using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using FluentValidation.Results; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration; using NzbDrone.Core.Indexers; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Applications.Lidarr { public class Lidarr : ApplicationBase { public override string Name => "Lidarr"; private readonly ILidarrV1Proxy _lidarrV1Proxy; private readonly IIndexerFactory _indexerFactory; private readonly IConfigFileProvider _configFileProvider; public Lidarr(ILidarrV1Proxy lidarrV1Proxy, IIndexerFactory indexerFactory, IConfigFileProvider configFileProvider, IAppIndexerMapService appIndexerMapService, Logger logger) : base(appIndexerMapService, logger) { _lidarrV1Proxy = lidarrV1Proxy; _indexerFactory = indexerFactory; _configFileProvider = configFileProvider; } public override ValidationResult Test() { var failures = new List(); failures.AddIfNotNull(_lidarrV1Proxy.Test(Settings)); return new ValidationResult(failures); } public override void AddIndexer(IndexerDefinition indexer) { var schema = _lidarrV1Proxy.GetIndexerSchema(Settings); var newznab = schema.Where(i => i.Implementation == "Newznab").First(); var torznab = schema.Where(i => i.Implementation == "Torznab").First(); var lidarrIndexer = BuildLidarrIndexer(indexer, indexer.Protocol == DownloadProtocol.Usenet ? newznab : torznab); var remoteIndexer = _lidarrV1Proxy.AddIndexer(lidarrIndexer, Settings); _appIndexerMapService.Insert(new AppIndexerMap { AppId = Definition.Id, IndexerId = indexer.Id, RemoteIndexerId = remoteIndexer.Id }); } public override void RemoveIndexer(int indexerId) { //Use the Id mapping here to delete the correct indexer throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } public override void UpdateIndexer(IndexerDefinition indexer) { //Use the Id mapping here to delete the correct indexer throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } public override void SyncIndexers() { // Pull Schema so we get the field mapping right var schema = _lidarrV1Proxy.GetIndexerSchema(Settings); var newznab = schema.Where(i => i.Implementation == "Newznab").First(); var torznab = schema.Where(i => i.Implementation == "Torznab").First(); // Pull existing indexers from Lidarr var indexers = _lidarrV1Proxy.GetIndexers(Settings); //Pull all local indexers (TODO only those that support movie categories.) var prowlarrIndexers = _indexerFactory.GetAvailableProviders(); //Pull mapping so we can check the mapping to see what already exists. var indexerMappings = _appIndexerMapService.GetMappingsForApp(Definition.Id); //Add new Indexers foreach (var indexer in prowlarrIndexers) { //Don't add if it already exists in our mappings for this app (TODO should we check that it exists remote?) if (indexerMappings.Any(x => x.IndexerId == indexer.Definition.Id)) { continue; } var definition = (IndexerDefinition)indexer.Definition; var lidarrIndexer = BuildLidarrIndexer(definition, definition.Protocol == DownloadProtocol.Usenet ? newznab : torznab); var remoteIndexer = _lidarrV1Proxy.AddIndexer(lidarrIndexer, Settings); _appIndexerMapService.Insert(new AppIndexerMap { AppId = Definition.Id, IndexerId = definition.Id, RemoteIndexerId = remoteIndexer.Id }); } //Delete Indexers that need Deleting. } private LidarrIndexer BuildLidarrIndexer(IndexerDefinition indexer, LidarrIndexer schema) { var lidarrIndexer = new LidarrIndexer { Id = 0, Name = $"{indexer.Name} (Prowlarr)", EnableRss = indexer.EnableRss, EnableAutomaticSearch = indexer.EnableAutomaticSearch, EnableInteractiveSearch = indexer.EnableInteractiveSearch, Priority = indexer.Priority, Implementation = indexer.Protocol == DownloadProtocol.Usenet ? "Newznab" : "Torznab", ConfigContract = schema.ConfigContract, Fields = schema.Fields, }; lidarrIndexer.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "baseUrl").Value = $"{Settings.ProwlarrUrl}/api/v1/indexer/{indexer.Id}/"; lidarrIndexer.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "apiPath").Value = "/newznab"; lidarrIndexer.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "apiKey").Value = _configFileProvider.ApiKey; return lidarrIndexer; } } }