using System ;
using System.IO ;
using FluentAssertions ;
using Moq ;
using NLog ;
using NUnit.Framework ;
using NzbDrone.Common ;
using NzbDrone.Common.Cache ;
using NzbDrone.Common.EnvironmentInfo ;
using NzbDrone.Common.Messaging ;
using NzbDrone.Test.Common.AutoMoq ;
namespace NzbDrone.Test.Common
public abstract class TestBase < TSubject > : TestBase where TSubject : class
private TSubject _subject ;
public void CoreTestSetup ( )
_subject = null ;
protected TSubject Subject
if ( _subject = = null )
_subject = Mocker . Resolve < TSubject > ( ) ;
return _subject ;
public abstract class TestBase : LoggingTest
private AutoMoqer _mocker ;
protected AutoMoqer Mocker
if ( _mocker = = null )
_mocker = new AutoMoqer ( ) ;
return _mocker ;
protected Mock < RestProvider > MockedRestProvider { get ; private set ; }
private string VirtualPath
var virtualPath = Path . Combine ( TempFolder , "VirtualNzbDrone" ) ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( virtualPath ) ) Directory . CreateDirectory ( virtualPath ) ;
return virtualPath ;
protected string TempFolder { get ; private set ; }
public void TestBaseSetup ( )
GetType ( ) . IsPublic . Should ( ) . BeTrue ( "All Test fixtures should be public to work in mono." ) ;
Mocker . SetConstant < ICacheManger > ( new CacheManger ( ) ) ;
Mocker . SetConstant ( LogManager . GetLogger ( "TestLogger" ) ) ;
LogManager . ReconfigExistingLoggers ( ) ;
TempFolder = Path . Combine ( Directory . GetCurrentDirectory ( ) , "_temp_" + DateTime . Now . Ticks ) ;
MockedRestProvider = new Mock < RestProvider > ( ) ;
Directory . CreateDirectory ( TempFolder ) ;
public void TestBaseTearDown ( )
_mocker = null ;
if ( Directory . Exists ( TempFolder ) )
Directory . Delete ( TempFolder , true ) ;
catch ( Exception )
protected IAppFolderInfo TestFolderInfo { get ; private set ; }
protected void WindowsOnly ( )
if ( OsInfo . IsLinux )
throw new IgnoreException ( "windows specific test" ) ;
protected void LinuxOnly ( )
if ( ! OsInfo . IsLinux )
throw new IgnoreException ( "linux specific test" ) ;
protected void WithTempAsAppPath ( )
Mocker . GetMock < IAppFolderInfo > ( )
. SetupGet ( c = > c . AppDataFolder )
. Returns ( VirtualPath ) ;
TestFolderInfo = Mocker . GetMock < IAppFolderInfo > ( ) . Object ;
protected string GetTestFilePath ( string fileName )
return Path . Combine ( Directory . GetCurrentDirectory ( ) , "Files" , fileName ) ;
protected void VerifyEventPublished < TEvent > ( ) where TEvent : class , IEvent
VerifyEventPublished < TEvent > ( Times . Once ( ) ) ;
protected void VerifyEventPublished < TEvent > ( Times times ) where TEvent : class , IEvent
Mocker . GetMock < IMessageAggregator > ( ) . Verify ( c = > c . PublishEvent ( It . IsAny < TEvent > ( ) ) , times ) ;
protected void VerifyEventNotPublished < TEvent > ( ) where TEvent : class , IEvent
Mocker . GetMock < IMessageAggregator > ( ) . Verify ( c = > c . PublishEvent ( It . IsAny < TEvent > ( ) ) , Times . Never ( ) ) ;