using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Threading; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common; using NzbDrone.Common.Composition; using NzbDrone.Common.EnsureThat; using NzbDrone.Common.Serializer; using NzbDrone.Core.Exceptions; using NzbDrone.Core.Lifecycle; using NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands { public interface IManageCommandQueue { List PushMany(List commands) where TCommand : Command; CommandModel Push(TCommand command, CommandPriority priority = CommandPriority.Normal, CommandTrigger trigger = CommandTrigger.Unspecified) where TCommand : Command; CommandModel Push(string commandName, DateTime? lastExecutionTime, DateTime? lastStartTime, CommandPriority priority = CommandPriority.Normal, CommandTrigger trigger = CommandTrigger.Unspecified); IEnumerable Queue(CancellationToken cancellationToken); List All(); CommandModel Get(int id); List GetStarted(); void SetMessage(CommandModel command, string message); void Start(CommandModel command); void Complete(CommandModel command, string message); void Fail(CommandModel command, string message, Exception e); void Requeue(); void Cancel(int id); void CleanCommands(); } public class CommandQueueManager : IManageCommandQueue, IHandle { private readonly ICommandRepository _repo; private readonly KnownTypes _knownTypes; private readonly Logger _logger; private readonly CommandQueue _commandQueue; public CommandQueueManager(ICommandRepository repo, IServiceFactory serviceFactory, KnownTypes knownTypes, Logger logger) { _repo = repo; _knownTypes = knownTypes; _logger = logger; _commandQueue = new CommandQueue(); } public List PushMany(List commands) where TCommand : Command { _logger.Trace("Publishing {0} commands", commands.Count); lock (_commandQueue) { var commandModels = new List(); var existingCommands = _commandQueue.QueuedOrStarted(); foreach (var command in commands) { var existing = existingCommands.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == command.Name && CommandEqualityComparer.Instance.Equals(c.Body, command)); if (existing != null) { continue; } var commandModel = new CommandModel { Name = command.Name, Body = command, QueuedAt = DateTime.UtcNow, Trigger = CommandTrigger.Unspecified, Priority = CommandPriority.Normal, Status = CommandStatus.Queued }; commandModels.Add(commandModel); } _repo.InsertMany(commandModels); foreach (var commandModel in commandModels) { _commandQueue.Add(commandModel); } return commandModels; } } public CommandModel Push(TCommand command, CommandPriority priority = CommandPriority.Normal, CommandTrigger trigger = CommandTrigger.Unspecified) where TCommand : Command { Ensure.That(command, () => command).IsNotNull(); _logger.Trace("Publishing {0}", command.Name); _logger.Trace("Checking if command is queued or started: {0}", command.Name); lock (_commandQueue) { var existingCommands = QueuedOrStarted(command.Name); var existing = existingCommands.FirstOrDefault(c => CommandEqualityComparer.Instance.Equals(c.Body, command)); if (existing != null) { _logger.Trace("Command is already in progress: {0}", command.Name); return existing; } var commandModel = new CommandModel { Name = command.Name, Body = command, QueuedAt = DateTime.UtcNow, Trigger = trigger, Priority = priority, Status = CommandStatus.Queued }; _logger.Trace("Inserting new command: {0}", commandModel.Name); _repo.Insert(commandModel); _commandQueue.Add(commandModel); return commandModel; } } public CommandModel Push(string commandName, DateTime? lastExecutionTime, DateTime? lastStartTime, CommandPriority priority = CommandPriority.Normal, CommandTrigger trigger = CommandTrigger.Unspecified) { var command = GetCommand(commandName); command.LastExecutionTime = lastExecutionTime; command.LastStartTime = lastStartTime; command.Trigger = trigger; return Push(command, priority, trigger); } public IEnumerable Queue(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { return _commandQueue.GetConsumingEnumerable(cancellationToken); } public List All() { _logger.Trace("Getting all commands"); return _commandQueue.All(); } public CommandModel Get(int id) { var command = _commandQueue.Find(id); if (command == null) { command = _repo.Get(id); } return command; } public List GetStarted() { _logger.Trace("Getting started commands"); return _commandQueue.All().Where(c => c.Status == CommandStatus.Started).ToList(); } public void SetMessage(CommandModel command, string message) { command.Message = message; } public void Start(CommandModel command) { // Marks the command as started in the DB, the queue takes care of marking it as started on it's own _logger.Trace("Marking command as started: {0}", command.Name); _repo.Start(command); } public void Complete(CommandModel command, string message) { Update(command, CommandStatus.Completed, message); _commandQueue.PulseAllConsumers(); } public void Fail(CommandModel command, string message, Exception e) { command.Exception = e.ToString(); Update(command, CommandStatus.Failed, message); _commandQueue.PulseAllConsumers(); } public void Requeue() { foreach (var command in _repo.Queued()) { _commandQueue.Add(command); } } public void Cancel(int id) { if (!_commandQueue.RemoveIfQueued(id)) { throw new NzbDroneClientException(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, "Unable to cancel task"); } } public void CleanCommands() { _logger.Trace("Cleaning up old commands"); var commands = _commandQueue.All() .Where(c => c.EndedAt < DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-5)) .ToList(); _commandQueue.RemoveMany(commands); _repo.Trim(); } private dynamic GetCommand(string commandName) { commandName = commandName.Split('.').Last(); var commands = _knownTypes.GetImplementations(typeof(Command)); var commandType = commands.Single(c => c.Name.Equals(commandName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); return Json.Deserialize("{}", commandType); } private void Update(CommandModel command, CommandStatus status, string message) { SetMessage(command, message); command.EndedAt = DateTime.UtcNow; command.Duration = command.EndedAt.Value.Subtract(command.StartedAt.Value); command.Status = status; _logger.Trace("Updating command status"); _repo.End(command); } private List QueuedOrStarted(string name) { return _commandQueue.QueuedOrStarted() .Where(q => q.Name == name) .ToList(); } public void Handle(ApplicationStartedEvent message) { _logger.Trace("Orphaning incomplete commands"); _repo.OrphanStarted(); Requeue(); } } }