"IndexerSettingsQueryLimitHelpText":"The number of max queries as specified by the respective unit that {appName} will allow to the site",
"IndexerSettingsRejectBlocklistedTorrentHashes":"Reject Blocklisted Torrent Hashes While Grabbing",
"IndexerSettingsRejectBlocklistedTorrentHashesHelpText":"If a torrent is blocked by hash it may not properly be rejected during RSS/Search for some indexers, enabling this will allow it to be rejected after the torrent is grabbed, but before it is sent to the client.",
"IndexerSettingsRssKey":"RSS Key",
"IndexerSettingsSeedRatio":"Seed Ratio",
"IndexerSettingsSeedRatioHelpText":"The ratio a torrent should reach before stopping, empty uses the download client's default. Ratio should be at least 1.0 and follow the indexers rules",