@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ using System;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Collections.Specialized ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Net.Http ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
@ -25,10 +24,13 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Definitions
public class RuTracker : TorrentIndexerBase < RuTrackerSettings >
public override string Name = > "RuTracker" ;
public override string [ ] IndexerUrls = > new [ ] { "https://rutracker.org/" , "https://rutracker.net/" } ;
private string LoginUrl = > Settings . BaseUrl + "forum/login.php" ;
public override string [ ] IndexerUrls = > new [ ]
"https://rutracker.org/" ,
} ;
public override string Description = > "RuTracker is a Semi-Private Russian torrent site with a thriving file-sharing community" ;
public override string Language = > "ru-org" ;
public override string Language = > "ru- RU ";
public override Encoding Encoding = > Encoding . GetEncoding ( "windows-1251" ) ;
public override DownloadProtocol Protocol = > DownloadProtocol . Torrent ;
public override IndexerPrivacy Privacy = > IndexerPrivacy . SemiPrivate ;
@ -51,21 +53,24 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Definitions
protected override async Task DoLogin ( )
var requestBuilder = new HttpRequestBuilder ( LoginUrl )
var loginUrl = $"{Settings.BaseUrl}forum/login.php" ;
var requestBuilder = new HttpRequestBuilder ( loginUrl )
LogResponseContent = true ,
AllowAutoRedirect = true ,
Method = HttpMethod . Post
AllowAutoRedirect = true
} ;
var cookies = Cookies ;
Cookies = null ;
var authLoginRequest = requestBuilder
var authLoginRequest = requestBuilder . Post ( )
. AddFormParameter ( "login_username" , Settings . Username )
. AddFormParameter ( "login_password" , Settings . Password )
. AddFormParameter ( "login" , "Login" )
. AddFormParameter ( "redirect" , "index.php" )
. SetHeader ( "Content-Type" , "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" )
. SetHeader ( "Referer" , loginUrl )
. Build ( ) ;
var response = await ExecuteAuth ( authLoginRequest ) ;
@ -1416,21 +1421,6 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Definitions
return caps ;
public override object RequestAction ( string action , IDictionary < string , string > query )
if ( action = = "getUrls" )
var links = IndexerUrls ;
return new
options = links . Select ( d = > new { Value = d , Name = d } )
} ;
return null ;
public class RuTrackerRequestGenerator : IIndexerRequestGenerator
@ -1446,16 +1436,14 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Definitions
private IEnumerable < IndexerRequest > GetPagedRequests ( string term , int [ ] categories , int season = 0 )
var searchUrl = $"{_settings.BaseUrl.TrimEnd('/')}/forum/tracker.php" ;
var queryCollection = new NameValueCollection ( ) ;
var parameters = new NameValueCollection ( ) ;
var searchString = term ;
// if the search string is empty use the getnew view
if ( searchString . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( ) )
queryCollection. Add ( "nm" , searchString ) ;
parameters. Set ( "nm" , searchString ) ;
@ -1466,19 +1454,28 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Definitions
searchString + = " Сезон: " + season ;
queryCollection. Add ( "nm" , searchString ) ;
parameters. Set ( "nm" , searchString ) ;
if ( categories ! = null & & categories . Length > 0 )
queryCollection. Add ( "f" , string . Join ( "," , _capabilities . Categories . MapTorznabCapsToTrackers ( categories ) ) ) ;
parameters. Set ( "f" , string . Join ( "," , _capabilities . Categories . MapTorznabCapsToTrackers ( categories ) ) ) ;
searchUrl = searchUrl + "?" + queryCollection . GetQueryString ( ) ;
var searchUrl = $"{_settings.BaseUrl}forum/tracker.php" ;
var request = new IndexerRequest ( searchUrl , HttpAccept . Html ) ;
if ( parameters . Count > 0 )
searchUrl + = $"?{parameters.GetQueryString()}" ;
request . HttpRequest . AllowAutoRedirect = false ;
var request = new IndexerRequest ( searchUrl , HttpAccept . Html )
HttpRequest =
AllowAutoRedirect = false
} ;
yield return request ;
@ -1542,6 +1539,8 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Definitions
private readonly RuTrackerSettings _settings ;
private readonly IndexerCapabilitiesCategories _categories ;
private readonly RuTrackerTitleParser _titleParser = new ( ) ;
public RuTrackerParser ( RuTrackerSettings settings , IndexerCapabilitiesCategories categories )
_settings = settings ;
@ -1578,12 +1577,12 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Definitions
return null ;
var link = _settings . BaseUrl + "forum/" + qDownloadLink . GetAttribute ( "href" ) ;
var qDetailsLink = row . QuerySelector ( "td.t-title-col > div.t-title > a.tLink" ) ;
var details = _settings . BaseUrl + "forum/" + qDetailsLink . GetAttribute ( "href" ) ;
var infoUrl = _settings . BaseUrl + "forum/" + qDetailsLink . GetAttribute ( "href" ) ;
var downloadUrl = _settings . BaseUrl + "forum/" + qDownloadLink . GetAttribute ( "href" ) ;
var category = GetCategoryOfRelease ( row ) ;
var title = qDetailsLink . TextContent . Trim ( ) ;
var categories = GetCategoryOfRelease ( row ) ;
var size = GetSizeOfRelease ( row ) ;
@ -1596,139 +1595,224 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Definitions
var release = new TorrentInfo
MinimumRatio = 1 ,
MinimumSeedTime = 0 ,
Title = qDetailsLink . TextContent ,
InfoUrl = details ,
D ownloadUrl = link ,
Guid = detail s,
Guid = infoUrl ,
InfoUrl = infoUrl ,
DownloadUrl = downloadUrl ,
Title = _titleParser . Parse ( title , categories , _settings . RussianLetters , _settings . MoveFirstTagsToEndOfReleaseTitle , _settings . MoveAllTagsToEndOfReleaseTitle ) ,
D escription = title ,
Categories = categorie s,
Size = size ,
Seeders = seeders ,
Peers = leechers + seeders ,
Grabs = grabs ,
PublishDate = publishDate ,
Categories = category ,
DownloadVolumeFactor = 1 ,
UploadVolumeFactor = 1
UploadVolumeFactor = 1 ,
MinimumRatio = 1 ,
MinimumSeedTime = 0
} ;
// TODO finish extracting release variables to simplify release initialization
if ( IsAnyTvCategory ( release . Categories ) )
return release ;
private int GetSeedersOfRelease ( in IElement row )
var seeders = 0 ;
var qSeeders = row . QuerySelector ( "td:nth-child(7)" ) ;
if ( qSeeders ! = null & & ! qSeeders . TextContent . Contains ( "дн" ) )
// extract season and episodes
// should also handle multi-season releases listed as Сезон: 1-8 and Сезоны: 1-8
var regex = new Regex ( @".+\/\s([^а -яА-я\/]+)\s\/.+Сезон.\s*[:]*\s+(\d*\-?\d*).+(?:Серии|Эпизод)+\s*[:]*\s+(\d+-?\d*).+(\[.*\])[\s]?(.*)" ) ;
var title = regex . Replace ( release . Title , "$1 - S$2E$3 - rus $4 $5" ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , "-Rip" , "Rip" , RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , "WEB-DLRip" , "WEBDL" , RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , "WEB-DL" , "WEBDL" , RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , "HDTVRip" , "HDTV" , RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , "Кураж-Бамбей" , "kurazh" , RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
release . Title = title ;
var seedersString = qSeeders . QuerySelector ( "b" ) . TextContent ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( seedersString ) )
seeders = ParseUtil . CoerceInt ( seedersString ) ;
else if ( IsAnyMovieCategory ( release . Categories ) )
return seeders ;
private ICollection < IndexerCategory > GetCategoryOfRelease ( in IElement row )
var forum = row . QuerySelector ( "td.f-name-col > div.f-name > a" ) ? . GetAttribute ( "href" ) ;
var cat = ParseUtil . GetArgumentFromQueryString ( forum , "f" ) ;
return _categories . MapTrackerCatToNewznab ( cat ) ;
private long GetSizeOfRelease ( in IElement row )
return ParseUtil . GetBytes ( row . QuerySelector ( "td.tor-size" ) . GetAttribute ( "data-ts_text" ) ) ;
private DateTime GetPublishDateOfRelease ( in IElement row )
return DateTimeUtil . UnixTimestampToDateTime ( long . Parse ( row . QuerySelector ( "td:nth-child(10)" ) . GetAttribute ( "data-ts_text" ) ) ) ;
public Action < IDictionary < string , string > , DateTime ? > CookiesUpdater { get ; set ; }
public class RuTrackerTitleParser
private static readonly List < Regex > FindTagsInTitlesRegexList = new ( )
new Regex ( @"\((?>\((?<c>)|[^()]+|\)(?<-c>))*(?(c)(?!))\)" ) ,
new Regex ( @"\[(?>\[(?<c>)|[^\[\]]+|\](?<-c>))*(?(c)(?!))\]" )
} ;
private readonly Regex _stripCyrillicRegex = new ( @"(\([\p{IsCyrillic}\W]+\))|(^[\p{IsCyrillic}\W\d]+\/ )|([\p{IsCyrillic} \-]+,+)|([\p{IsCyrillic}]+)" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
private readonly Regex _tvTitleCommaRegex = new ( @"\s(\d+),(\d+)" , RegexOptions . Compiled ) ;
private readonly Regex _tvTitleCyrillicXRegex = new ( @"([\s-])Х +([\s\)\]])" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
private readonly Regex _tvTitleRusSeasonEpisodeOfRegex = new ( @"Сезон\s*[:]*\s+(\d+).+(?:Серии|Эпизод|Выпуски)+\s*[:]*\s+(\d+(?:-\d+)?)\s*из\s*([\w?])" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
private readonly Regex _tvTitleRusSeasonEpisodeRegex = new ( @"Сезон\s*[:]*\s+(\d+).+(?:Серии|Эпизод|Выпуски)+\s*[:]*\s+(\d+(?:-\d+)?)" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
private readonly Regex _tvTitleRusSeasonRegex = new ( @"Сезон\s*[:]*\s+(\d+(?:-\d+)?)" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
private readonly Regex _tvTitleRusEpisodeOfRegex = new ( @"(?:Серии|Эпизод|Выпуски)+\s*[:]*\s+(\d+(?:-\d+)?)\s*из\s*([\w?])" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
private readonly Regex _tvTitleRusEpisodeRegex = new ( @"(?:Серии|Эпизод|Выпуски)+\s*[:]*\s+(\d+(?:-\d+)?)" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
public string Parse ( string title , ICollection < IndexerCategory > categories , bool stripCyrillicLetters = true , bool moveFirstTagsToEndOfReleaseTitle = false , bool moveAllTagsToEndOfReleaseTitle = false )
// https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/category/Pd/list.htm
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"\p{Pd}" , "-" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
// replace double 4K quality in title
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"\b(2160p), 4K\b" , "$1" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
if ( IsAnyTvCategory ( categories ) )
title = _tvTitleCommaRegex . Replace ( title , " $1-$2" ) ;
title = _tvTitleCyrillicXRegex . Replace ( title , "$1XX$2" ) ;
title = _tvTitleRusSeasonEpisodeOfRegex . Replace ( title , "S$1E$2 of $3" ) ;
title = _tvTitleRusSeasonEpisodeRegex . Replace ( title , "S$1E$2" ) ;
title = _tvTitleRusSeasonRegex . Replace ( title , "S$1" ) ;
title = _tvTitleRusEpisodeOfRegex . Replace ( title , "E$1 of $2" ) ;
title = _tvTitleRusEpisodeRegex . Replace ( title , "E$1" ) ;
else if ( IsAnyMovieCategory ( categories ) )
// Bluray quality fix: radarr parse Blu-ray Disc as Bluray-1080p but should be BR-DISK
release . Title = Regex . Replace ( release . Title , "Blu-ray Disc" , "BR-DISK" , RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"\bBlu-ray Disc\b" , "BR-DISK" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
if ( IsAnyTvCategory ( release . Categories ) | IsAnyMovieCategory ( release . Categories ) )
if ( IsAnyTvCategory ( categories) | IsAnyMovieCategory ( c ategories) )
// remove director's name from title
// rutracker movies titles look like: russian name / english name (russian director / english director) other stuff
// Ирландец / The Irishman (Мартин Скорсезе / Martin Scorsese) [2019, США, криминал, драма, биография, WEB-DL 1080p] Dub (Пифагор) + MVO (Jaskier) + AVO (Юрий Сербин) + Sub Rus, Eng + Original Eng
// this part should be removed: (Мартин Скорсезе / Martin Scorsese)
//var director = new Regex(@"(\([А -Яа-яЁё\W]+)\s/\s(.+?)\)");
var director = new Regex ( @"(\([А -Яа-яЁё\W].+?\))" ) ;
release . Title = director . Replace ( release . Title , "" ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"(\([\p{IsCyrillic}\W]+)\s/\s(.+?)\)" , string . Empty , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
// Remove VO, MVO and DVO from titles
var vo = new Regex ( @".VO\s\(.+?\)" ) ;
release . Title = vo . Replace ( release . Title , "" ) ;
title = vo . Replace ( title , string . Empty ) ;
// Remove R5 and (R5) from release names
var r5 = new Regex ( @"(.*)(.R5.)(.*)" ) ;
release . Title = r5 . Replace ( release . Title , "$1" ) ;
title = r5 . Replace ( t itle, "$1" ) ;
// Remove Sub languages from release names
var sub = new Regex ( @"(Sub.*\+)|(Sub.*$)" ) ;
release . Title = sub . Replace ( release . Title , "" ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"(\bSub\b.*$|\b[\+]*Sub[\+]*\b)" , string . Empty ) ;
// language fix: all rutracker releases contains russian track
if ( release . Title . IndexOf ( "rus" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) < 0 )
if ( t itle. IndexOf ( "rus" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) < 0 )
release . Title + = " rus" ;
// remove russian letters
if ( _settings . RussianLetters = = true )
//Strip russian letters
var rusRegex = new Regex ( @"(\([А -Яа-яЁё\W]+\))|(^[А -Яа-яЁё\W\d]+\/ )|([а -яА-ЯЁё \-]+,+)|([а -яА-ЯЁё]+)" ) ;
release . Title = rusRegex . Replace ( release . Title , "" ) ;
// Replace everything after first forward slash with a year (to avoid filtering away releases with an fwdslash after title+year, like: Title Year [stuff / stuff])
var fwdslashRegex = new Regex ( @"(\/\s.+?\[)" ) ;
release . Title = fwdslashRegex . Replace ( release . Title , "[" ) ;
title + = " rus" ;
return release ;
if ( stripCyrillicLetters )
title = _stripCyrillicRegex . Replace ( title , string . Empty ) . Trim ( ' ' , '-' ) ;
private int GetSeedersOfRelease ( in IElement row )
var seeders = 0 ;
var qSeeders = row . QuerySelector ( "td:nth-child(7)" ) ;
if ( qSeeders ! = null & & ! qSeeders . TextContent . Contains ( "дн" ) )
if ( moveAllTagsToEndOfReleaseTitle )
var seedersString = qSeeders . QuerySelector ( "b" ) . TextContent ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( seedersString ) )
seeders = ParseUtil . CoerceInt ( seedersString ) ;
title = MoveAllTagsToEndOfReleaseTitle ( title ) ;
else if ( moveFirstTagsToEndOfReleaseTitle )
title = MoveFirstTagsToEndOfReleaseTitle ( title ) ;
return seeders ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"\b-Rip\b" , "Rip" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"\bHDTVRip\b" , "HDTV" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"\bWEB-DLRip\b" , "WEB-DL" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"\bWEBDLRip\b" , "WEB-DL" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"\bWEBDL\b" , "WEB-DL" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"\bК у р а ж-Бамбей\b" , "kurazh" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
private ICollection < IndexerCategory > GetCategoryOfRelease ( in IElement row )
var forum = row . QuerySelector ( "td.f-name-col > div.f-name > a" ) ;
var forumid = forum . GetAttribute ( "href" ) . Split ( '=' ) [ 1 ] ;
return _categories . MapTrackerCatToNewznab ( forumid ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"\(\s*\/\s*" , "(" , RegexOptions . Compiled ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"\s*\/\s*\)" , ")" , RegexOptions . Compiled ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"[\[\(]\s*[\)\]]" , "" , RegexOptions . Compiled ) ;
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"\s+\+(?:\s+\+)+\s+" , " + " , RegexOptions . Compiled ) ;
title = title . Trim ( ' ' , '&' , ',' , '.' , '!' , '?' , '+' , '-' , '_' , '|' , '/' , '\\' , ':' ) ;
// replace multiple spaces with a single space
title = Regex . Replace ( title , @"\s+" , " " ) ;
return title . Trim ( ) ;
private long GetSizeOfRelease ( in IElement row )
private static bool IsAnyTvCategory ( ICollection < IndexerCategory > category )
var qSize = row . QuerySelector ( "td.tor-size" ) ;
var size = ParseUtil . GetBytes ( qSize . GetAttribute ( "data-ts_text" ) ) ;
return size ;
return category . Contains ( NewznabStandardCategory . TV ) | | NewznabStandardCategory . TV . SubCategories . Any ( subCat = > category . Contains ( subCat ) ) ;
private DateTime GetPublishDateOfRelease ( in IElement row )
private static bool IsAnyMovieCategory ( ICollection < IndexerCategory > category )
var timestr = row . QuerySelector ( "td:nth-child(10)" ) . GetAttribute ( "data-ts_text" ) ;
var publishDate = DateTimeUtil . UnixTimestampToDateTime ( long . Parse ( timestr ) ) ;
return publishDate ;
return category . Contains ( NewznabStandardCategory . Movies ) | | NewznabStandardCategory . Movies . SubCategories . Any ( subCat = > category . Contains ( subCat ) ) ;
private bool IsAnyTvCategory ( ICollection < IndexerCategory > category )
private static string MoveAllTagsToEndOfReleaseTitle ( string input )
return category . Contains ( NewznabStandardCategory . TV )
| | NewznabStandardCategory . TV . SubCategories . Any ( subCat = > category . Contains ( subCat ) ) ;
var output = input ;
foreach ( var findTagsRegex in FindTagsInTitlesRegexList )
foreach ( Match match in findTagsRegex . Matches ( input ) )
var tag = match . ToString ( ) ;
output = $"{output.Replace(tag, "")} {tag}" . Trim ( ) ;
return output . Trim ( ) ;
private bool IsAnyMovieCategory ( ICollection < IndexerCategory > category )
private static string MoveFirstTagsToEndOfReleaseTitle ( string input )
return category . Contains ( NewznabStandardCategory . Movies )
| | NewznabStandardCategory . Movies . SubCategories . Any ( subCat = > category . Contains ( subCat ) ) ;
var output = input ;
foreach ( var findTagsRegex in FindTagsInTitlesRegexList )
var expectedIndex = 0 ;
foreach ( Match match in findTagsRegex . Matches ( output ) )
if ( match . Index > expectedIndex )
var substring = output . Substring ( expectedIndex , match . Index - expectedIndex ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( substring ) )
expectedIndex = match . Index ;
break ;
var tag = match . ToString ( ) ;
var regex = new Regex ( Regex . Escape ( tag ) ) ;
output = $"{regex.Replace(output, string.Empty, 1)} {tag}" . Trim ( ) ;
expectedIndex + = tag . Length ;
public Action < IDictionary < string , string > , DateTime ? > CookiesUpdater { get ; set ; }
return output . Trim ( ) ;
public class RuTrackerSettings : UserPassTorrentBaseSettings
@ -1736,9 +1820,17 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Definitions
public RuTrackerSettings ( )
RussianLetters = false ;
MoveFirstTagsToEndOfReleaseTitle = false ;
MoveAllTagsToEndOfReleaseTitle = false ;
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Strip Russian letters", Type = FieldType.Checkbox, SelectOptionsProviderAction = "stripRussian", HelpText = "Removes russian letters")]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Strip Russian letters", Type = FieldType.Checkbox, HelpText = "Removes russian letters")]
public bool RussianLetters { get ; set ; }
[FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Move first tags to end of release title", Type = FieldType.Checkbox)]
public bool MoveFirstTagsToEndOfReleaseTitle { get ; set ; }
[FieldDefinition(6, Label = "Move all tags to end of release title", Type = FieldType.Checkbox)]
public bool MoveAllTagsToEndOfReleaseTitle { get ; set ; }