You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

169 lines
4.8 KiB

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Nancy;
using NzbDrone.Api.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Core.MediaCover;
using NzbDrone.Core.MetadataSource;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser;
using System.Linq;
using System;
using Marr.Data;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Core.Datastore;
using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles;
using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeImport;
using NzbDrone.Core.RootFolders;
using NzbDrone.Common.Cache;
using NzbDrone.Core.Tv;
namespace NzbDrone.Api.Movie
public class UnmappedComparer : IComparer<UnmappedFolder>
public int Compare(UnmappedFolder a, UnmappedFolder b)
return a.Name.CompareTo(b.Name);
public class MovieBulkImportModule : NzbDroneRestModule<MovieResource>
private readonly ISearchForNewMovie _searchProxy;
private readonly IRootFolderService _rootFolderService;
private readonly IMakeImportDecision _importDecisionMaker;
private readonly IDiskScanService _diskScanService;
private readonly ICached<Core.Tv.Movie> _mappedMovies;
public MovieBulkImportModule(ISearchForNewMovie searchProxy, IRootFolderService rootFolderService, IMakeImportDecision importDecisionMaker,
IDiskScanService diskScanService, ICacheManager cacheManager)
: base("/movies/bulkimport")
_searchProxy = searchProxy;
_rootFolderService = rootFolderService;
_importDecisionMaker = importDecisionMaker;
_diskScanService = diskScanService;
_mappedMovies = cacheManager.GetCache<Core.Tv.Movie>(GetType(), "mappedMoviesCache");
Get["/"] = x => Search();
private Response Search()
if (Request.Query.Id == 0)
//Todo error handling
RootFolder rootFolder = _rootFolderService.Get(Request.Query.Id);
int page =;
int per_page = Request.Query.per_page;
int min = (page - 1) * per_page;
int max = page * per_page;
var unmapped = rootFolder.UnmappedFolders.OrderBy(f => f.Name).ToList();
int total_count = unmapped.Count;
if (Request.Query.total_entries.HasValue)
total_count = Request.Query.total_entries;
max = total_count >= max ? max : total_count;
var paged = unmapped.GetRange(min, max-min);
var mapped = paged.Select(f =>
Core.Tv.Movie m = null;
var mappedMovie = _mappedMovies.Find(f.Name);
if (mappedMovie != null)
return mappedMovie;
var parsedTitle = Parser.ParseMoviePath(f.Name);
if (parsedTitle == null)
m = new Core.Tv.Movie
Title = f.Name.Replace(".", " ").Replace("-", " "),
Path = f.Path,
m = new Core.Tv.Movie
Title = parsedTitle.MovieTitle,
Year = parsedTitle.Year,
ImdbId = parsedTitle.ImdbId,
Path = f.Path
var files = _diskScanService.GetVideoFiles(f.Path);
var decisions = _importDecisionMaker.GetImportDecisions(files.ToList(), m);
var decision = decisions.Where(d => d.Approved && !d.Rejections.Any()).FirstOrDefault();
if (decision != null)
var local = decision.LocalMovie;
m.MovieFile = new LazyLoaded<MovieFile>(new MovieFile
Path = local.Path,
Edition = local.ParsedMovieInfo.Edition,
Quality = local.Quality,
MediaInfo = local.MediaInfo,
ReleaseGroup = local.ParsedMovieInfo.ReleaseGroup,
RelativePath = f.Path.GetRelativePath(local.Path)
mappedMovie = _searchProxy.MapMovieToTmdbMovie(m);
mappedMovie.Monitored = true;
_mappedMovies.Set(f.Name, mappedMovie, TimeSpan.FromDays(2));
return mappedMovie;
return new PagingResource<MovieResource>
Page = page,
PageSize = per_page,
SortDirection = SortDirection.Ascending,
SortKey = Request.Query.sort_by,
TotalRecords = total_count - mapped.Where(m => m == null).Count(),
Records = MapToResource(mapped.Where(m => m != null)).ToList()
private static IEnumerable<MovieResource> MapToResource(IEnumerable<Core.Tv.Movie> movies)
foreach (var currentSeries in movies)
var resource = currentSeries.ToResource();
var poster = currentSeries.Images.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CoverType == MediaCoverTypes.Poster);
if (poster != null)
resource.RemotePoster = poster.Url;
yield return resource;