@ -1,25 +1,51 @@
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Net ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using FluentValidation ;
using NLog ;
using NzbDrone.Common.Http ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Annotations ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Exceptions ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Gazelle ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Settings ;
using NzbDrone.Core.IndexerSearch.Definitions ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Validation ;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Definitions
public class Orpheus : Gazelle. Gazelle
public class Orpheus : TorrentIndexerBase< OrpheusSettings >
public override string Name = > "Orpheus" ;
public override string [ ] IndexerUrls = > new string [ ] { "https://orpheus.network/" } ;
public override string Description = > "Orpheus (APOLLO) is a Private Torrent Tracker for MUSIC" ;
public override DownloadProtocol Protocol = > DownloadProtocol . Torrent ;
public override IndexerPrivacy Privacy = > IndexerPrivacy . Private ;
public override IndexerCapabilities Capabilities = > SetCapabilities ( ) ;
public override bool SupportsRedirect = > true ;
public Orpheus ( IIndexerHttpClient httpClient , IEventAggregator eventAggregator , IIndexerStatusService indexerStatusService , IConfigService configService , Logger logger )
: base ( httpClient , eventAggregator , indexerStatusService , configService , logger )
: base ( httpClient , eventAggregator , indexerStatusService , configService , logger )
protected override IndexerCapabilities SetCapabilities ( )
public override IIndexerRequestGenerator GetRequestGenerator ( )
return new OrpheusRequestGenerator ( ) { Settings = Settings , Capabilities = Capabilities , HttpClient = _httpClient } ;
public override IParseIndexerResponse GetParser ( )
return new OrpheusParser ( Settings , Capabilities . Categories ) ;
private IndexerCapabilities SetCapabilities ( )
var caps = new IndexerCapabilities
@ -44,23 +70,252 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Definitions
return caps ;
public override IParseIndexerResponse GetParser ( )
public override async Task < byte [ ] > Download ( Uri link )
var request = new HttpRequestBuilder ( link . AbsoluteUri )
. SetHeader ( "Authorization" , $"token {Settings.Apikey}" )
. Build ( ) ;
var downloadBytes = Array . Empty < byte > ( ) ;
var response = await _httpClient . ExecuteProxiedAsync ( request , Definition ) ;
downloadBytes = response . ResponseData ;
if ( downloadBytes . Length > = 1
& & downloadBytes [ 0 ] ! = 'd' // simple test for torrent vs HTML content
& & link . Query . Contains ( "usetoken=1" ) )
var html = Encoding . GetString ( downloadBytes ) ;
if ( html . Contains ( "You do not have any freeleech tokens left." )
| | html . Contains ( "You do not have enough freeleech tokens" )
| | html . Contains ( "This torrent is too large." )
| | html . Contains ( "You cannot use tokens here" ) )
// download again without usetoken
request . Url = new HttpUri ( link . ToString ( ) . Replace ( "&usetoken=1" , "" ) ) ;
response = await _httpClient . ExecuteProxiedAsync ( request , Definition ) ;
downloadBytes = response . ResponseData ;
catch ( Exception )
_indexerStatusService . RecordFailure ( Definition . Id ) ;
_logger . Error ( "Download failed" ) ;
return downloadBytes ;
public class OrpheusRequestGenerator : IIndexerRequestGenerator
public OrpheusSettings Settings { get ; set ; }
public IndexerCapabilities Capabilities { get ; set ; }
public Func < IDictionary < string , string > > GetCookies { get ; set ; }
public Action < IDictionary < string , string > , DateTime ? > CookiesUpdater { get ; set ; }
public IIndexerHttpClient HttpClient { get ; set ; }
public OrpheusRequestGenerator ( )
public IndexerPageableRequestChain GetSearchRequests ( MusicSearchCriteria searchCriteria )
return new OrpheusParser ( Settings , Capabilities ) ;
var pageableRequests = new IndexerPageableRequestChain ( ) ;
pageableRequests . Add ( GetRequest ( string . Format ( "&artistname={0}&groupname={1}" , searchCriteria . Artist , searchCriteria . Album ) ) ) ;
return pageableRequests ;
public IndexerPageableRequestChain GetSearchRequests ( BookSearchCriteria searchCriteria )
var pageableRequests = new IndexerPageableRequestChain ( ) ;
pageableRequests . Add ( GetRequest ( searchCriteria . SanitizedSearchTerm ) ) ;
return pageableRequests ;
public IndexerPageableRequestChain GetSearchRequests ( MovieSearchCriteria searchCriteria )
return new IndexerPageableRequestChain ( ) ;
public IndexerPageableRequestChain GetSearchRequests ( TvSearchCriteria searchCriteria )
return new IndexerPageableRequestChain ( ) ;
public IndexerPageableRequestChain GetSearchRequests ( BasicSearchCriteria searchCriteria )
var pageableRequests = new IndexerPageableRequestChain ( ) ;
pageableRequests . Add ( GetRequest ( searchCriteria . SanitizedSearchTerm ) ) ;
return pageableRequests ;
private IEnumerable < IndexerRequest > GetRequest ( string searchParameters )
var req = RequestBuilder ( )
. Resource ( $"ajax.php?action=browse&searchstr={searchParameters}" )
. Build ( ) ;
yield return new IndexerRequest ( req ) ;
private HttpRequestBuilder RequestBuilder ( )
return new HttpRequestBuilder ( $"{Settings.BaseUrl.Trim().TrimEnd('/')}" )
. Accept ( HttpAccept . Json )
. SetHeader ( "Authorization" , $"token {Settings.Apikey}" ) ;
public class OrpheusParser : GazelleParser
public class OrpheusParser : IParseIndexerResponse
public OrpheusParser ( GazelleSettings settings , IndexerCapabilities capabilities )
: base ( settings , capabilities )
private readonly OrpheusSettings _settings ;
private readonly IndexerCapabilitiesCategories _categories ;
public Action < IDictionary < string , string > , DateTime ? > CookiesUpdater { get ; set ; }
public OrpheusParser ( OrpheusSettings settings , IndexerCapabilitiesCategories categories )
_settings = settings ;
_categories = categories ;
protected override string GetDownloadUrl ( int torrentId )
p ublic IList < ReleaseInfo > ParseResponse ( IndexerResponse indexerResponse )
var torrentInfos = new List < ReleaseInfo > ( ) ;
if ( indexerResponse . HttpResponse . StatusCode ! = HttpStatusCode . OK )
throw new IndexerException ( indexerResponse , $"Unexpected response status {indexerResponse.HttpResponse.StatusCode} code from API request" ) ;
if ( ! indexerResponse . HttpResponse . Headers . ContentType . Contains ( HttpAccept . Json . Value ) )
throw new IndexerException ( indexerResponse , $"Unexpected response header {indexerResponse.HttpResponse.Headers.ContentType} from API request, expected {HttpAccept.Json.Value}" ) ;
var jsonResponse = new HttpResponse < GazelleResponse > ( indexerResponse . HttpResponse ) ;
if ( jsonResponse . Resource . Status ! = "success" | |
string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( jsonResponse . Resource . Status ) | |
jsonResponse . Resource . Response = = null )
return torrentInfos ;
foreach ( var result in jsonResponse . Resource . Response . Results )
if ( result . Torrents ! = null )
foreach ( var torrent in result . Torrents )
var id = torrent . TorrentId ;
var artist = WebUtility . HtmlDecode ( result . Artist ) ;
var album = WebUtility . HtmlDecode ( result . GroupName ) ;
var title = $"{result.Artist} - {result.GroupName} ({result.GroupYear}) [{torrent.Format} {torrent.Encoding}] [{torrent.Media}]" ;
if ( torrent . HasCue )
title + = " [Cue]" ;
var infoUrl = GetInfoUrl ( result . GroupId , id ) ;
GazelleInfo release = new GazelleInfo ( )
Guid = infoUrl ,
// Splice Title from info to avoid calling API again for every torrent.
Title = WebUtility . HtmlDecode ( title ) ,
Container = torrent . Encoding ,
Codec = torrent . Format ,
Size = long . Parse ( torrent . Size ) ,
DownloadUrl = GetDownloadUrl ( id , torrent . CanUseToken ) ,
InfoUrl = infoUrl ,
Seeders = int . Parse ( torrent . Seeders ) ,
Peers = int . Parse ( torrent . Leechers ) + int . Parse ( torrent . Seeders ) ,
PublishDate = torrent . Time . ToUniversalTime ( ) ,
Scene = torrent . Scene ,
Freeleech = torrent . IsFreeLeech | | torrent . IsPersonalFreeLeech ,
Files = torrent . FileCount ,
Grabs = torrent . Snatches ,
DownloadVolumeFactor = torrent . IsFreeLeech | | torrent . IsNeutralLeech | | torrent . IsPersonalFreeLeech ? 0 : 1 ,
UploadVolumeFactor = torrent . IsNeutralLeech ? 0 : 1
} ;
var category = torrent . Category ;
if ( category = = null | | category . Contains ( "Select Category" ) )
release . Categories = _categories . MapTrackerCatToNewznab ( "1" ) ;
release . Categories = _categories . MapTrackerCatDescToNewznab ( category ) ;
torrentInfos . Add ( release ) ;
// Non-Audio files are formatted a little differently (1:1 for group and torrents)
var id = result . TorrentId ;
var infoUrl = GetInfoUrl ( result . GroupId , id ) ;
GazelleInfo release = new GazelleInfo ( )
Guid = infoUrl ,
Title = WebUtility . HtmlDecode ( result . GroupName ) ,
Size = long . Parse ( result . Size ) ,
DownloadUrl = GetDownloadUrl ( id , result . CanUseToken ) ,
InfoUrl = infoUrl ,
Seeders = int . Parse ( result . Seeders ) ,
Peers = int . Parse ( result . Leechers ) + int . Parse ( result . Seeders ) ,
PublishDate = DateTimeOffset . FromUnixTimeSeconds ( ParseUtil . CoerceLong ( result . GroupTime ) ) . UtcDateTime ,
Freeleech = result . IsFreeLeech | | result . IsPersonalFreeLeech ,
Files = result . FileCount ,
Grabs = result . Snatches ,
DownloadVolumeFactor = result . IsFreeLeech | | result . IsNeutralLeech | | result . IsPersonalFreeLeech ? 0 : 1 ,
UploadVolumeFactor = result . IsNeutralLeech ? 0 : 1
} ;
var category = result . Category ;
if ( category = = null | | category . Contains ( "Select Category" ) )
release . Categories = _categories . MapTrackerCatToNewznab ( "1" ) ;
release . Categories = _categories . MapTrackerCatDescToNewznab ( category ) ;
torrentInfos . Add ( release ) ;
// order by date
. OrderByDescending ( o = > o . PublishDate )
. ToArray ( ) ;
private string GetDownloadUrl ( int torrentId , bool canUseToken )
// AuthKey is required but not checked, just pass in a dummy variable
// to avoid having to track authkey, which is randomly cycled
var url = new HttpUri ( _settings . BaseUrl )
. CombinePath ( "/torrents.php" )
. CombinePath ( "/ ajax .php")
. AddQueryParam ( "action" , "download" )
. AddQueryParam ( "id" , torrentId ) ;
@ -72,5 +327,45 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Definitions
return url . FullUri ;
private string GetInfoUrl ( string groupId , int torrentId )
var url = new HttpUri ( _settings . BaseUrl )
. CombinePath ( "/torrents.php" )
. AddQueryParam ( "id" , groupId )
. AddQueryParam ( "torrentid" , torrentId ) ;
return url . FullUri ;
public class OrpheusSettingsValidator : AbstractValidator < OrpheusSettings >
public OrpheusSettingsValidator ( )
RuleFor ( c = > c . Apikey ) . NotEmpty ( ) ;
public class OrpheusSettings : NoAuthTorrentBaseSettings
private static readonly OrpheusSettingsValidator Validator = new OrpheusSettingsValidator ( ) ;
public OrpheusSettings ( )
Apikey = "" ;
UseFreeleechToken = false ;
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "API Key", HelpText = "API Key from the Site (Found in Settings => Access Settings)", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.ApiKey)]
public string Apikey { get ; set ; }
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Use Freeleech Tokens", HelpText = "Use freeleech tokens when available", Type = FieldType.Checkbox)]
public bool UseFreeleechToken { get ; set ; }
public override NzbDroneValidationResult Validate ( )
return new NzbDroneValidationResult ( Validator . Validate ( this ) ) ;