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SET TARGET=_rawPackage_service
rd %TARGET% /S /Q
xcopy NzbDrone.Services\NzbDrone.Services.Service\bin\*.* %TARGET%\bin\ /E /V /I /Y /F /O
xcopy NzbDrone.Services\NzbDrone.Services.Service\log.config %TARGET% /S /V /I /Y /F /O
xcopy NzbDrone.Services\NzbDrone.Services.Service\Global.asax %TARGET% /S /V /I /Y /F /O
xcopy service_deploy_production.bat %TARGET% /O /Y
Libraries\CTT\ctt.exe source:"NzbDrone.Services\NzbDrone.Services.Service\Web.config" transform:"NzbDrone.Services\NzbDrone.Services.Service\Web.Stage.config" destination:"%TARGET%\Web.config"
Libraries\CTT\ctt.exe source:"NzbDrone.Services\NzbDrone.Services.Service\Web.config" transform:"NzbDrone.Services\NzbDrone.Services.Service\Web.Release.config" destination:"%TARGET%\Web.production.config"
del nlog.xml /Q /F /S
del nlog.pdb /Q /F /S
del ninject*.pdb /Q /F /S
del ninject*.xml /Q /F /S
del Mvc*.pdb /Q /F /S
del bin\*.xml /Q /F /S
cd ..
rd C:\inetpub\services_stage /S /Q
xcopy _rawPackage_service\*.* C:\inetpub\services_stage /E /V /I /Y