import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React, { Fragment, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import themes from 'Styles/Themes'; function createMapStateToProps() { return createSelector( (state) => state.settings.ui.item.theme || window.Prowlarr.theme, ( theme ) => { return { theme }; } ); } function ApplyTheme({ theme, children }) { // Update the CSS Variables const updateCSSVariables = useCallback(() => { const arrayOfVariableKeys = Object.keys(themes[theme]); const arrayOfVariableValues = Object.values(themes[theme]); // Loop through each array key and set the CSS Variables arrayOfVariableKeys.forEach((cssVariableKey, index) => { // Based on our snippet from MDN `--${cssVariableKey}`, arrayOfVariableValues[index] ); }); }, [theme]); // On Component Mount and Component Update useEffect(() => { updateCSSVariables(theme); }, [updateCSSVariables, theme]); return {children}; } ApplyTheme.propTypes = { theme: PropTypes.string.isRequired, children: PropTypes.object.isRequired }; export default connect(createMapStateToProps)(ApplyTheme);