You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

98 lines
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var reqres = require('../reqres');
var Backbone = require('backbone');
var NzbDroneCell = require('./NzbDroneCell');
var QueueCollection = require('../Activity/Queue/QueueCollection');
var moment = require('moment');
var FormatHelpers = require('../Shared/FormatHelpers');
module.exports = NzbDroneCell.extend({
className : 'episode-status-cell',
render : function(){
this.listenTo(QueueCollection, 'sync', this._renderCell);
return this;
_renderCell : function(){
if(this.episodeFile) {
this.stopListening(this.episodeFile, 'change', this._refresh);
if(this.model) {
var icon;
var tooltip;
var hasAired = moment(this.model.get('airDateUtc')).isBefore(moment());
this.episodeFile = this._getFile();
if(this.episodeFile) {
this.listenTo(this.episodeFile, 'change', this._refresh);
var quality = this.episodeFile.get('quality');
var revision = quality.revision;
var size = FormatHelpers.bytes(this.episodeFile.get('size'));
var title = 'Episode downloaded';
if(revision.real && revision.real > 0) {
title += '[REAL]';
if(revision.version && revision.version > 1) {
title += ' [PROPER]';
if(size !== '') {
title += ' - {0}'.format(size);
if(this.episodeFile.get('qualityCutoffNotMet')) {
this.$el.html('<span class="badge badge-inverse" title="{0}">{1}</span>'.format(title,;
else {
this.$el.html('<span class="badge" title="{0}">{1}</span>'.format(title,;
else {
var model = this.model;
var downloading = QueueCollection.findEpisode(model.get('id'));
if(downloading) {
var progress = 100 - downloading.get('sizeleft') / downloading.get('size') * 100;
if(progress === 0) {
icon = 'icon-nd-downloading';
tooltip = 'Episode is downloading';
else {
this.$el.html('<div class="progress" title="Episode is downloading - {0}% {1}">'.format(progress.toFixed(1), downloading.get('title')) + '<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-purple" style="width: {0}%;"></div></div>'.format(progress));
else if(this.model.get('grabbed')) {
icon = 'icon-nd-downloading';
tooltip = 'Episode is downloading';
else if(!this.model.get('airDateUtc')) {
icon = 'icon-nd-tba';
tooltip = 'TBA';
else if(hasAired) {
icon = 'icon-nd-missing';
tooltip = 'Episode missing from disk';
else {
icon = 'icon-nd-not-aired';
tooltip = 'Episode has not aired';
this.$el.html('<i class="{0}" title="{1}"/>'.format(icon, tooltip));
_getFile : function(){
var hasFile = this.model.get('hasFile');
if(hasFile) {
var episodeFile;
if(reqres.hasHandler(reqres.Requests.GetEpisodeFileById)) {
episodeFile = reqres.request(reqres.Requests.GetEpisodeFileById, this.model.get('episodeFileId'));
else if(this.model.has('episodeFile')) {
episodeFile = new Backbone.Model(this.model.get('episodeFile'));
if(episodeFile) {
return episodeFile;
return undefined;