using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Xml.Linq; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Common.Http; using NzbDrone.Core.Download; using NzbDrone.Core.History; using NzbDrone.Core.Indexers; using NzbDrone.Core.IndexerSearch; using NzbDrone.Core.Parser; using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model; using Prowlarr.Http.Extensions; using Prowlarr.Http.REST; namespace NzbDrone.Api.V1.Indexers { [Route("")] [EnableCors("ApiCorsPolicy")] [ApiController] public class NewznabController : Controller { private IIndexerFactory _indexerFactory { get; set; } private ISearchForNzb _nzbSearchService { get; set; } private IIndexerLimitService _indexerLimitService { get; set; } private IDownloadMappingService _downloadMappingService { get; set; } private IDownloadService _downloadService { get; set; } public NewznabController(IndexerFactory indexerFactory, ISearchForNzb nzbSearchService, IIndexerLimitService indexerLimitService, IDownloadMappingService downloadMappingService, IDownloadService downloadService) { _indexerFactory = indexerFactory; _nzbSearchService = nzbSearchService; _indexerLimitService = indexerLimitService; _downloadMappingService = downloadMappingService; _downloadService = downloadService; } [HttpGet("/api/v1/indexer/{id:int}/newznab")] [HttpGet("{id:int}/api")] public async Task GetNewznabResponse(int id, [FromQuery] NewznabRequest request) { var requestType = request.t; request.source = UserAgentParser.ParseSource(Request.Headers["User-Agent"]); request.server = Request.GetServerUrl(); = Request.GetHostName(); if (requestType.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { return Content(CreateErrorXML(200, "Missing parameter (t)"), "application/rss+xml"); } request.imdbid = request.imdbid?.TrimStart('t') ?? null; if (request.imdbid.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { if (!int.TryParse(request.imdbid, out var imdb) || imdb == 0) { return Content(CreateErrorXML(201, "Incorrect parameter (imdbid)"), "application/rss+xml"); } } if (id == 0) { switch (requestType) { case "caps": var caps = new IndexerCapabilities(); foreach (var cat in NewznabStandardCategory.AllCats) { caps.Categories.AddCategoryMapping(1, cat); } return Content(caps.ToXml(), "application/rss+xml"); case "search": case "tvsearch": case "music": case "book": case "movie": var results = new NewznabResults(); results.Releases = new List { new ReleaseInfo { Title = "Test Release", Guid = "", DownloadUrl = "", PublishDate = DateTime.Now } }; return Content(results.ToXml(DownloadProtocol.Usenet), "application/rss+xml"); } } var indexerDef = _indexerFactory.Get(id); if (indexerDef == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Indexer Not Found"); } var indexer = _indexerFactory.GetInstance(indexerDef); //TODO Optimize this so it's not called here and in NzbSearchService (for manual search) if (_indexerLimitService.AtQueryLimit(indexerDef)) { return Content(CreateErrorXML(500, $"Request limit reached ({((IIndexerSettings)indexer.Definition.Settings).BaseSettings.QueryLimit})"), "application/rss+xml"); } switch (requestType) { case "caps": var caps = indexer.GetCapabilities(); return Content(caps.ToXml(), "application/rss+xml"); case "search": case "tvsearch": case "music": case "book": case "movie": var results = await _nzbSearchService.Search(request, new List { indexerDef.Id }, false); foreach (var result in results.Releases) { result.DownloadUrl = result.DownloadUrl.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() ? _downloadMappingService.ConvertToProxyLink(new Uri(result.DownloadUrl), request.server, indexerDef.Id, result.Title).ToString() : null; if (result.DownloadProtocol == DownloadProtocol.Torrent) { ((TorrentInfo)result).MagnetUrl = ((TorrentInfo)result).MagnetUrl.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() ? _downloadMappingService.ConvertToProxyLink(new Uri(((TorrentInfo)result).MagnetUrl), request.server, indexerDef.Id, result.Title).ToString() : null; } } return Content(results.ToXml(indexer.Protocol), "application/rss+xml"); default: return Content(CreateErrorXML(202, $"No such function ({requestType})"), "application/rss+xml"); } } [HttpGet("/api/v1/indexer/{id:int}/download")] [HttpGet("{id:int}/download")] public async Task GetDownload(int id, string link, string file) { var indexerDef = _indexerFactory.Get(id); var indexer = _indexerFactory.GetInstance(indexerDef); if (_indexerLimitService.AtDownloadLimit(indexerDef)) { throw new BadRequestException("Grab limit reached"); } if (link.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() || file.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { throw new BadRequestException("Invalid Prowlarr link"); } file = WebUtility.UrlDecode(file); if (indexerDef == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Indexer Not Found"); } var source = UserAgentParser.ParseSource(Request.Headers["User-Agent"]); var host = Request.GetHostName(); var unprotectedlLink = _downloadMappingService.ConvertToNormalLink(link); // If Indexer is set to download via Redirect then just redirect to the link if (indexer.SupportsRedirect && indexerDef.Redirect) { _downloadService.RecordRedirect(unprotectedlLink, id, source, host, file); return RedirectPermanent(unprotectedlLink); } var downloadBytes = Array.Empty(); downloadBytes = await _downloadService.DownloadReport(unprotectedlLink, id, source, host, file); // handle magnet URLs if (downloadBytes.Length >= 7 && downloadBytes[0] == 0x6d && downloadBytes[1] == 0x61 && downloadBytes[2] == 0x67 && downloadBytes[3] == 0x6e && downloadBytes[4] == 0x65 && downloadBytes[5] == 0x74 && downloadBytes[6] == 0x3a) { var magnetUrl = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(downloadBytes); return RedirectPermanent(magnetUrl); } var contentType = indexer.Protocol == DownloadProtocol.Torrent ? "application/x-bittorrent" : "application/x-nzb"; var extension = indexer.Protocol == DownloadProtocol.Torrent ? "torrent" : "nzb"; var filename = $"{file}.{extension}"; return File(downloadBytes, contentType, filename); } public static string CreateErrorXML(int code, string description) { var xdoc = new XDocument( new XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null), new XElement("error", new XAttribute("code", code.ToString()), new XAttribute("description", description))); return xdoc.Declaration + Environment.NewLine + xdoc; } } }