import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import LazyLoad from 'react-lazyload'; function findImage(images, coverType) { return images.find((image) => image.coverType === coverType); } function getUrl(image, coverType, size) { if (image) { // Remove protocol let url = image.url.replace(/^https?:/, ''); url = url.replace(`${coverType}.jpg`, `${coverType}-${size}.jpg`); return url; } } class MovieImage extends Component { // // Lifecycle constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); const pixelRatio = Math.ceil(window.devicePixelRatio); const { images, coverType, size } = props; const image = findImage(images, coverType); this.state = { pixelRatio, image, url: getUrl(image, coverType, pixelRatio * size), isLoaded: false, hasError: false }; } componentDidMount() { if (!this.state.url && this.props.onError) { this.props.onError(); } } componentDidUpdate() { const { images, coverType, placeholder, size, onError } = this.props; const { image, pixelRatio } = this.state; const nextImage = findImage(images, coverType); if (nextImage && (!image || nextImage.url !== image.url)) { this.setState({ image: nextImage, url: getUrl(nextImage, coverType, pixelRatio * size), hasError: false // Don't reset isLoaded, as we want to immediately try to // show the new image, whether an image was shown previously // or the placeholder was shown. }); } else if (!nextImage && image) { this.setState({ image: nextImage, url: placeholder, hasError: false }); if (onError) { onError(); } } } // // Listeners onError = () => { this.setState({ hasError: true }); if (this.props.onError) { this.props.onError(); } } onLoad = () => { this.setState({ isLoaded: true, hasError: false }); if (this.props.onLoad) { this.props.onLoad(); } } // // Render render() { const { className, style, placeholder, size, lazy, overflow } = this.props; const { url, hasError, isLoaded } = this.state; if (hasError || !url) { return ( ); } if (lazy) { return ( } > ); } return ( ); } } MovieImage.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, style: PropTypes.object, images: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).isRequired, coverType: PropTypes.string.isRequired, placeholder: PropTypes.string.isRequired, size: PropTypes.number.isRequired, lazy: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, overflow: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, onError: PropTypes.func, onLoad: PropTypes.func }; MovieImage.defaultProps = { size: 250, lazy: true, overflow: false }; export default MovieImage;