using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Web.Mvc ;
using NLog ;
using NzbDrone.Common ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Jobs ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Core ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Repository ;
using NzbDrone.Web.Filters ;
using NzbDrone.Web.Models ;
using TvdbLib.Exceptions ;
namespace NzbDrone.Web.Controllers
public class AddSeriesController : Controller
private readonly ConfigProvider _configProvider ;
private readonly QualityProvider _qualityProvider ;
private readonly RootDirProvider _rootFolderProvider ;
private readonly SeriesProvider _seriesProvider ;
private readonly JobProvider _jobProvider ;
private readonly TvDbProvider _tvDbProvider ;
private readonly DiskProvider _diskProvider ;
private static readonly Logger logger = LogManager . GetCurrentClassLogger ( ) ;
public AddSeriesController ( RootDirProvider rootFolderProvider ,
ConfigProvider configProvider ,
QualityProvider qualityProvider , TvDbProvider tvDbProvider ,
SeriesProvider seriesProvider , JobProvider jobProvider ,
DiskProvider diskProvider )
_rootFolderProvider = rootFolderProvider ;
_configProvider = configProvider ;
_qualityProvider = qualityProvider ;
_tvDbProvider = tvDbProvider ;
_seriesProvider = seriesProvider ;
_jobProvider = jobProvider ;
_diskProvider = diskProvider ;
public ActionResult Index ( )
return View ( ) ;
public ActionResult Bt ( )
return View ( ) ;
public ActionResult AddNew ( )
ViewData [ "RootDirs" ] = _rootFolderProvider . GetAll ( ) . Select ( c = > c . Path ) . OrderBy ( e = > e ) . ToList ( ) ;
var defaultQuality = _configProvider . DefaultQualityProfile ;
var qualityProfiles = _qualityProvider . All ( ) ;
ViewData [ "qualityProfiles" ] = new SelectList (
qualityProfiles ,
"QualityProfileId" ,
"Name" ,
defaultQuality ) ;
return View ( ) ;
public ActionResult ExistingSeries ( )
var result = new ExistingSeriesModel ( ) ;
var unmappedList = new List < String > ( ) ;
foreach ( var folder in _rootFolderProvider . GetAll ( ) )
unmappedList . AddRange ( _rootFolderProvider . GetUnmappedFolders ( folder . Path ) ) ;
result . ExistingSeries = new List < Tuple < string , string , int > > ( ) ;
foreach ( var folder in unmappedList )
var foldername = new DirectoryInfo ( folder ) . Name ;
var tvdbResult = _tvDbProvider . SearchSeries ( foldername ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
var title = String . Empty ;
var seriesId = 0 ;
if ( tvdbResult ! = null )
title = tvdbResult . SeriesName ;
seriesId = tvdbResult . Id ;
result . ExistingSeries . Add ( new Tuple < string , string , int > ( folder , title , seriesId ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
logger . WarnException ( "Failed to connect to TheTVDB to search for: " + foldername , ex ) ;
return View ( ) ;
var defaultQuality = Convert . ToInt32 ( _configProvider . DefaultQualityProfile ) ;
result . Quality = new SelectList ( _qualityProvider . All ( ) , "QualityProfileId" , "Name" , defaultQuality ) ;
return View ( result ) ;
public JsonResult AddNewSeries ( string path , string seriesName , int seriesId , int qualityProfileId , string startDate )
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( path ) | | String . Equals ( path , "null" , StringComparison . InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) )
return JsonNotificationResult . Error ( "Couldn't add " + seriesName , "You need a valid root folder" ) ;
path = Path . Combine ( path , MediaFileProvider . CleanFilename ( seriesName ) ) ;
//Create the folder for the new series
//Use the created folder name when adding the series
path = _diskProvider . CreateDirectory ( path ) ;
return AddExistingSeries ( path , seriesName , seriesId , qualityProfileId , startDate ) ;
public JsonResult AddExistingSeries ( string path , string seriesName , int seriesId , int qualityProfileId , string startDate )
if ( seriesId = = 0 | | String . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( seriesName ) )
return JsonNotificationResult . Error ( "Add Existing series failed." , "Invalid Series information" ) ;
DateTime ? date = null ;
if ( ! String . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( startDate ) )
date = DateTime . Parse ( startDate , null , DateTimeStyles . RoundtripKind ) ;
_seriesProvider . AddSeries ( seriesName , path , seriesId , qualityProfileId , date ) ;
_jobProvider . QueueJob ( typeof ( ImportNewSeriesJob ) ) ;
return JsonNotificationResult . Info ( seriesName , "Was added successfully" ) ;
public JsonResult LookupSeries ( string term )
var tvDbResults = _tvDbProvider . SearchSeries ( term ) . Select ( r = > new TvDbSearchResultModel
Id = r . Id ,
Title = r . SeriesName ,
DisplayedTitle = r . FirstAired . Year > 1900 & & ! r . SeriesName . EndsWith ( "(" + r . FirstAired . Year + ")" )
? string . Format ( "{0} ({1})" , r . SeriesName , r . FirstAired . Year )
: r . SeriesName ,
Banner = r . Banner . BannerPath ,
Url = String . Format ( "{0}" , r . Id )
} ) . ToList ( ) ;
return Json ( tvDbResults , JsonRequestBehavior . AllowGet ) ;
catch ( TvdbNotAvailableException ex )
logger . WarnException ( "Unable to lookup series on TheTVDB" , ex ) ;
return JsonNotificationResult . Info ( "Lookup Failed" , "TheTVDB is not available at this time." ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
logger . WarnException ( "Unknown Error when looking up series on TheTVDB" , ex ) ;
return JsonNotificationResult . Info ( "Lookup Failed" , "Unknown error while connecting to TheTVDB" ) ;
public ActionResult RootList ( )
IEnumerable < String > rootDir = _rootFolderProvider . GetAll ( ) . Select ( c = > c . Path ) . OrderBy ( e = > e ) ;
return PartialView ( "RootList" , rootDir ) ;
public ActionResult RootDir ( )
return PartialView ( "RootDir" ) ;
public JsonResult SaveRootDir ( string path )
if ( String . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( path ) )
JsonNotificationResult . Error ( "Can't add root folder" , "Path can not be empty" ) ;
_rootFolderProvider . Add ( new RootDir { Path = path } ) ;
return JsonNotificationResult . Info ( "Root Folder saved" , "Root folder saved successfully." ) ;
public JsonResult DeleteRootDir ( string path )
var id = _rootFolderProvider . GetAll ( ) . Where ( c = > c . Path = = path ) . First ( ) . Id ;
_rootFolderProvider . Remove ( id ) ;
return null ;