import { createAction } from 'redux-actions'; import { batchActions } from 'redux-batched-actions'; import { filterBuilderTypes, filterBuilderValueTypes, sortDirections } from 'Helpers/Props'; import { createThunk, handleThunks } from 'Store/thunks'; import createAjaxRequest from 'Utilities/createAjaxRequest'; import translate from 'Utilities/String/translate'; import { set, updateItem } from './baseActions'; import createHandleActions from './Creators/createHandleActions'; import createSetClientSideCollectionFilterReducer from './Creators/Reducers/createSetClientSideCollectionFilterReducer'; import createSetClientSideCollectionSortReducer from './Creators/Reducers/createSetClientSideCollectionSortReducer'; import createSetTableOptionReducer from './Creators/Reducers/createSetTableOptionReducer'; import { filterPredicates, filters, sortPredicates } from './movieActions'; // // Variables export const section = 'indexerIndex'; // // State export const defaultState = { isSaving: false, saveError: null, isDeleting: false, deleteError: null, sortKey: 'sortTitle', sortDirection: sortDirections.ASCENDING, secondarySortKey: 'sortTitle', secondarySortDirection: sortDirections.ASCENDING, tableOptions: { showSearchAction: false }, columns: [ { name: 'select', columnLabel: 'Select', isSortable: false, isVisible: true, isModifiable: false, isHidden: true }, { name: 'status', columnLabel: translate('ReleaseStatus'), isSortable: true, isVisible: true, isModifiable: false }, { name: 'name', label: 'Indexer Name', isSortable: true, isVisible: true, isModifiable: false }, { name: 'protocol', label: translate('Protocol'), isSortable: true, isVisible: true }, { name: 'privacy', label: translate('Privacy'), isSortable: true, isVisible: true }, { name: 'added', label: translate('Added'), isSortable: true, isVisible: true }, { name: 'capabilities', label: 'Categories', isSortable: false, isVisible: true }, { name: 'tags', label: translate('Tags'), isSortable: false, isVisible: false }, { name: 'actions', columnLabel: translate('Actions'), isVisible: true, isModifiable: false } ], sortPredicates: { ...sortPredicates }, selectedFilterKey: 'all', filters, filterPredicates, filterBuilderProps: [ { name: 'title', label: 'Indexer Name', type: filterBuilderTypes.STRING }, { name: 'added', label: translate('Added'), type: filterBuilderTypes.DATE, valueType: filterBuilderValueTypes.DATE }, { name: 'tags', label: translate('Tags'), type: filterBuilderTypes.ARRAY, valueType: filterBuilderValueTypes.TAG } ] }; export const persistState = [ 'indexerIndex.sortKey', 'indexerIndex.sortDirection', 'indexerIndex.selectedFilterKey', 'indexerIndex.customFilters', 'indexerIndex.view', 'indexerIndex.columns', 'indexerIndex.tableOptions' ]; // // Actions Types export const SET_MOVIE_SORT = 'indexerIndex/setMovieSort'; export const SET_MOVIE_FILTER = 'indexerIndex/setMovieFilter'; export const SET_MOVIE_VIEW = 'indexerIndex/setMovieView'; export const SET_MOVIE_TABLE_OPTION = 'indexerIndex/setMovieTableOption'; export const SAVE_MOVIE_EDITOR = 'indexerIndex/saveMovieEditor'; export const BULK_DELETE_MOVIE = 'indexerIndex/bulkDeleteMovie'; // // Action Creators export const setMovieSort = createAction(SET_MOVIE_SORT); export const setMovieFilter = createAction(SET_MOVIE_FILTER); export const setMovieView = createAction(SET_MOVIE_VIEW); export const setMovieTableOption = createAction(SET_MOVIE_TABLE_OPTION); export const saveMovieEditor = createThunk(SAVE_MOVIE_EDITOR); export const bulkDeleteMovie = createThunk(BULK_DELETE_MOVIE); // // Action Handlers export const actionHandlers = handleThunks({ [SAVE_MOVIE_EDITOR]: function(getState, payload, dispatch) { dispatch(set({ section, isSaving: true })); const promise = createAjaxRequest({ url: '/movie/editor', method: 'PUT', data: JSON.stringify(payload), dataType: 'json' }).request; promise.done((data) => { dispatch(batchActions([ => { return updateItem({ id:, section: 'movies', }); }), set({ section, isSaving: false, saveError: null }) ])); }); => { dispatch(set({ section, isSaving: false, saveError: xhr })); }); }, [BULK_DELETE_MOVIE]: function(getState, payload, dispatch) { dispatch(set({ section, isDeleting: true })); const promise = createAjaxRequest({ url: '/movie/editor', method: 'DELETE', data: JSON.stringify(payload), dataType: 'json' }).request; promise.done(() => { // SignaR will take care of removing the movie from the collection dispatch(set({ section, isDeleting: false, deleteError: null })); }); => { dispatch(set({ section, isDeleting: false, deleteError: xhr })); }); } }); // // Reducers export const reducers = createHandleActions({ [SET_MOVIE_SORT]: createSetClientSideCollectionSortReducer(section), [SET_MOVIE_FILTER]: createSetClientSideCollectionFilterReducer(section), [SET_MOVIE_VIEW]: function(state, { payload }) { return Object.assign({}, state, { view: payload.view }); }, [SET_MOVIE_TABLE_OPTION]: createSetTableOptionReducer(section) }, defaultState, section);