#Requires -Module FormatMarkdownTable -Version 7.1 <# .SYNOPSIS Name: Convert-ProwlarrSupportedIndexersToMarkdownTable.ps1 The purpose of this script is to export a markdown table for the wiki of the available indexers .DESCRIPTION Grabs build number and available indexers from a local or remotely installed Prowlarr instance. Requires App API Key. Gets latest commit from Github if Commit is not passed .NOTES This script has been tested on Windows PowerShell 7.1.3 .EXAMPLE PS> .\Convert-ProwlarrSupportedIndexersToMarkdownTable.ps1 -Commit -Build "test" -AppAPIKey "asjdhfjashdf89787asdfsad87676" -AppBaseURL http://prowlarr:9696 -OutputFile "supported-indexers.md" .EXAMPLE PS> .\Convert-ProwlarrSupportedIndexersToMarkdownTable.ps1 -Commit -Build "test" -AppAPIKey "asjdhfjashdf89787asdfsad87676" -AppBaseURL http://prowlarr:9696 .EXAMPLE PS> .\Convert-ProwlarrSupportedIndexersToMarkdownTable.ps1 -Commit -Build "test" -AppAPIKey "asjdhfjashdf89787asdfsad87676" -OutputFile "supported-indexers.md" .EXAMPLE PS> .\Convert-ProwlarrSupportedIndexersToMarkdownTable.ps1 -Commit -AppAPIKey "asjdhfjashdf89787asdfsad87676" #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position = 1)] [string]$Commit, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [string]$Build, [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 3)] [string]$AppAPIKey, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [System.IO.FileInfo]$OutputFile = ".$([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)supported-indexers.md", [Parameter(Position = 5)] [uri]$AppBaseURL = 'http://localhost:9696' ), # Gather Inputs & Variables ## User Inputs ### Convert Params to match vars $app_baseUrl = $AppBaseURL $app_apikey = $AppAPIKey ## Start Variables ### Application Details $app_api_version = 'v1' $app_api_path = '/api/' $app_api_endpoint_version = '/system/status' $app_api_endpoint_indexer = '/indexer/schema' $headers = @{'X-Api-Key' = $app_apikey } ### Github App Info $gh_app_org = 'Prowlarr' $gh_app_repo = 'Prowlarr' ### Wiki Details $wiki_link = 'https://wiki.servarr.com' $wiki_app_path = '/prowlarr' $wiki_page = 'supported-indexers' $wiki_bookmark = '#' ### Page Formatting $markdown_escape_regex = '(\w)(\.|\[|\])(\w)' $markdown_escape_regex_rep = '$1\$2$3' $wiki_1newline = "`r`n" $wiki_2newline = "`r`n`r`n" $wiki_encoding = 'utf8' ### Github Details $gh_web = 'https://github.com' $gh_web_commit = 'commit/' ## End Variables Write-Information 'Variables and Inputs Imported' ## Build Parameters ### App $api_url = ($app_baseUrl.ToString().TrimEnd('/')) + $app_api_path + $app_api_version $version_url = $api_url + $app_api_endpoint_version $indexer_url = $api_url + $app_api_endpoint_indexer ### Github $gh_repo_org = $gh_app_org + '/' + $gh_app_repo + '/' ### Wiki $wiki_infolink = ($wiki_link.ToString().TrimEnd('/')) + $wiki_app_path + '/' + $wiki_page + $wiki_bookmark $wiki_commiturl = ($gh_web.ToString().TrimEnd('/')) + '/' + $gh_repo_org + $gh_web_commit Write-Information 'Parameters Built' ## Invoke Requests & Convert to Objects Write-Information 'Getting Version Data and Converting Response to Object' $version_obj = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $version_url -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json' -Method Get).Content | ConvertFrom-Json Write-Information 'Got App Version' Write-Information 'Getting Indexer Data and Converting Response to Object' $indexer_obj = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $indexer_url -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json' -Method Get).Content | ConvertFrom-Json Write-Information 'Got Indexer Data' ## We use the regex to escape dots (URLS) and Brackets (markdown links) in names and descriptions $indexer_name_exp = { IF ($_.IndexerUrls) { '[' + ($_.name -replace $markdown_escape_regex, $markdown_escape_regex_rep) + '](' + ($_.IndexerUrls[0]) + ')' + '{#' + $_.infoLink.Replace($wiki_infolink.ToString(), '') + '}' } Else { ($_.name -replace $markdown_escape_regex, $markdown_escape_regex_rep) + '{#' + $_.infoLink.Replace($wiki_infolink.ToString(), '') + '}' } } $usenet_indexer_name_exp = { IF ($_.IndexerUrls) { '[' + ($_.name -replace $markdown_escape_regex, $markdown_escape_regex_rep) + '](' + ($_.IndexerUrls[0]) + ')' + '{#' + $_.infoLink.Replace($wiki_infolink.ToString(), '') + '}' } Else { IF ($_.fields.value[0]) { '[' + ($_.name -replace $markdown_escape_regex, $markdown_escape_regex_rep) + '](' + ($_.fields.value[0].Replace('api.', '').Replace('feed.', '')) + ')' + '{#' + $_.infoLink.Replace($wiki_infolink.ToString(), '') + '}' } Else { ($_.name -replace $markdown_escape_regex, $markdown_escape_regex_rep) + '{#' + $_.infoLink.Replace($wiki_infolink.ToString(), '') + '}' } } } $indexer_description_exp = { ($_.description -replace $markdown_escape_regex, $markdown_escape_regex_rep) } $gh_app_org = 'Prowlarr' $gh_app_repo = 'Prowlarr' $gh_repo_org = $gh_app_org + '/' + $gh_app_repo + '/' ## Determine Commit if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('commit') ) { Write-Information 'Commit passed from argument. Skipping Github Query' } else { $gh_url = ('https://api.github.com/repos/' + $gh_repo_org + 'commits') Write-Information "Getting commit info from Github [$gh_url]" $github_req = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $gh_url -ContentType 'application/json' -Method Get $commit = ($github_req | Select-Object -First 1).sha } Write-Information "Commit is $commit" ## Determine Commit ## Determine Version (Build) Write-Information 'Determining Build' $build = $version_obj | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'version' | Out-String | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "`n|`r", '' } Write-Information "Build is $build" Write-Information 'Ingesting Indexer Data' ## Get Indexer Data $indexer_tbl_obj = $indexer_obj | Sort-Object -Property 'name' ## Build Table Fields Write-Information 'Building Indexer Tables' ### Public Usenet Write-Information 'Building: Usenet - Public' $tbl_PubUse = $indexer_tbl_obj | Where-Object { ($_.privacy -eq 'public') -and ($_.protocol -eq 'usenet') } | Select-Object @{Name = 'Indexer'; Expression = $usenet_indexer_name_exp }, @{Name = 'Language'; Expression = { $_.language } }, @{Name = 'Description'; Expression = $indexer_description_exp } ### Private Usenet Write-Information 'Building: Usenet - Private' $tbl_PrvUse = $indexer_tbl_obj | Where-Object { ($_.privacy -in 'private', 'semiprivate') -and ($_.protocol -eq 'usenet') } | Select-Object @{Name = 'Indexer'; Expression = $usenet_indexer_name_exp }, @{Name = 'Language'; Expression = { $_.language } }, @{Name = 'Description'; Expression = $indexer_description_exp } ### Public Torrents Write-Information 'Building: Torrents - Public' $tbl_PubTor = $indexer_tbl_obj | Where-Object { ($_.privacy -eq 'public') -and ($_.protocol -eq 'torrent') } | Select-Object @{Name = 'Indexer'; Expression = $indexer_name_exp }, @{Name = 'Language'; Expression = { $_.language } }, @{Name = 'Description'; Expression = $indexer_description_exp } ### Private Torrents Write-Information 'Building: Torrents - Private' $tbl_PrvTor = $indexer_tbl_obj | Where-Object { ($_.privacy -in 'private', 'semiprivate') -and ($_.protocol -eq 'torrent') } | Select-Object @{Name = 'Indexer'; Expression = $indexer_name_exp }, @{Name = 'Language'; Expression = { $_.language } }, @{Name = 'Description'; Expression = $indexer_description_exp } ## Convert Data to Markdown Table $tbl_fmt_PubUse = $tbl_PubUse | Format-MarkdownTableTableStyle Indexer, Description, Language -HideStandardOutput -ShowMarkdown -DoNotCopyToClipboard $tbl_fmt_PrvUse = $tbl_PrvUse | Format-MarkdownTableTableStyle Indexer, Description, Language -HideStandardOutput -ShowMarkdown -DoNotCopyToClipboard $tbl_fmt_PubTor = $tbl_PubTor | Format-MarkdownTableTableStyle Indexer, Description, Language -HideStandardOutput -ShowMarkdown -DoNotCopyToClipboard $tbl_fmt_PrvTor = $tbl_PrvTor | Format-MarkdownTableTableStyle Indexer, Description, Language -HideStandardOutput -ShowMarkdown -DoNotCopyToClipboard Write-Information 'Builds Converted to Markdown Tables' ## Page Header Info $wiki_page_start = $wiki_1newline + "- Supported Trackers and Indexers as of Build ``" + $build + "`` / [Commit: " + $commit + '](' + $wiki_commiturl + $commit + ')' Write-Information 'Page Header Built' ## Build Page Pieces' $tbl_fmt_tor = $wiki_1newline + '## Torrents' + $wiki_2newline + '### Public Trackers' + $wiki_2newline + $tbl_fmt_PubTor + $wiki_1newline + '### Private & Semi-Private Trackers' + $wiki_2newline + $tbl_fmt_PrvTor $tbl_fmt_use = $wiki_1newline + '## Usenet' + $wiki_2newline + '### Public Indexers' + $wiki_2newline + $tbl_fmt_PubUse + $wiki_1newline + '### Private & Semi-Private Indexers' + $wiki_2newline + $tbl_fmt_PrvUse Write-Information 'Wiki Markdown Tables Built' $date = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString('o') $mdHeader = "`r`n--- title: Prowlarr Supported Indexers description: Indexers currently named as supported in the current nightly build of Prowlarr. Other indexers may be available via either Generic Newznab or Generic Torznab. published: true date: $date tags: prowlarr, indexers editor: markdown dateCreated: $date ---" $wiki_page_version = "`r`n---`r`n - Current `Master` Version | ![Current Master/Stable](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?color=f5f5f5&style=flat-square&label=Master&query=%24%5B0%5D.version&url=https://prowlarr.servarr.com/v1/update/master/changes) - Current `Develop` Version | ![Current Develop/Beta](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?color=f5f5f5&style=flat-square&label=Develop&query=%24%5B0%5D.version&url=https://prowlarr.servarr.com/v1/update/develop/changes) - Current `Nightly` Version | ![Current Nightly/Unstable](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?color=f5f5f5&style=flat-square&label=Nightly&query=%24%5B0%5D.version&url=https://prowlarr.servarr.com/v1/update/nightly/changes) `r`n--- " Write-Information 'Wiki Page pieces built' ## Build and Output Page ## We replace because converting to markdown escaped the `\` as `\\` and thus `\\\\` is `\\` in file (due to regex) $wiki_page_file = ((($mdHeader + $wiki_1newline + $wiki_page_start + $wiki_1newline + $wiki_page_version + $tbl_fmt_tor + $tbl_fmt_use) -replace '\\\\', '\') -replace '---', '---').Trim() Write-Information 'Wiki Page Built' $wiki_page_file | Out-File $OutputFile -Encoding $wiki_encoding Write-Information 'Wiki Page Output'