You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

136 lines
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import _ from 'lodash';
import { createAction } from 'redux-actions';
import getSectionState from 'Utilities/State/getSectionState';
import updateSectionState from 'Utilities/State/updateSectionState';
import createHandleActions from './Creators/createHandleActions';
function getDimensions(width, height) {
const dimensions = {
isExtraSmallScreen: width <= 480,
isSmallScreen: width <= 768,
isMediumScreen: width <= 992,
isLargeScreen: width <= 1200
return dimensions;
// Variables
export const section = 'app';
const messagesSection = 'app.messages';
// State
export const defaultState = {
dimensions: getDimensions(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight),
messages: {
items: []
4 years ago
version: window.Prowlarr.version,
isUpdated: false,
isConnected: true,
isReconnecting: false,
isDisconnected: false,
isRestarting: false,
isSidebarVisible: !getDimensions(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight).isSmallScreen
// Action Types
export const SHOW_MESSAGE = 'app/showMessage';
export const HIDE_MESSAGE = 'app/hideMessage';
export const SAVE_DIMENSIONS = 'app/saveDimensions';
export const SET_VERSION = 'app/setVersion';
export const SET_APP_VALUE = 'app/setAppValue';
export const SET_IS_SIDEBAR_VISIBLE = 'app/setIsSidebarVisible';
// Action Creators
export const saveDimensions = createAction(SAVE_DIMENSIONS);
export const setVersion = createAction(SET_VERSION);
export const setIsSidebarVisible = createAction(SET_IS_SIDEBAR_VISIBLE);
export const setAppValue = createAction(SET_APP_VALUE);
export const showMessage = createAction(SHOW_MESSAGE);
export const hideMessage = createAction(HIDE_MESSAGE);
// Reducers
export const reducers = createHandleActions({
[SAVE_DIMENSIONS]: function(state, { payload }) {
const {
} = payload;
const dimensions = getDimensions(width, height);
return Object.assign({}, state, { dimensions });
[SHOW_MESSAGE]: function(state, { payload }) {
const newState = getSectionState(state, messagesSection);
const items = newState.items;
const index = _.findIndex(items, { id: });
newState.items = [...items];
if (index >= 0) {
const item = items[index];
newState.items.splice(index, 1, { ...item, ...payload });
} else {
newState.items.push({ ...payload });
return updateSectionState(state, messagesSection, newState);
[HIDE_MESSAGE]: function(state, { payload }) {
const newState = getSectionState(state, messagesSection);
newState.items = [...newState.items];
_.remove(newState.items, { id: });
return updateSectionState(state, messagesSection, newState);
[SET_APP_VALUE]: function(state, { payload }) {
const newState = Object.assign(getSectionState(state, section), payload);
return updateSectionState(state, section, newState);
[SET_VERSION]: function(state, { payload }) {
const version = payload.version;
const newState = {
if (state.version !== version) {
newState.isUpdated = true;
return Object.assign({}, state, newState);
[SET_IS_SIDEBAR_VISIBLE]: function(state, { payload }) {
const newState = {
isSidebarVisible: payload.isSidebarVisible
return Object.assign({}, state, newState);
}, defaultState, section);