Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "API Key", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.ApiKey, HelpText = "The ApiKey generated by Lidarr in Settings/General")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Sync Categories", Type = FieldType.Select, SelectOptions = typeof(NewznabCategoryFieldConverter), Advanced = true, HelpText = "Only Indexers that support these categories will be synced")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Sync Categories", Type = FieldType.Select, SelectOptions = typeof(NewznabCategoryFieldConverter), HelpText = "Only Indexers that support these categories will be synced", Advanced = true)]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "API Key", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.ApiKey, HelpText = "The ApiKey generated by Radarr in Settings/General")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Sync Categories", Type = FieldType.Select, SelectOptions = typeof(NewznabCategoryFieldConverter), Advanced = true, HelpText = "Only Indexers that support these categories will be synced")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Sync Categories", Type = FieldType.Select, SelectOptions = typeof(NewznabCategoryFieldConverter), HelpText = "Only Indexers that support these categories will be synced", Advanced = true)]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "API Key", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.ApiKey, HelpText = "The ApiKey generated by Readarr in Settings/General")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Sync Categories", Type = FieldType.Select, SelectOptions = typeof(NewznabCategoryFieldConverter), Advanced = true, HelpText = "Only Indexers that support these categories will be synced")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Sync Categories", Type = FieldType.Select, SelectOptions = typeof(NewznabCategoryFieldConverter), HelpText = "Only Indexers that support these categories will be synced", Advanced = true)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Anime Sync Categories", Type = FieldType.Select, SelectOptions = typeof(NewznabCategoryFieldConverter), Advanced = true, HelpText = "Only Indexers that support these categories will be synced")]
[FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Sync Anime Standard Format Search", Type = FieldType.Checkbox, Advanced = true, HelpText = "Sync also searching for anime using the standard numbering")]
[FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Sync Anime Standard Format Search", Type = FieldType.Checkbox, HelpText = "Sync also searching for anime using the standard numbering", Advanced = true)]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "API Key", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.ApiKey, HelpText = "The ApiKey generated by Whisparr in Settings/General")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Sync Categories", Type = FieldType.Select, SelectOptions = typeof(NewznabCategoryFieldConverter), Advanced = true, HelpText = "Only Indexers that support these categories will be synced")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Sync Categories", Type = FieldType.Select, SelectOptions = typeof(NewznabCategoryFieldConverter), HelpText = "Only Indexers that support these categories will be synced", Advanced = true)]
"ApplicationLongTermStatusCheckAllClientMessage":"All applications are unavailable due to failures for more than 6 hours",
"ApplicationLongTermStatusCheckSingleClientMessage":"Applications unavailable due to failures for more than 6 hours: {0}",
"ApplicationSettingsSyncRejectBlocklistedTorrentHashes":"Sync Reject Blocklisted Torrent Hashes While Grabbing",
"ApplicationSettingsSyncRejectBlocklistedTorrentHashesHelpText":"If a torrent is blocked by hash it may not properly be rejected during RSS/Search for some indexers, enabling this will allow it to be rejected after the torrent is grabbed, but before it is sent to the client.",
"ApplicationStatusCheckAllClientMessage":"All applications are unavailable due to failures",
"ApplicationStatusCheckSingleClientMessage":"Applications unavailable due to failures: {0}",
"ApplicationTagsHelpText":"Sync Indexers to this application that have one or more matching tags. If no tags are listed here, then no indexers will be prevented from syncing due to their tags.",
@ -396,8 +398,6 @@
"IndexerSettingsPasskey":"Pass Key",
"IndexerSettingsQueryLimit":"Query Limit",
"IndexerSettingsQueryLimitHelpText":"The number of max queries as specified by the respective unit that {appName} will allow to the site",
"IndexerSettingsRejectBlocklistedTorrentHashes":"Reject Blocklisted Torrent Hashes While Grabbing",
"IndexerSettingsRejectBlocklistedTorrentHashesHelpText":"If a torrent is blocked by hash it may not properly be rejected during RSS/Search for some indexers, enabling this will allow it to be rejected after the torrent is grabbed, but before it is sent to the client.",
"IndexerSettingsRssKey":"RSS Key",
"IndexerSettingsSeedRatio":"Seed Ratio",
"IndexerSettingsSeedRatioHelpText":"The ratio a torrent should reach before stopping, empty uses the download client's default. Ratio should be at least 1.0 and follow the indexers rules",
"DownloadClientFreeboxSettingsAppIdHelpText":"L'ID de l'application donné lors de la création de l'accès à l'API Freebox (c'est-à-dire 'app_id')",
"DownloadClientQbittorrentSettingsFirstAndLastFirstHelpText":"Télécharger d'abord le premier et le dernier morceau (qBittorrent 4.1.0+)",
"DownloadClientQbittorrentSettingsUseSslHelpText":"Utilisez une connexion sécurisée. Voir Options -> UI Web -> 'Utiliser HTTPS au lieu de HTTP' dans qBittorrent.",
"IndexerSettingsRejectBlocklistedTorrentHashesHelpText":"Si un torrent est bloqué par le hachage, il peut ne pas être correctement rejeté pendant le RSS/recherche pour certains indexeurs. L'activation de cette fonction permet de le rejeter après que le torrent a été saisi, mais avant qu'il ne soit envoyé au client.",
"TorrentBlackholeSaveMagnetFilesExtensionHelpText":"Extension à utiliser pour les liens magnétiques, la valeur par défaut est '.magnet'",
"IndexerSettingsRejectBlocklistedTorrentHashes":"Rejeter les hachages de torrents bloqués lors de la saisie",
"DownloadClientRTorrentSettingsDirectoryHelpText":"Emplacement facultatif dans lequel placer les téléchargements. Laisser vide pour utiliser l'emplacement par défaut de rTorrent",
"DownloadClientSettingsDefaultCategorySubFolderHelpText":"Catégorie de secours par défaut si aucune catégorie mappée n'existe pour une version. L'ajout d'une catégorie spécifique à {appName} permet d'éviter les conflits avec des téléchargements sans rapport avec {appName}. L'utilisation d'une catégorie est facultative, mais fortement recommandée. Crée un sous-répertoire [catégorie] dans le répertoire de sortie."
"TorrentBlackholeSaveMagnetFilesExtensionHelpText":"Extensão a ser usada para links magnet, o padrão é '.magnet'",
"TorrentBlackholeSaveMagnetFilesHelpText":"Salve o link magnet se nenhum arquivo .torrent estiver disponível (útil apenas se o cliente de download suportar magnets salvos em um arquivo)",
"UseSsl":"Usar SSL",
"IndexerSettingsRejectBlocklistedTorrentHashes":"Rejeitar Hashes de Torrent Bloqueados Durante a Captura",
"IndexerSettingsRejectBlocklistedTorrentHashesHelpText":"Se um torrent for bloqueado por hash, ele pode não ser rejeitado corretamente durante o RSS/Pesquisa de alguns indexadores. Ativar isso permitirá que ele seja rejeitado após o torrent ser capturado, mas antes de ser enviado ao cliente.",
"CustomFilter":"Filtro Personalizado",
"LabelIsRequired":"Rótulo é requerido",
"ProwlarrDownloadClientsInAppOnlyAlert":"Os clientes de download destinam-se apenas a pesquisas no aplicativo {appName} e não sincronizam com aplicativos. Não há planos para adicionar tal funcionalidade.",