using FluentValidation; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Core.Annotations; using NzbDrone.Core.Validation; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.Twitter { public class TwitterSettingsValidator : AbstractValidator { public TwitterSettingsValidator() { RuleFor(c => c.ConsumerKey).NotEmpty(); RuleFor(c => c.ConsumerSecret).NotEmpty(); RuleFor(c => c.AccessToken).NotEmpty(); RuleFor(c => c.AccessTokenSecret).NotEmpty(); //TODO: Validate that it is a valid username (numbers, letters and underscores - I think) RuleFor(c => c.Mention).NotEmpty().When(c => c.DirectMessage); RuleFor(c => c.DirectMessage).Equal(true) .WithMessage("Using Direct Messaging is recommended, or use a private account.") .AsWarning(); RuleFor(c => c.AuthorizeNotification).Empty() .When(c => c.AccessToken.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() || c.AccessTokenSecret.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) .WithMessage("Authenticate app."); } } public class TwitterSettings : NotificationBaseSettings { private static readonly TwitterSettingsValidator Validator = new TwitterSettingsValidator(); public TwitterSettings() { DirectMessage = true; AuthorizeNotification = "startOAuth"; } [FieldDefinition(0, Label = "Consumer Key", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.ApiKey, HelpText = "Consumer key from a Twitter application", HelpLink = "")] public string ConsumerKey { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(1, Label = "Consumer Secret", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.ApiKey, HelpText = "Consumer secret from a Twitter application", HelpLink = "")] public string ConsumerSecret { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(2, Label = "Access Token", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.ApiKey, Advanced = true)] public string AccessToken { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Access Token Secret", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.ApiKey, Advanced = true)] public string AccessTokenSecret { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Mention", HelpText = "Mention this user in sent tweets")] public string Mention { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Direct Message", Type = FieldType.Checkbox, HelpText = "Send a direct message instead of a public message")] public bool DirectMessage { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(6, Label = "Connect to Twitter", Type = FieldType.OAuth)] public string AuthorizeNotification { get; set; } public override NzbDroneValidationResult Validate() { return new NzbDroneValidationResult(Validator.Validate(this)); } } }