You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

949 lines
38 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using AngleSharp.Dom;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Common.Serializer;
using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Definitions.Cardigann
public class CardigannBase
protected readonly CardigannDefinition _definition;
protected readonly Logger _logger;
protected readonly Encoding _encoding;
protected readonly IConfigService _configService;
protected virtual string SiteLink { get; private set; }
protected readonly IndexerCapabilitiesCategories _categories = new ();
protected readonly List<string> _defaultCategories = new ();
protected readonly string[] OptionalFields = new string[] { "imdb", "imdbid", "tmdbid", "rageid", "tvdbid", "tvmazeid", "traktid", "doubanid", "poster", "banner", "description", "genre" };
protected static readonly string[] _SupportedLogicFunctions =
protected static readonly string[] _LogicFunctionsUsingStringLiterals =
// Matches a logic function above and 2 or more of (.varname) or .varname or "string literal" in any combination
protected static readonly Regex _LogicFunctionRegex = new Regex(
$@"\b({string.Join("|", _SupportedLogicFunctions.Select(Regex.Escape))})(?:\s+(\(?\.[^\)\s]+\)?|""[^""]+"")){{2,}}");
// Matches CSS selectors for the JSON parser
protected static readonly Regex _jsonSelectorRegex = new Regex(@"\:(?<filter>.+?)\((?<key>.+?)\)(?=:|\z)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
public CardigannSettings Settings { get; set; }
public CardigannBase(IConfigService configService,
CardigannDefinition definition,
Logger logger)
_configService = configService;
_definition = definition;
_encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(definition.Encoding);
_logger = logger;
SiteLink = definition.Links.First();
if (_definition.Caps.Categories != null && _definition.Caps.Categories.Any())
foreach (var category in _definition.Caps.Categories)
var cat = NewznabStandardCategory.GetCatByName(category.Value);
if (cat == null)
_logger.Error("CardigannIndexer ({0}): invalid Torznab category for id {1}: {2}", _definition.Id, category.Key, category.Value);
_categories.AddCategoryMapping(category.Key, cat);
if (_definition.Caps.Categorymappings != null && _definition.Caps.Categorymappings.Any())
foreach (var categoryMapping in _definition.Caps.Categorymappings)
IndexerCategory torznabCat = null;
if (categoryMapping.Cat != null)
torznabCat = NewznabStandardCategory.GetCatByName(categoryMapping.Cat);
if (torznabCat == null)
_logger.Error("CardigannIndexer ({0}): invalid Torznab category for id {1}: {2}", _definition.Id, categoryMapping.Id, categoryMapping.Cat);
_categories.AddCategoryMapping(categoryMapping.Id, torznabCat, categoryMapping.Desc);
if (categoryMapping.Default)
protected IElement QuerySelector(IElement element, string selector)
// AngleSharp doesn't support the :root pseudo selector, so we check for it manually
if (selector.StartsWith(":root"))
selector = selector.Substring(5);
while (element.ParentElement != null)
element = element.ParentElement;
return element.QuerySelector(selector);
protected string HandleSelector(SelectorBlock selector, IElement dom, Dictionary<string, object> variables = null, bool required = true)
if (selector.Text != null)
return ApplyFilters(ApplyGoTemplateText(selector.Text, variables), selector.Filters, variables);
var selection = dom;
string value = null;
if (selector.Selector != null)
var selectorSelector = ApplyGoTemplateText(selector.Selector, variables);
if (dom.Matches(selectorSelector))
selection = dom;
selection = QuerySelector(dom, selectorSelector);
if (selection == null)
if (required)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Selector \"{0}\" didn't match {1}", selectorSelector, dom.ToHtmlPretty()));
return null;
if (selector.Remove != null)
foreach (var i in selection.QuerySelectorAll(selector.Remove))
if (selector.Case != null)
foreach (var @case in selector.Case)
if (selection.Matches(@case.Key) || QuerySelector(selection, @case.Key) != null)
value = ApplyGoTemplateText(@case.Value, variables);
if (value == null)
if (required)
throw new Exception($"None of the case selectors \"{string.Join(",", selector.Case)}\" matched {selection.ToHtmlPretty()}");
return null;
else if (selector.Attribute != null)
value = selection.GetAttribute(selector.Attribute);
if (value == null)
if (required)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Attribute \"{0}\" is not set for element {1}", selector.Attribute, selection.ToHtmlPretty()));
return null;
value = selection.TextContent;
return ApplyFilters(value.Trim(), selector.Filters, variables);
protected string HandleJsonSelector(SelectorBlock selector, JToken parentObj, Dictionary<string, object> variables = null, bool required = true)
if (selector.Text != null)
return ApplyFilters(ApplyGoTemplateText(selector.Text, variables), selector.Filters, variables);
string value = null;
if (selector.Selector != null)
var selectorSelector = ApplyGoTemplateText(selector.Selector.TrimStart('.'), variables);
selectorSelector = JsonParseFieldSelector(parentObj, selectorSelector);
JToken selection = null;
if (selectorSelector != null)
selection = parentObj.SelectToken(selectorSelector);
if (selection == null)
if (required)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Selector \"{0}\" didn't match {1}", selectorSelector, parentObj.ToString()));
return null;
if (selection.Type is JTokenType.Array)
// turn this json array into a comma delimited string
var valueArray = selection.Value<JArray>();
value = string.Join(",", valueArray);
value = selection.Value<string>();
if (selector.Case != null)
foreach (var @case in selector.Case)
if ((value != null && value.Equals(@case.Key)) || @case.Key.Equals("*"))
value = ApplyGoTemplateText(@case.Value, variables);
if (value == null)
if (required)
throw new Exception($"None of the case selectors \"{string.Join(",", selector.Case)}\" matched {parentObj}");
return null;
return ApplyFilters(value?.Trim(), selector.Filters, variables) ?? null;
protected Dictionary<string, object> GetBaseTemplateVariables()
var indexerLogging = _configService.LogIndexerResponse;
var variables = new Dictionary<string, object>
[".Config.sitelink"] = SiteLink,
[".True"] = "True",
[".False"] = null,
[".Today.Year"] = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString()
_logger.Trace("Populating config vars");
foreach (var setting in _definition.Settings)
var name = ".Config." + setting.Name;
object defaultValue = setting.Type switch
"select" => setting.Options.OrderBy(x => x.Key).Select(x => x.Key).ToList().IndexOf(setting.Default).ToString().ParseInt64() ?? 0,
"multi-select" => setting.Defaults?.Select(d => setting.Options.OrderBy(x => x.Key).Select(x => x.Key).ToList().IndexOf(d).ToString().ParseInt64() ?? 0).ToArray() ?? Array.Empty<long>(),
_ => setting.Default
var value = Settings.ExtraFieldData.GetValueOrDefault(setting.Name, defaultValue);
if (indexerLogging && setting.Type != "password" && setting.Name != "apikey" && setting.Name != "rsskey")
_logger.Trace("{0} got value {1}", name, value.ToJson(Formatting.None));
switch (setting.Type)
case "text":
case "password":
variables[name] = value;
case "checkbox":
if (value is string stringValue && bool.TryParse(stringValue, out var result))
value = result;
variables[name] = (bool)value ? ".True" : null;
case "select":
if (indexerLogging)
_logger.Trace("Setting options: {0}", setting.Options.ToJson(Formatting.None));
var sorted = setting.Options.OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToList();
var selected = sorted[(int)(long)value];
if (indexerLogging)
_logger.Debug("Selected option: {0}", selected.ToJson(Formatting.None));
variables[name] = selected.Key;
case "multi-select":
if (indexerLogging)
_logger.Trace("Setting options: {0}", setting.Options.ToJson(Formatting.None));
var sortedMulti = setting.Options.OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToList();
var values = value is ICollection collectionMulti ? collectionMulti.Cast<long>() : Array.Empty<long>();
var selectedMulti = sortedMulti.Where((x, i) => values.Contains(i)).ToArray();
if (indexerLogging)
_logger.Debug("Selected option: {0}", selectedMulti.ToJson(Formatting.None));
variables[name] = selectedMulti.Select(x => x.Key).ToArray();
case "info":
variables[name] = value;
case "cardigannCaptcha":
throw new NotSupportedException($"Type {setting.Type} is not supported.");
if (indexerLogging && setting.Type != "password" && setting.Name != "apikey" && setting.Name != "rsskey" && variables.ContainsKey(name))
_logger.Debug("Setting '{0}' to {1}", setting.Name, variables[name].ToJson(Formatting.None));
return variables;
public delegate string TemplateTextModifier(string str);
public string ApplyGoTemplateText(string template, Dictionary<string, object> variables = null, TemplateTextModifier modifier = null)
if (template.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() || !template.Contains("{{"))
return template;
variables ??= GetBaseTemplateVariables();
// handle re_replace expression
// Example: {{ re_replace .Query.Keywords "[^a-zA-Z0-9]+" "%" }}
var reReplaceRegex = new Regex(@"{{\s*re_replace\s+(\..+?)\s+""(.*?)""\s+""(.*?)""\s*}}");
var reReplaceRegexMatches = reReplaceRegex.Match(template);
while (reReplaceRegexMatches.Success)
var all = reReplaceRegexMatches.Groups[0].Value;
var variable = reReplaceRegexMatches.Groups[1].Value;
var regexp = reReplaceRegexMatches.Groups[2].Value;
var newvalue = reReplaceRegexMatches.Groups[3].Value;
var replaceRegex = new Regex(regexp);
var input = (string)variables[variable] ?? string.Empty;
var expanded = replaceRegex.Replace(input, newvalue);
if (modifier != null)
expanded = modifier(expanded);
template = template.Replace(all, expanded);
reReplaceRegexMatches = reReplaceRegexMatches.NextMatch();
// handle join expression
// Example: {{ join .Categories "," }}
var joinRegex = new Regex(@"{{\s*join\s+(\..+?)\s+""(.*?)""\s*}}");
var joinMatches = joinRegex.Match(template);
while (joinMatches.Success)
var all = joinMatches.Groups[0].Value;
var variable = joinMatches.Groups[1].Value;
var delimiter = joinMatches.Groups[2].Value;
var input = (ICollection<string>)variables[variable];
var expanded = string.Join(delimiter, input);
if (modifier != null)
expanded = modifier(expanded);
template = template.Replace(all, expanded);
joinMatches = joinMatches.NextMatch();
var logicMatch = _LogicFunctionRegex.Match(template);
while (logicMatch.Success)
var functionStartIndex = logicMatch.Groups[0].Index;
var functionLength = logicMatch.Groups[0].Length;
var functionName = logicMatch.Groups[1].Value;
// Use Group.Captures to get each matching string in a repeating Match.Group
// Strip () around variable names here, as they are optional. Use quotes to differentiate variables and literals
var parameters = logicMatch.Groups[2].Captures.Cast<Capture>().Select(c => c.Value.Trim('(', ')')).ToList();
var functionResult = "";
// If the function can't use string literals, fail silently by removing the literals.
if (!_LogicFunctionsUsingStringLiterals.Contains(functionName))
parameters.RemoveAll(param => param.StartsWith("\""));
switch (functionName)
case "and": // returns first null or empty, else last variable
case "or": // returns first not null or empty, else last variable
var isAnd = functionName == "and";
foreach (var parameter in parameters)
functionResult = parameter;
// (null as string) == null
// (if null or empty) break if and, continue if or
// (if neither null nor empty) continue if and, break if or
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variables[parameter] as string) == isAnd)
case "eq": // Returns .True if equal
case "ne": // Returns .False if equal
var wantEqual = functionName == "eq";
// eq/ne take exactly 2 params. Update the length to match
// This removes the whitespace between params 2 and 3.
// It shouldn't matter because the match starts at a word boundary
if (parameters.Count > 2)
functionLength = logicMatch.Groups[2].Captures[2].Index - functionStartIndex;
// Take first two parameters, convert vars to values and strip quotes on string literals
// Counting distinct gives us 1 if equal and 2 if not.
var isEqual =
parameters.Take(2).Select(param => param.StartsWith("\"") ? param.Trim('"') : variables[param] as string)
.Distinct().Count() == 1;
functionResult = isEqual == wantEqual ? ".True" : ".False";
template = template.Remove(functionStartIndex, functionLength)
.Insert(functionStartIndex, functionResult);
// Rerunning match instead of using nextMatch allows us to support nested functions
// like {{if and eq (.Var1) "string1" eq (.Var2) "string2"}}
// No performance is lost because Match/NextMatch are lazy evaluated and pause execution after first match
logicMatch = _LogicFunctionRegex.Match(template);
// handle if ... else ... expression
var ifElseRegex = new Regex(@"{{\s*if\s*(.+?)\s*}}(.*?){{\s*else\s*}}(.*?){{\s*end\s*}}");
var ifElseRegexMatches = ifElseRegex.Match(template);
while (ifElseRegexMatches.Success)
string conditionResult = null;
var all = ifElseRegexMatches.Groups[0].Value;
var condition = ifElseRegexMatches.Groups[1].Value;
var onTrue = ifElseRegexMatches.Groups[2].Value;
var onFalse = ifElseRegexMatches.Groups[3].Value;
if (condition.StartsWith("."))
var conditionResultState = false;
var value = variables[condition];
if (value == null)
conditionResultState = false;
else if (value is string)
conditionResultState = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)value);
else if (value is ICollection)
conditionResultState = ((ICollection)value).Count > 0;
throw new Exception(string.Format("Unexpceted type for variable {0}: {1}", condition, value.GetType()));
if (conditionResultState)
conditionResult = onTrue;
conditionResult = onFalse;
throw new NotImplementedException("CardigannIndexer: Condition operation '" + condition + "' not implemented");
template = template.Replace(all, conditionResult);
ifElseRegexMatches = ifElseRegexMatches.NextMatch();
// handle range expression
var rangeRegex = new Regex(@"{{\s*range\s*(((?<index>\$.+?),)((\s*(?<element>.+?)\s*(:=)\s*)))?(?<variable>.+?)\s*}}(?<prefix>.*?){{\.}}(?<postfix>.*?){{end}}");
var rangeRegexMatches = rangeRegex.Match(template);
while (rangeRegexMatches.Success)
var expanded = string.Empty;
var all = rangeRegexMatches.Groups[0].Value;
var index = rangeRegexMatches.Groups["index"].Value;
var variable = rangeRegexMatches.Groups["variable"].Value;
var prefix = rangeRegexMatches.Groups["prefix"].Value;
var postfix = rangeRegexMatches.Groups["postfix"].Value;
var arrayIndex = 0;
var indexReplace = "{{" + index + "}}";
foreach (var value in (ICollection<string>)variables[variable])
var newvalue = value;
if (modifier != null)
newvalue = modifier(newvalue);
var indexValue = arrayIndex++;
if (index.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
expanded += prefix.Replace(indexReplace, indexValue.ToString()) + newvalue + postfix.Replace(indexReplace, indexValue.ToString());
expanded += prefix + newvalue + postfix;
template = template.Replace(all, expanded);
rangeRegexMatches = rangeRegexMatches.NextMatch();
// handle simple variables
var variablesRegEx = new Regex(@"{{\s*(\..+?)\s*}}");
var variablesRegExMatches = variablesRegEx.Match(template);
while (variablesRegExMatches.Success)
var expanded = string.Empty;
var all = variablesRegExMatches.Groups[0].Value;
var variable = variablesRegExMatches.Groups[1].Value;
//We store tmdbid and others as int32, thus conversion with .tostring is needed
var value = variables[variable]?.ToString() ?? null;
if (modifier != null)
value = modifier(value);
template = template.Replace(all, value);
variablesRegExMatches = variablesRegExMatches.NextMatch();
return template;
protected string ApplyFilters(string data, List<FilterBlock> filters, Dictionary<string, object> variables = null)
if (filters == null)
return data;
foreach (var filter in filters)
switch (filter.Name)
case "querystring":
var param = (string)filter.Args;
data = ParseUtil.GetArgumentFromQueryString(data, param);
case "timeparse":
case "dateparse":
var layout = (string)filter.Args;
var date = DateTimeUtil.ParseDateTimeGoLang(data, layout);
data = date.ToString(DateTimeUtil.Rfc1123ZPattern, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
catch (InvalidDateException ex)
_logger.Debug("{0}: {1}", _definition.Id, ex.Message);
case "regexp":
var pattern = (string)filter.Args;
var regexp = new Regex(pattern);
var match = regexp.Match(data);
data = match.Groups[1].Value;
case "re_replace":
var regexpreplace_pattern = (string)filter.Args[0];
var regexpreplace_replacement = (string)filter.Args[1];
regexpreplace_replacement = ApplyGoTemplateText(regexpreplace_replacement, variables);
var regexpreplace_regex = new Regex(regexpreplace_pattern);
data = regexpreplace_regex.Replace(data, regexpreplace_replacement);
case "split":
var sep = (string)filter.Args[0];
var pos = (string)filter.Args[1];
var posInt = int.Parse(pos);
var strParts = data.Split(sep[0]);
if (posInt < 0)
posInt += strParts.Length;
data = strParts[posInt];
case "replace":
var from = (string)filter.Args[0];
var to = (string)filter.Args[1];
to = ApplyGoTemplateText(to, variables);
data = data.Replace(from, to);
case "trim":
var cutset = (string)filter.Args;
data = cutset != null ? data.Trim(cutset[0]) : data.Trim();
case "prepend":
var prependstr = (string)filter.Args;
data = ApplyGoTemplateText(prependstr, variables) + data;
case "append":
var str = (string)filter.Args;
data += ApplyGoTemplateText(str, variables);
case "tolower":
data = data.ToLower();
case "toupper":
data = data.ToUpper();
case "urldecode":
data = data.UrlDecode(_encoding);
case "urlencode":
data = data.UrlEncode(_encoding);
case "htmldecode":
data = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(data);
case "htmlencode":
data = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(data);
case "timeago":
case "reltime":
data = DateTimeUtil.FromTimeAgo(data).ToString(DateTimeUtil.Rfc1123ZPattern, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
case "fuzzytime":
data = DateTimeUtil.FromUnknown(data).ToString(DateTimeUtil.Rfc1123ZPattern, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
case "validfilename":
data = StringUtil.MakeValidFileName(data, '_', false);
case "diacritics":
var diacriticsOp = (string)filter.Args;
if (diacriticsOp == "replace")
// Should replace diacritics charcaters with their base character
// It's not perfect, e.g. "ŠĐĆŽ - šđčćž" becomes "SĐCZ-sđccz"
var stFormD = data.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormD);
var len = stFormD.Length;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
var uc = System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(stFormD[i]);
if (uc != System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark)
data = sb.ToString().Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC);
throw new Exception("unsupported diacritics filter argument");
case "jsonjoinarray":
var jsonjoinarrayJSONPath = (string)filter.Args[0];
var jsonjoinarraySeparator = (string)filter.Args[1];
var jsonjoinarrayO = JObject.Parse(data);
var jsonjoinarrayOResult = jsonjoinarrayO.SelectToken(jsonjoinarrayJSONPath);
var jsonjoinarrayOResultStrings = jsonjoinarrayOResult.Select(j => j.ToString());
data = string.Join(jsonjoinarraySeparator, jsonjoinarrayOResultStrings);
case "hexdump":
// this is mainly for debugging invisible special char related issues
var hexData = string.Join("", data.Select(c => c + "(" + ((int)c).ToString("X2") + ")"));
_logger.Debug(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): strdump: {1}", _definition.Id, hexData));
case "strdump":
// for debugging
var debugData = data.Replace("\r", "\\r").Replace("\n", "\\n").Replace("\xA0", "\\xA0");
var strTag = (string)filter.Args;
strTag = strTag != null ? $"({strTag}):" : ":";
_logger.Debug($"CardigannIndexer ({_definition.Id}): strdump{strTag} {debugData}");
case "validate":
char[] delimiters = { ',', ' ', '/', ')', '(', '.', ';', '[', ']', '"', '|', ':' };
var args = (string)filter.Args;
var argsList = args.ToLower().Split(delimiters, StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries | StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var validList = argsList.ToList();
var validIntersect = validList.Intersect(data.ToLower().Split(delimiters, StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries | StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)).ToList();
data = string.Join(", ", validIntersect);
_logger.Error($"CardigannIndexer ({_definition.Id}): Unsupported field filter: {filter.Name}");
return data;
protected Dictionary<string, string> ParseCustomHeaders(Dictionary<string, List<string>> customHeaders, Dictionary<string, object> variables)
var headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
if (customHeaders == null)
return headers;
// FIXME: fix jackett header handling (allow it to specifiy the same header multipe times)
foreach (var header in customHeaders)
headers.Add(header.Key, ApplyGoTemplateText(header.Value[0], variables));
return headers;
protected IDictionary<string, object> AddTemplateVariablesFromUri(IDictionary<string, object> variables, Uri uri, string prefix = "")
variables[prefix + ".AbsoluteUri"] = uri.AbsoluteUri;
variables[prefix + ".AbsolutePath"] = uri.AbsolutePath;
variables[prefix + ".Scheme"] = uri.Scheme;
variables[prefix + ".Host"] = uri.Host;
variables[prefix + ".Port"] = uri.Port.ToString();
variables[prefix + ".PathAndQuery"] = uri.PathAndQuery;
variables[prefix + ".Query"] = uri.Query;
var queryString = QueryHelpers.ParseQuery(uri.Query);
foreach (var key in queryString.Keys)
//If we have supplied the same query string multiple time, just take the first.
variables[prefix + ".Query." + key] = queryString[key].First();
return variables;
protected Uri ResolvePath(string path, Uri currentUrl = null)
return new Uri(currentUrl ?? new Uri(SiteLink), path);
protected string ResolveSiteLink()
var settingsBaseUrl = Settings?.BaseUrl;
var defaultLink = _definition.Links.First();
if (settingsBaseUrl == null)
return defaultLink;
if (_definition?.Legacylinks?.Contains(settingsBaseUrl) ?? false)
_logger.Trace("Changing legacy site link from {0} to {1}", settingsBaseUrl, defaultLink);
return defaultLink;
return settingsBaseUrl;
protected JArray JsonParseRowsSelector(JToken parsedJson, string rowSelector)
rowSelector = ApplyGoTemplateText(rowSelector);
var selector = rowSelector.Split(':')[0];
var rowsObj = parsedJson.SelectToken(selector).Value<JArray>();
return new JArray(rowsObj.Where(t => JsonParseFieldSelector(t.Value<JObject>(), rowSelector.Remove(0, selector.Length)) != null));
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Trace(ex, "Failed to parse JSON rows for selector \"{0}\"", rowSelector);
return null;
private string JsonParseFieldSelector(JToken parsedJson, string rowSelector)
var selector = rowSelector.Split(':')[0];
JToken parsedObject;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selector))
parsedObject = parsedJson;
else if (parsedJson.SelectToken(selector) != null)
parsedObject = parsedJson.SelectToken(selector);
return null;
foreach (Match match in _jsonSelectorRegex.Matches(rowSelector))
var filter = match.Result("${filter}");
var key = match.Result("${key}");
Match innerMatch;
switch (filter)
case "has":
innerMatch = _jsonSelectorRegex.Match(key);
if (innerMatch.Success)
if (JsonParseFieldSelector(parsedObject, key) == null)
return null;
if (parsedObject.SelectToken(key) == null)
return null;
case "not":
innerMatch = _jsonSelectorRegex.Match(key);
if (innerMatch.Success)
if (JsonParseFieldSelector(parsedObject, key) != null)
return null;
if (parsedObject.SelectToken(key) != null)
return null;
case "contains":
if (!parsedObject.ToString().Contains(key))
return null;
_logger.Error(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): Unsupported selector: {1}", _definition.Id, rowSelector));
return selector;