UI Cleanup - Updated Navbar, Profile, Quality and Release subtrees.

Taloth Saldono 10 years ago
parent 29d9e3dadf
commit 860f55996c

@ -5,38 +5,55 @@ var QueueView = require('../Activity/Queue/QueueView');
module.exports = Marionette.Layout.extend({
template : 'Navbar/NavbarLayoutTemplate',
regions : {
template : 'Navbar/NavbarLayoutTemplate',
regions : {
health : '#x-health',
queue : '#x-queue-count'
ui : {
ui : {
search : '.x-series-search',
collapse : '.x-navbar-collapse'
events : {"click a" : 'onClick'},
onRender : function(){
events : {
'click a' : 'onClick'
onRender : function() {
this.health.show(new HealthView());
this.queue.show(new QueueView());
onClick : function(event){
onClick : function(event) {
var target = $(event.target);
//look down for <a/>
var href = event.target.getAttribute('href');
if(!href && target.closest('a') && target.closest('a')[0]) {
//if couldn't find it look up'
if (!href && target.closest('a') && target.closest('a')[0]) {
var linkElement = target.closest('a')[0];
href = linkElement.getAttribute('href');
else {
} else {
if($(window).width() < 768) {
if ($(window).width() < 768) {
setActive : function(element){
setActive : function(element) {
//Todo: Set active on first load

@ -5,32 +5,33 @@ var Backbone = require('backbone');
var SeriesCollection = require('../Series/SeriesCollection');
module.exports = (function(){
vent.on(vent.Hotkeys.NavbarSearch, function(){
$.fn.bindSearch = function(){
hint : true,
highlight : true,
minLength : 1
}, {
name : 'series',
displayKey : 'title',
source : substringMatcher()
$(this).on('typeahead:selected typeahead:autocompleted', function(e, series){
Backbone.history.navigate('/series/{0}'.format(series.titleSlug), {trigger : true});
vent.on(vent.Hotkeys.NavbarSearch, function() {
var substringMatcher = function() {
return function findMatches (q, cb) {
var matches = _.select(SeriesCollection.toJSON(), function(series) {
return series.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(q.toLowerCase()) > -1;
var substringMatcher = function(){
return function findMatches (q, cb){
var matches = _.select(SeriesCollection.toJSON(), function(series){
return series.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(q.toLowerCase()) > -1;
$.fn.bindSearch = function() {
hint : true,
highlight : true,
minLength : 1
}, {
name : 'series',
displayKey : 'title',
source : substringMatcher()
$(this).on('typeahead:selected typeahead:autocompleted', function(e, series) {
Backbone.history.navigate('/series/{0}'.format(series.titleSlug), { trigger : true });

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
var Backbone = require('backbone');
var ProfileModel = require('./ProfileModel');
module.exports = (function(){
var ProfileCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model : ProfileModel,
url : window.NzbDrone.ApiRoot + '/profile'
var profiles = new ProfileCollection();
return profiles;
var ProfileCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model : ProfileModel,
url : window.NzbDrone.ApiRoot + '/profile'
var profiles = new ProfileCollection();
module.exports = profiles;

@ -2,10 +2,13 @@ var ModelBase = require('../Settings/SettingsModelBase');
module.exports = ModelBase.extend({
baseInitialize : ModelBase.prototype.initialize,
initialize : function(){
initialize : function() {
var name = this.get('quality').name;
this.successMessage = 'Saved ' + name + ' quality settings';
this.errorMessage = 'Couldn\'t save ' + name + ' quality settings';

@ -5,25 +5,31 @@ require('../Shared/FormatHelpers');
module.exports = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
className : 'age-cell',
render : function(){
render : function() {
var age = this.model.get('age');
var ageHours = this.model.get('ageHours');
var published = moment(this.model.get('publishDate'));
var publishedFormatted = published.format('{0} {1}'.format(UiSettings.get('shortDateFormat'), UiSettings.time(true, true)));
var formatted = age;
var suffix = this.plural(age, 'day');
if(age === 0) {
if (age === 0) {
formatted = ageHours.toFixed(1);
suffix = this.plural(Math.round(ageHours), 'hour');
this.$el.html('<div title="{2}">{0} {1}</div>'.format(formatted, suffix, publishedFormatted));
return this;
plural : function(input, unit){
if(input === 1) {
plural : function(input, unit) {
if (input === 1) {
return unit;
return unit + 's';

@ -2,30 +2,40 @@ var Backgrid = require('backgrid');
module.exports = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
className : 'download-report-cell',
events : {click : '_onClick'},
_onClick : function(){
if(!this.model.get('downloadAllowed')) {
events : {
'click' : '_onClick'
_onClick : function() {
if (!this.model.get('downloadAllowed')) {
var self = this;
this.$el.html('<i class="icon-spinner icon-spin" />');
//Using success callback instead of promise so it
//gets called before the sync event is triggered
this.model.save(null, {
success : function(){
success : function() {
self.model.set('queued', true);
render : function(){
render : function() {
if(this.model.get('queued')) {
if (this.model.get('queued')) {
this.$el.html('<i class="icon-nd-downloading" title="Added to downloaded queue" />');
else if(this.model.get('downloadAllowed')) {
} else if (this.model.get('downloadAllowed')) {
this.$el.html('<i class="icon-download-alt" title="Add to download queue" />');
else {
} else {
this.className = 'no-download-report-cell';
return this;

@ -2,23 +2,27 @@ var Backgrid = require('backgrid');
module.exports = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
className : 'peers-cell',
render : function(){
if(this.model.get('protocol') === 'torrent') {
render : function() {
if (this.model.get('protocol') === 'torrent') {
var seeders = this.model.get('seeders') || 0;
var leechers = this.model.get('leechers') || 0;
var level = 'danger';
if(seeders > 0) {
if (seeders > 0) {
level = 'warning';
if(seeders > 10) {
} else if (seeders > 10) {
level = 'info';
if(seeders > 50) {
} else if (seeders > 50) {
level = 'primary';
this.$el.html('<div class="label label-{2}" title="{0} seeders, {1} leechers">{0} / {1}</div>'.format(seeders, leechers, level));
return this;

@ -2,19 +2,23 @@ var Backgrid = require('backgrid');
module.exports = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
className : 'protocol-cell',
render : function(){
render : function() {
var protocol = this.model.get('protocol') || 'Unknown';
var label = '??';
if(protocol) {
if(protocol === 'torrent') {
if (protocol) {
if (protocol === 'torrent') {
label = 'torrent';
else if(protocol === 'usenet') {
} else if (protocol === 'usenet') {
label = 'nzb';
this.$el.html('<div class="label label-default protocol-{0}" title="{0}">{1}</div>'.format(protocol, label));
return this;

@ -2,42 +2,55 @@ var PagableCollection = require('backbone.pageable');
var ReleaseModel = require('./ReleaseModel');
var AsSortedCollection = require('../Mixins/AsSortedCollection');
module.exports = (function(){
var Collection = PagableCollection.extend({
url : window.NzbDrone.ApiRoot + '/release',
model : ReleaseModel,
state : {
pageSize : 2000,
sortKey : 'download',
order : -1
var Collection = PagableCollection.extend({
url : window.NzbDrone.ApiRoot + '/release',
model : ReleaseModel,
state : {
pageSize : 2000,
sortKey : 'download',
order : -1
mode : 'client',
sortMappings : {
'quality' : {
sortKey : 'qualityWeight'
mode : 'client',
sortMappings : {
quality : {sortKey : 'qualityWeight'},
rejections : {
sortValue : function(model){
var rejections = model.get('rejections');
var releaseWeight = model.get('releaseWeight');
if(rejections.length !== 0) {
return releaseWeight + 1000000;
return releaseWeight;
download : {sortKey : 'releaseWeight'},
seeders : {
sortValue : function(model){
var seeders = model.get('seeders') || 0;
var leechers = model.get('leechers') || 0;
return seeders * 1000000 + leechers;
'rejections' : {
sortValue : function(model) {
var rejections = model.get('rejections');
var releaseWeight = model.get('releaseWeight');
if (rejections.length !== 0) {
return releaseWeight + 1000000;
age : {sortKey : 'ageMinutes'}
return releaseWeight;
fetchEpisodeReleases : function(episodeId){
return this.fetch({data : {episodeId : episodeId}});
'download' : {
sortKey : 'releaseWeight'
'seeders' : {
sortValue : function(model) {
var seeders = model.get('seeders') || 0;
var leechers = model.get('leechers') || 0;
return seeders * 1000000 + leechers;
'age' : {
sortKey : 'ageMinutes'
Collection = AsSortedCollection.call(Collection);
return Collection;
fetchEpisodeReleases : function(episodeId) {
return this.fetch({ data : { episodeId : episodeId } });
Collection = AsSortedCollection.call(Collection);
module.exports = Collection;

@ -9,51 +9,63 @@ var ApprovalStatusCell = require('../Cells/ApprovalStatusCell');
var LoadingView = require('../Shared/LoadingView');
module.exports = Marionette.Layout.extend({
template : 'Release/ReleaseLayoutTemplate',
regions : {
template : 'Release/ReleaseLayoutTemplate',
regions : {
grid : '#x-grid',
toolbar : '#x-toolbar'
columns : [{
name : 'indexer',
label : 'Indexer',
sortable : true,
cell : IndexerCell
}, {
name : 'title',
label : 'Title',
sortable : true,
cell : Backgrid.StringCell
}, {
name : 'episodeNumbers',
episodes : 'episodeNumbers',
label : 'season',
cell : EpisodeNumberCell
}, {
name : 'size',
label : 'Size',
sortable : true,
cell : FileSizeCell
}, {
name : 'quality',
label : 'Quality',
sortable : true,
cell : QualityCell
}, {
name : 'rejections',
label : '',
cell : ApprovalStatusCell
initialize : function(){
columns : [
name : 'indexer',
label : 'Indexer',
sortable : true,
cell : IndexerCell
name : 'title',
label : 'Title',
sortable : true,
cell : Backgrid.StringCell
name : 'episodeNumbers',
episodes : 'episodeNumbers',
label : 'season',
cell : EpisodeNumberCell
name : 'size',
label : 'Size',
sortable : true,
cell : FileSizeCell
name : 'quality',
label : 'Quality',
sortable : true,
cell : QualityCell
name : 'rejections',
label : '',
cell : ApprovalStatusCell
initialize : function() {
this.collection = new ReleaseCollection();
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'sync', this._showTable);
onRender : function(){
onRender : function() {
this.grid.show(new LoadingView());
_showTable : function(){
if(!this.isClosed) {
_showTable : function() {
if (!this.isClosed) {
this.grid.show(new Backgrid.Grid({
row : Backgrid.Row,
columns : this.columns,
