New - Add Prowlarr Supported Indexers => Wiki Markdown PS Script

started adding the build tasks

updated to grab the first indexerURL from the api

Refactor Build => Supported Indexer Wiki Script (#470)

* Refactor Build => Supported Indexer Wiki Script

Fixes #331

Co-authored-by: Robin Dadswell <>

add current versions to wiki output

pull commit from github if not passed

minor updates & support for semi-private (treat as private)

Co-authored-by: Bakerboy448 <>"
Robin Dadswell 4 years ago committed by Bogdan
parent 7a0dd0bc0d
commit e5b56c47ca

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
#Requires -Module FormatMarkdownTable -Version 7.1
Name: Convert-ProwlarrSupportedIndexersToMarkdownTable.ps1
The purpose of this script is to export a markdown table for the wiki of the available indexers
Grabs build number and available indexers from a local or remotely installed Prowlarr instance. Requires App API Key. Gets latest commit from Github if Commit is not passed
This script has been tested on Windows PowerShell 7.1.3
PS> .\Convert-ProwlarrSupportedIndexersToMarkdownTable.ps1 -Commit -Build "test" -AppAPIKey "asjdhfjashdf89787asdfsad87676" -AppBaseURL http://prowlarr:9696 -OutputFile ""
PS> .\Convert-ProwlarrSupportedIndexersToMarkdownTable.ps1 -Commit -Build "test" -AppAPIKey "asjdhfjashdf89787asdfsad87676" -AppBaseURL http://prowlarr:9696
PS> .\Convert-ProwlarrSupportedIndexersToMarkdownTable.ps1 -Commit -Build "test" -AppAPIKey "asjdhfjashdf89787asdfsad87676" -OutputFile ""
PS> .\Convert-ProwlarrSupportedIndexersToMarkdownTable.ps1 -Commit -AppAPIKey "asjdhfjashdf89787asdfsad87676"
param (
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[Parameter(Position = 2)]
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 3)]
[Parameter(Position = 4)]
[System.IO.FileInfo]$OutputFile = ".$([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)",
[Parameter(Position = 5)]
[uri]$AppBaseURL = 'http://localhost:9696'
# Gather Inputs & Variables
## User Inputs
### Convert Params to match vars
$app_baseUrl = $AppBaseURL
$app_apikey = $AppAPIKey
## Start Variables
### Application Details
$app_api_version = 'v1'
$app_api_path = '/api/'
$app_api_endpoint_version = '/system/status'
$app_api_endpoint_indexer = '/indexer/schema'
$headers = @{'X-Api-Key' = $app_apikey }
### Github App Info
$gh_app_org = 'Prowlarr'
$gh_app_repo = 'Prowlarr'
### Wiki Details
$wiki_link = ''
$wiki_app_path = '/prowlarr'
$wiki_page = 'supported-indexers'
$wiki_bookmark = '#'
### Page Formatting
$markdown_escape_regex = '(\w)(\.|\[|\])(\w)'
$markdown_escape_regex_rep = '$1\$2$3'
$wiki_1newline = "`r`n"
$wiki_2newline = "`r`n`r`n"
$wiki_encoding = 'utf8'
### Github Details
$gh_web = ''
$gh_web_commit = 'commit/'
## End Variables
Write-Information 'Variables and Inputs Imported'
## Build Parameters
### App
$api_url = ($app_baseUrl.ToString().TrimEnd('/')) + $app_api_path + $app_api_version
$version_url = $api_url + $app_api_endpoint_version
$indexer_url = $api_url + $app_api_endpoint_indexer
### Github
$gh_repo_org = $gh_app_org + '/' + $gh_app_repo + '/'
### Wiki
$wiki_infolink = ($wiki_link.ToString().TrimEnd('/')) + $wiki_app_path + '/' + $wiki_page + $wiki_bookmark
$wiki_commiturl = ($gh_web.ToString().TrimEnd('/')) + '/' + $gh_repo_org + $gh_web_commit
Write-Information 'Parameters Built'
## Invoke Requests & Convert to Objects
Write-Information 'Getting Version Data and Converting Response to Object'
$version_obj = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $version_url -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json' -Method Get).Content | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Information 'Got App Version'
Write-Information 'Getting Indexer Data and Converting Response to Object'
$indexer_obj = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $indexer_url -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json' -Method Get).Content | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Information 'Got Indexer Data'
## We use the regex to escape dots (URLS) and Brackets (markdown links) in names and descriptions
$indexer_name_exp = { IF ($_.IndexerUrls) { '[' + ($ -replace $markdown_escape_regex, $markdown_escape_regex_rep) + '](' + ($_.IndexerUrls[0]) + ')' + '{#' + $_.infoLink.Replace($wiki_infolink.ToString(), '') + '}' } Else { ($ -replace $markdown_escape_regex, $markdown_escape_regex_rep) + '{#' + $_.infoLink.Replace($wiki_infolink.ToString(), '') + '}' } }
$usenet_indexer_name_exp = { IF ($_.IndexerUrls) { '[' + ($ -replace $markdown_escape_regex, $markdown_escape_regex_rep) + '](' + ($_.IndexerUrls[0]) + ')' + '{#' + $_.infoLink.Replace($wiki_infolink.ToString(), '') + '}' } Else { IF ($_.fields.value[0]) { '[' + ($ -replace $markdown_escape_regex, $markdown_escape_regex_rep) + '](' + ($_.fields.value[0].Replace('api.', '').Replace('feed.', '')) + ')' + '{#' + $_.infoLink.Replace($wiki_infolink.ToString(), '') + '}' } Else { ($ -replace $markdown_escape_regex, $markdown_escape_regex_rep) + '{#' + $_.infoLink.Replace($wiki_infolink.ToString(), '') + '}' } } }
$indexer_description_exp = { ($_.description -replace $markdown_escape_regex, $markdown_escape_regex_rep) }
$gh_app_org = 'Prowlarr'
$gh_app_repo = 'Prowlarr'
$gh_repo_org = $gh_app_org + '/' + $gh_app_repo + '/'
## Determine Commit
if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('commit') )
Write-Information "Commit passed from argument. Skipping Github Query"
$gh_url = ('' + $gh_repo_org + 'commits')
Write-Information "Getting commit info from Github [$gh_url]"
$github_req = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $gh_url -ContentType 'application/json' -Method Get
$commit = ($github_req | select-object -first 1).sha
Write-Information "Commit is $commit"
## Determine Commit
## Determine Version (Build)
Write-Information 'Determining Build'
$build = $version_obj | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'version' | Out-String | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "`n|`r", '' }
Write-Information "Build is $build"
Write-Information 'Ingesting Indexer Data'
## Get Indexer Data
$indexer_tbl_obj = $indexer_obj | Sort-Object -Property 'name'
## Build Table Fields
Write-Information 'Building Indexer Tables'
### Public Usenet
Write-Information 'Building: Usenet - Public'
$tbl_PubUse = $indexer_tbl_obj | Where-Object { ($_.privacy -eq 'public') -and ($_.protocol -eq 'usenet') } | Select-Object @{Name = 'Indexer'; Expression = $usenet_indexer_name_exp }, @{Name = 'Language'; Expression = { $_.language } }, @{Name = 'Description'; Expression = $indexer_description_exp }
### Private Usenet
Write-Information 'Building: Usenet - Private'
$tbl_PrvUse = $indexer_tbl_obj | Where-Object { ($_.privacy -CIn 'private' -and $_.protocol -eq 'usenet') } | Select-Object @{Name = 'Indexer'; Expression = $usenet_indexer_name_exp }, @{Name = 'Language'; Expression = { $_.language } }, @{Name = 'Description'; Expression = $indexer_description_exp }
### Public Torrents
Write-Information 'Building: Torrents - Public'
$tbl_PubTor = $indexer_tbl_obj | Where-Object { ($_.privacy -eq 'public') -and ($_.protocol -eq 'torrent') } | Select-Object @{Name = 'Indexer'; Expression = $indexer_name_exp }, @{Name = 'Language'; Expression = { $_.language } }, @{Name = 'Description'; Expression = $indexer_description_exp }
### Private Torrents
Write-Information 'Building: Torrents - Private'
$tbl_PrvTor = $indexer_tbl_obj | Where-Object { ($_.privacy -CIn 'private' -and $_.protocol -eq 'torrent') } | Select-Object @{Name = 'Indexer'; Expression = $indexer_name_exp }, @{Name = 'Language'; Expression = { $_.language } }, @{Name = 'Description'; Expression = $indexer_description_exp }
## Convert Data to Markdown Table
$tbl_fmt_PubUse = $tbl_PubUse | Format-MarkdownTableTableStyle Indexer, Description, Language -HideStandardOutput -ShowMarkdown -DoNotCopyToClipboard
$tbl_fmt_PrvUse = $tbl_PrvUse | Format-MarkdownTableTableStyle Indexer, Description, Language -HideStandardOutput -ShowMarkdown -DoNotCopyToClipboard
$tbl_fmt_PubTor = $tbl_PubTor | Format-MarkdownTableTableStyle Indexer, Description, Language -HideStandardOutput -ShowMarkdown -DoNotCopyToClipboard
$tbl_fmt_PrvTor = $tbl_PrvTor | Format-MarkdownTableTableStyle Indexer, Description, Language -HideStandardOutput -ShowMarkdown -DoNotCopyToClipboard
Write-Information 'Builds Converted to Markdown Tables'
## Page Header Info
$wiki_page_start = $wiki_1newline + "- Supported Trackers and Indexers as of Build ``" + $build + "`` / [Commit: " + $commit + '](' + $wiki_commiturl + $commit + ')'
Write-Information 'Page Header Built'
## Build Page Pieces'
$tbl_fmt_tor = $wiki_1newline + '## Torrents' + $wiki_2newline + '### Public Trackers' + $wiki_2newline + $tbl_fmt_PubTor + $wiki_1newline + '### Private & Semi-Private Trackers' + $wiki_2newline + $tbl_fmt_PrvTor
$tbl_fmt_use = $wiki_1newline + '## Usenet' + $wiki_2newline + '### Public Indexers' + $wiki_2newline + $tbl_fmt_PubUse + $wiki_1newline + '### Private & Semi-Private Indexers' + $wiki_2newline + $tbl_fmt_PrvUse
Write-Information 'Wiki Markdown Tables Built'
$date = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString('o')
$mdHeader =
title: Prowlarr Supported Indexers
description: Indexers currently named as supported in the current nightly build of Prowlarr. Other indexers may be available via either Generic Newznab or Generic Torznab.
published: true
date: $date
tags: prowlarr, indexers
editor: markdown
dateCreated: $date
$wiki_page_version =
- Current `Master` Version | ![Current Master/Stable](
- Current `Develop` Version | ![Current Develop/Beta](
- Current `Nightly` Version | ![Current Nightly/Alpha](
Write-Information 'Wiki Page pieces built'
## Build and Output Page
## We replace because converting to markdown escaped the `\` as `\\` and thus `\\\\` is `\\` in file (due to regex)
$wiki_page_file = ((($mdHeader + $wiki_1newline + $wiki_page_start + $wiki_1newline + $wiki_page_version + $tbl_fmt_tor + $tbl_fmt_use) -replace '\\\\', '\') -replace '---', '---').Trim()
Write-Information 'Wiki Page Built'
$wiki_page_file | Out-File $OutputFile -Encoding $wiki_encoding
Write-Information 'Wiki Page Output'

@ -1080,6 +1080,33 @@ stages:
summaryFileLocation: './CoverageResults/combined/Cobertura.xml'
reportDirectory: './CoverageResults/combined/'
- stage: Supported_Indexers_Wiki_Update
- Analyze
- Unit_Test
- Integration
- Automation
condition: |
and(succeeded(), eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/develop')),
and(succeeded(), eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/master'))
displayName: Wiki Markdown Updates
- job:
displayName: Markdown creation
vmImage: 'windows-2019'
- task: PowerShell@2
continueOnError: true
displayName: "Run "
- powershell: |
Set-PSRepository PSGallery -InstallationPolicy trusted
Install-Module FormatMarkdownTable -Confirm:$false -Force
.\Convert-ProwlarrSupportedIndexersToMarkdownTable.ps1 -Commit <Q/TA - will need help with this bit> -Build '$(prowlarrVersion)' -APIKey <Q/TA - will need help with this bit> -OutputFile "./" -BaseURL "http://prowlarr:8989"
- stage: Report_Out
- Analyze
