using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using FluentValidation;
using Nancy;
using NzbDrone.Api.Extensions;
using System.Linq;
using NzbDrone.Core.Datastore;

namespace NzbDrone.Api.REST
    public abstract class RestModule<TResource> : NancyModule
        where TResource : RestResource, new()
        private const string ROOT_ROUTE = "/";
        private const string ID_ROUTE = @"/(?<id>[\d]{1,7})";

        private Action<int> _deleteResource;
        private Func<int, TResource> _getResourceById;
        private Func<List<TResource>> _getResourceAll;
        private Func<PagingResource<TResource>, PagingResource<TResource>> _getResourcePaged;
        private Func<TResource> _getResourceSingle;
        private Func<TResource, int> _createResource;
        private Action<TResource> _updateResource;

        protected ResourceValidator<TResource> PostValidator { get; private set; }
        protected ResourceValidator<TResource> PutValidator { get; private set; }
        protected ResourceValidator<TResource> SharedValidator { get; private set; }

        protected void ValidateId(int id)
            if (id <= 0)
                throw new BadRequestException(id + " is not a valid ID");

        protected RestModule(string modulePath)
            : base(modulePath)

            PostValidator = new ResourceValidator<TResource>();
            PutValidator = new ResourceValidator<TResource>();
            SharedValidator = new ResourceValidator<TResource>();

        protected Action<int> DeleteResource
            private get { return _deleteResource; }
                _deleteResource = value;
                Delete[ID_ROUTE] = options =>

                    return new object().AsResponse();

        protected Func<int, TResource> GetResourceById
            private get { return _getResourceById; }
                _getResourceById = value;
                Get[ID_ROUTE] = options =>
                            var resource = GetResourceById((int)options.Id);

                            if (resource == null)
                                return new NotFoundResponse();

                            return resource.AsResponse();
                        catch (ModelNotFoundException)
                            return new NotFoundResponse();

        protected Func<List<TResource>> GetResourceAll
            private get { return _getResourceAll; }
                _getResourceAll = value;

                Get[ROOT_ROUTE] = options =>
                    var resource = GetResourceAll();
                    return resource.AsResponse();

        protected Func<PagingResource<TResource>, PagingResource<TResource>> GetResourcePaged
            private get { return _getResourcePaged; }
                _getResourcePaged = value;

                Get[ROOT_ROUTE] = options =>
                    var resource = GetResourcePaged(ReadPagingResourceFromRequest());
                    return resource.AsResponse();

        protected Func<TResource> GetResourceSingle
            private get { return _getResourceSingle; }
                _getResourceSingle = value;

                Get[ROOT_ROUTE] = options =>
                    var resource = GetResourceSingle();
                    return resource.AsResponse();

        protected Func<TResource, int> CreateResource
            private get { return _createResource; }
                _createResource = value;
                Post[ROOT_ROUTE] = options =>
                    var id = CreateResource(ReadResourceFromRequest());
                    return GetResourceById(id).AsResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created);


        private void EnsureGetByIdRoute()
            if (GetResourceById == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    "GetResourceById route must be defined before defining Create/Update routes.");

        protected Action<TResource> UpdateResource
            private get { return _updateResource; }
                _updateResource = value;
                Put[ROOT_ROUTE] = options =>
                        var resource = ReadResourceFromRequest();
                        return GetResourceById(resource.Id).AsResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted);

                Put[ID_ROUTE] = options =>
                        var resource = ReadResourceFromRequest();
                        resource.Id = options.Id;
                        return GetResourceById(resource.Id).AsResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted);

        protected TResource ReadResourceFromRequest()
            //TODO: handle when request is null
            var resource = Request.Body.FromJson<TResource>();

            if (resource == null)
                throw new BadRequestException("Request body can't be empty");

            var errors = SharedValidator.Validate(resource).Errors.ToList();

            if (Request.Method.Equals("POST", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
            else if (Request.Method.Equals("PUT", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

            if (errors.Any())
                throw new ValidationException(errors);

            return resource;

        private PagingResource<TResource> ReadPagingResourceFromRequest()
            int pageSize;
            Int32.TryParse(Request.Query.PageSize.ToString(), out pageSize);
            if (pageSize == 0) pageSize = 10;

            int page;
            Int32.TryParse(Request.Query.Page.ToString(), out page);
            if (page == 0) page = 1;

            var pagingResource = new PagingResource<TResource>
                PageSize = pageSize,
                Page = page,

            if (Request.Query.SortKey != null)
                pagingResource.SortKey = Request.Query.SortKey.ToString();

                if (Request.Query.SortDir != null)
                    pagingResource.SortDirection = Request.Query.SortDir.ToString()
                                                          .Equals("Asc", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                                                       ? SortDirection.Ascending
                                                       : SortDirection.Descending;

            return pagingResource;