/ * ! B a c k s t r e t c h - v 2 . 0 . 4 - 2 0 1 3 - 0 6 - 1 9
* http : //srobbin.com/jquery-plugins/backstretch/
* Copyright ( c ) 2013 Scott Robbin ; Licensed MIT * /
; ( function ( $ , window , undefined ) {
'use strict' ;
/ * P L U G I N D E F I N I T I O N
* === === === === === === === === = * /
$ . fn . backstretch = function ( images , options ) {
// We need at least one image or method name
if ( images === undefined || images . length === 0 ) {
$ . error ( "No images were supplied for Backstretch" ) ;
/ *
* Scroll the page one pixel to get the right window height on iOS
* Pretty harmless for everyone else
* /
if ( $ ( window ) . scrollTop ( ) === 0 ) {
window . scrollTo ( 0 , 0 ) ;
return this . each ( function ( ) {
var $this = $ ( this )
, obj = $this . data ( 'backstretch' ) ;
// Do we already have an instance attached to this element?
if ( obj ) {
// Is this a method they're trying to execute?
if ( typeof images == 'string' && typeof obj [ images ] == 'function' ) {
// Call the method
obj [ images ] ( options ) ;
// No need to do anything further
return ;
// Merge the old options with the new
options = $ . extend ( obj . options , options ) ;
// Remove the old instance
obj . destroy ( true ) ;
obj = new Backstretch ( this , images , options ) ;
$this . data ( 'backstretch' , obj ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
// If no element is supplied, we'll attach to body
$ . backstretch = function ( images , options ) {
// Return the instance
return $ ( 'body' )
. backstretch ( images , options )
. data ( 'backstretch' ) ;
} ;
// Custom selector
$ . expr [ ':' ] . backstretch = function ( elem ) {
return $ ( elem ) . data ( 'backstretch' ) !== undefined ;
} ;
/ * D E F A U L T S
* === === === === === === === === = * /
$ . fn . backstretch . defaults = {
centeredX : true // Should we center the image on the X axis?
, centeredY : true // Should we center the image on the Y axis?
, duration : 5000 // Amount of time in between slides (if slideshow)
, fade : 0 // Speed of fade transition between slides
} ;
/ * S T Y L E S
* Baked - in styles that we ' ll apply to our elements .
* In an effort to keep the plugin simple , these are not exposed as options .
* That said , anyone can override these in their own stylesheet .
* === === === === === === === === = * /
var styles = {
wrap : {
left : 0
, top : 0
, overflow : 'hidden'
, margin : 0
, padding : 0
, height : '100%'
, width : '100%'
, zIndex : - 999999
, img : {
position : 'absolute'
, display : 'none'
, margin : 0
, padding : 0
, border : 'none'
, width : 'auto'
, height : 'auto'
, maxHeight : 'none'
, maxWidth : 'none'
, zIndex : - 999999
} ;
/ * C L A S S D E F I N I T I O N
* === === === === === === === === = * /
var Backstretch = function ( container , images , options ) {
this . options = $ . extend ( { } , $ . fn . backstretch . defaults , options || { } ) ;
/ * I n i t s s i m p l e s t f o r m , w e a l l o w B a c k s t r e t c h t o b e c a l l e d o n a n i m a g e p a t h .
* e . g . $ . backstretch ( '/path/to/image.jpg' )
* So , we need to turn this back into an array .
* /
this . images = $ . isArray ( images ) ? images : [ images ] ;
// Preload images
$ . each ( this . images , function ( ) {
$ ( '<img />' ) [ 0 ] . src = this ;
} ) ;
// Convenience reference to know if the container is body.
this . isBody = container === document . body ;
/ * W e ' r e k e e p i n g t r a c k o f a f e w d i f f e r e n t e l e m e n t s
* Container : the element that Backstretch was called on .
* Wrap : a DIV that we place the image into , so we can hide the overflow .
* Root : Convenience reference to help calculate the correct height .
* /
this . $container = $ ( container ) ;
this . $root = this . isBody ? supportsFixedPosition ? $ ( window ) : $ ( document ) : this . $container ;
// Don't create a new wrap if one already exists (from a previous instance of Backstretch)
var $existing = this . $container . children ( ".backstretch" ) . first ( ) ;
this . $wrap = $existing . length ? $existing : $ ( '<div class="backstretch"></div>' ) . css ( styles . wrap ) . appendTo ( this . $container ) ;
// Non-body elements need some style adjustments
if ( ! this . isBody ) {
// If the container is statically positioned, we need to make it relative,
// and if no zIndex is defined, we should set it to zero.
var position = this . $container . css ( 'position' )
, zIndex = this . $container . css ( 'zIndex' ) ;
this . $container . css ( {
position : position === 'static' ? 'relative' : position
, zIndex : zIndex === 'auto' ? 0 : zIndex
, background : 'none'
} ) ;
// Needs a higher z-index
this . $wrap . css ( { zIndex : - 999998 } ) ;
// Fixed or absolute positioning?
this . $wrap . css ( {
position : this . isBody && supportsFixedPosition ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'
} ) ;
// Set the first image
this . index = 0 ;
this . show ( this . index ) ;
// Listen for resize
$ ( window ) . on ( 'resize.backstretch' , $ . proxy ( this . resize , this ) )
. on ( 'orientationchange.backstretch' , $ . proxy ( function ( ) {
// Need to do this in order to get the right window height
if ( this . isBody && window . pageYOffset === 0 ) {
window . scrollTo ( 0 , 1 ) ;
this . resize ( ) ;
} , this ) ) ;
} ;
/ * P U B L I C M E T H O D S
* === === === === === === === === = * /
Backstretch . prototype = {
resize : function ( ) {
try {
var bgCSS = { left : 0 , top : 0 }
, rootWidth = this . isBody ? this . $root . width ( ) : this . $root . innerWidth ( )
, bgWidth = rootWidth
, rootHeight = this . isBody ? ( window . innerHeight ? window . innerHeight : this . $root . height ( ) ) : this . $root . innerHeight ( )
, bgHeight = bgWidth / this . $img . data ( 'ratio' )
, bgOffset ;
// Make adjustments based on image ratio
if ( bgHeight >= rootHeight ) {
bgOffset = ( bgHeight - rootHeight ) / 2 ;
if ( this . options . centeredY ) {
bgCSS . top = '-' + bgOffset + 'px' ;
} else {
bgHeight = rootHeight ;
bgWidth = bgHeight * this . $img . data ( 'ratio' ) ;
bgOffset = ( bgWidth - rootWidth ) / 2 ;
if ( this . options . centeredX ) {
bgCSS . left = '-' + bgOffset + 'px' ;
this . $wrap . css ( { width : rootWidth , height : rootHeight } )
. find ( 'img:not(.deleteable)' ) . css ( { width : bgWidth , height : bgHeight } ) . css ( bgCSS ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
// IE7 seems to trigger resize before the image is loaded.
// This try/catch block is a hack to let it fail gracefully.
return this ;
// Show the slide at a certain position
, show : function ( newIndex ) {
// Validate index
if ( Math . abs ( newIndex ) > this . images . length - 1 ) {
return ;
// Vars
var self = this
, oldImage = self . $wrap . find ( 'img' ) . addClass ( 'deleteable' )
, evtOptions = { relatedTarget : self . $container [ 0 ] } ;
// Trigger the "before" event
self . $container . trigger ( $ . Event ( 'backstretch.before' , evtOptions ) , [ self , newIndex ] ) ;
// Set the new index
this . index = newIndex ;
// Pause the slideshow
clearInterval ( self . interval ) ;
// New image
self . $img = $ ( '<img />' )
. css ( styles . img )
. bind ( 'load' , function ( e ) {
var imgWidth = this . width || $ ( e . target ) . width ( )
, imgHeight = this . height || $ ( e . target ) . height ( ) ;
// Save the ratio
$ ( this ) . data ( 'ratio' , imgWidth / imgHeight ) ;
// Show the image, then delete the old one
// "speed" option has been deprecated, but we want backwards compatibilty
$ ( this ) . fadeIn ( self . options . speed || self . options . fade , function ( ) {
oldImage . remove ( ) ;
// Resume the slideshow
if ( ! self . paused ) {
self . cycle ( ) ;
// Trigger the "after" and "show" events
// "show" is being deprecated
$ ( [ 'after' , 'show' ] ) . each ( function ( ) {
self . $container . trigger ( $ . Event ( 'backstretch.' + this , evtOptions ) , [ self , newIndex ] ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Resize
self . resize ( ) ;
} )
. appendTo ( self . $wrap ) ;
// Hack for IE img onload event
self . $img . attr ( 'src' , self . images [ newIndex ] ) ;
return self ;
, next : function ( ) {
// Next slide
return this . show ( this . index < this . images . length - 1 ? this . index + 1 : 0 ) ;
, prev : function ( ) {
// Previous slide
return this . show ( this . index === 0 ? this . images . length - 1 : this . index - 1 ) ;
, pause : function ( ) {
// Pause the slideshow
this . paused = true ;
return this ;
, resume : function ( ) {
// Resume the slideshow
this . paused = false ;
this . next ( ) ;
return this ;
, cycle : function ( ) {
// Start/resume the slideshow
if ( this . images . length > 1 ) {
// Clear the interval, just in case
clearInterval ( this . interval ) ;
this . interval = setInterval ( $ . proxy ( function ( ) {
// Check for paused slideshow
if ( ! this . paused ) {
this . next ( ) ;
} , this ) , this . options . duration ) ;
return this ;
, destroy : function ( preserveBackground ) {
// Stop the resize events
$ ( window ) . off ( 'resize.backstretch orientationchange.backstretch' ) ;
// Clear the interval
clearInterval ( this . interval ) ;
// Remove Backstretch
if ( ! preserveBackground ) {
this . $wrap . remove ( ) ;
this . $container . removeData ( 'backstretch' ) ;
} ;
/ * S U P P O R T S F I X E D P O S I T I O N ?
* Based on code from jQuery Mobile 1.1 . 0
* http : //jquerymobile.com/
* In a nutshell , we need to figure out if fixed positioning is supported .
* Unfortunately , this is very difficult to do on iOS , and usually involves
* injecting content , scrolling the page , etc . . It ' s ugly .
* jQuery Mobile uses this workaround . It ' s not ideal , but works .
* Modified to detect IE6
* === === === === === === === === = * /
var supportsFixedPosition = ( function ( ) {
var ua = navigator . userAgent
, platform = navigator . platform
// Rendering engine is Webkit, and capture major version
, wkmatch = ua . match ( /AppleWebKit\/([0-9]+)/ )
, wkversion = ! ! wkmatch && wkmatch [ 1 ]
, ffmatch = ua . match ( /Fennec\/([0-9]+)/ )
, ffversion = ! ! ffmatch && ffmatch [ 1 ]
, operammobilematch = ua . match ( /Opera Mobi\/([0-9]+)/ )
, omversion = ! ! operammobilematch && operammobilematch [ 1 ]
, iematch = ua . match ( /MSIE ([0-9]+)/ )
, ieversion = ! ! iematch && iematch [ 1 ] ;
return ! (
// iOS 4.3 and older : Platform is iPhone/Pad/Touch and Webkit version is less than 534 (ios5)
( ( platform . indexOf ( "iPhone" ) > - 1 || platform . indexOf ( "iPad" ) > - 1 || platform . indexOf ( "iPod" ) > - 1 ) && wkversion && wkversion < 534 ) ||
// Opera Mini
( window . operamini && ( { } ) . toString . call ( window . operamini ) === "[object OperaMini]" ) ||
( operammobilematch && omversion < 7458 ) ||
//Android lte 2.1: Platform is Android and Webkit version is less than 533 (Android 2.2)
( ua . indexOf ( "Android" ) > - 1 && wkversion && wkversion < 533 ) ||
// Firefox Mobile before 6.0 -
( ffversion && ffversion < 6 ) ||
// WebOS less than 3
( "palmGetResource" in window && wkversion && wkversion < 534 ) ||
// MeeGo
( ua . indexOf ( "MeeGo" ) > - 1 && ua . indexOf ( "NokiaBrowser/8.5.0" ) > - 1 ) ||
// IE6
( ieversion && ieversion <= 6 )
) ;
} ( ) ) ;
} ( jQuery , window ) ) ;