/ * SOURCE : http : //lazy.codeplex.com/
* File : http : //lazy.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/55373#307770
* Author : pablito900
* Licence : GNU General Public License version 2 ( GPLv2 )
* /
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using EnvDTE80 ;
using Process = EnvDTE . Process ;
using Thread = System . Threading . Thread ;
namespace NzbDrone
public class ProcessAttacher
public static void Attach ( )
DTE2 dte2 ;
dte2 = ( DTE2 ) Marshal . GetActiveObject ( "VisualStudio.DTE.10.0" ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
dte2 = ( DTE2 ) Marshal . GetActiveObject ( "VisualStudio.DTE.11.0" ) ;
var pa = new ProcessAttacher ( dte2 , "iisexpress" , 10 ) ;
pa . PessimisticAttachManaged ( ) ;
// Get an instance of the currently running Visual Studio IDE.
#region private
private readonly Dictionary < AttachType , string > _attachTypesMap ;
private readonly DTE2 _dte ;
private readonly string _processName ;
private readonly int _waitTimeout ;
# endregion
#region ctor
private ProcessAttacher ( DTE2 dte , string processName , int waitTimeout )
_processName = processName ;
_waitTimeout = waitTimeout ;
_dte = dte ;
_attachTypesMap = new Dictionary < AttachType , string >
{ AttachType . Managed , "Managed" }
} ;
# endregion
#region private methods
private AttachResult Attach ( AttachType attachType )
string engine = _attachTypesMap [ attachType ] ;
if ( IsBeingDebugged ( ) )
return AttachResult . BeingDebugged ;
var dbg = _dte . Debugger as Debugger2 ;
var trans = dbg . Transports . Item ( "Default" ) ;
var eng = trans . Engines . Item ( engine ) ;
Process2 proc = null ;
proc = dbg . GetProcesses ( trans , "" ) . Item ( _processName ) as Process2 ;
catch ( Exception )
return AttachResult . NotRunning ;
proc . Attach2 ( eng ) ;
return AttachResult . Attached ;
private AttachResult PessimisticAttach ( AttachType attachType )
var res = Attach ( attachType ) ;
var timeout = DateTime . Now . AddSeconds ( _waitTimeout ) ;
while ( res = = AttachResult . NotRunning & & timeout > DateTime . Now )
res = Attach ( attachType ) ;
Thread . Sleep ( 100 ) ;
return res ;
private bool IsBeingDebugged ( )
if ( _dte . Debugger . DebuggedProcesses ! = null )
foreach ( Process process in _dte . Debugger . DebuggedProcesses )
if ( process . Name . IndexOf ( _processName ) ! = - 1 )
return true ;
return false ;
# endregion
#region public methods
public void OptimisticAttachManaged ( )
Attach ( AttachType . Managed ) ;
public void PessimisticAttachManaged ( )
PessimisticAttach ( AttachType . Managed ) ;
# endregion
#region Nested type: AttachResult
private enum AttachResult
Attached ,
NotRunning ,
# endregion
#region Nested type: AttachType
private enum AttachType
Managed ,
Native ,
# endregion
# endif