAny < Boolean > ( ) ) , Times . Never ( ) ) ;