@ -12,32 +12,35 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test.Download.DownloadClientTests.SabnzbdTests.JsonConve
public class SabnzbdQueueTimeConverterFixture
public class SabnzbdQueueTimeConverterFixture
private const string QUERY =
private const string QUERY = "{{ timeleft : '{0}' }}" ;
"{0} status : 'Downloading', mb : 1000, filename : 'Droned.S01E01.Pilot.1080p.WEB-DL-DRONE', priority : 0, cat : 'tv', mbleft : 10, percentage : 90, nzo_id : 'sabnzbd_nzb12345', timeleft : '{1}' {2}" ;
[TestCase("0:0:0", 0)]
[TestCase("0:1:59", 119)]
public void valid_time_formats_should_be_parsed_correctly ( string time )
[TestCase("0:59:59", 3599)]
[TestCase("1:0:0", 3600)]
[TestCase("1:0:0:1", 24 * 3600 + 1)]
[TestCase("40:12:14", 40 * 3600 + 12 * 60 + 14)]
[TestCase("1:16:12:14", 40 * 3600 + 12 * 60 + 14)]
public void valid_time_formats_should_be_parsed_correctly ( string time , int expectedSeconds )
var thing = string . Format ( QUERY , "{" , time , "}" ) ;
var thing = string . Format ( QUERY , time ) ;
var item = JsonConvert . DeserializeObject < SabnzbdQueueItem > ( thing ) ;
var item = JsonConvert . DeserializeObject < SabnzbdQueueItem > ( thing ) ;
item . Timeleft . Should ( ) . Be ( new TimeSpan ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) ) ;
item . Timeleft . Should ( ) . Be ( TimeSpan . FromSeconds ( expectedSeconds ) ) ;
public void invalid_time_formats_should_throw_an_exception ( string time )
public void invalid_time_formats_should_throw_an_exception ( string time )
var thing = string . Format ( QUERY , "{" , time , "}" ) ;
var thing = string . Format ( QUERY , time ) ;
Assert . That ( ( ) = > JsonConvert . DeserializeObject < SabnzbdQueueItem > ( thing ) , Throws . TypeOf < ArgumentException > ( ) ) ;
Assert . That ( ( ) = > JsonConvert . DeserializeObject < SabnzbdQueueItem > ( thing ) , Throws . TypeOf < ArgumentException > ( ) ) ;
public void should_support_pre_1_1_0rc4_format ( )
public void valid_time_formats_of_equal_value_should_be_parsed_the_same ( string time )
var thing = string . Format ( QUERY , " {", time , "} ") ;
var thing = string . Format ( QUERY , " 40:12:14 ") ;
var item = JsonConvert . DeserializeObject < SabnzbdQueueItem > ( thing ) ;
var item = JsonConvert . DeserializeObject < SabnzbdQueueItem > ( thing ) ;
item . Timeleft . Should ( ) . Be ( new TimeSpan ( 40 , 12 , 14 ) ) ;
item . Timeleft . Should ( ) . Be ( new TimeSpan ( 40 , 12 , 14 ) ) ;