You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using FizzWare.NBuilder;
using FluentAssertions;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Cardigann;
using NzbDrone.Core.Test.Framework;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test.IndexerTests.CardigannTests
public class ApplyGoTemplateTextFixture : CoreTest<CardigannBase>
private Dictionary<string, object> _variables;
private CardigannDefinition _definition;
public void SetUp()
_variables = new Dictionary<string, object>
[".Config.sitelink"] = "",
[".True"] = "True",
[".False"] = null,
[".Today.Year"] = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString(),
[".Categories"] = new string[] { "tv", "movies" }
_definition = Builder<CardigannDefinition>.CreateNew()
.With(x => x.Encoding = "UTF-8")
.With(x => x.Links = new List<string>
.With(x => x.Caps = new CapabilitiesBlock
Modes = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>
{ "search", new List<string> { "q" } }
[TestCase("{{ range .Categories}}&categories[]={{.}}{{end}}", "&categories[]=tv&categories[]=movies")]
[TestCase("{{ range $i, $e := .Categories}}&categories[{{$i}}]={{.}}{{end}}", "&categories[0]=tv&categories[1]=movies")]
[TestCase("{{ range $index, $element := .Categories}}&categories[{{$index}}]={{.}}+postIndex[{{$index}}]{{end}}", "&categories[0]=tv+postIndex[0]&categories[1]=movies+postIndex[1]")]
public void should_handle_range_statements(string template, string expected)
var result = Subject.ApplyGoTemplateText(template, _variables);
[TestCase("{{ re_replace .Query.Keywords \"[^a-zA-Z0-9]+\" \"%\" }}", "abc%def")]
public void should_handle_re_replace_statements(string template, string expected)
_variables[".Query.Keywords"] = string.Join(" ", new List<string> { "abc", "def" });
var result = Subject.ApplyGoTemplateText(template, _variables);
[TestCase("{{ join .Categories \", \" }}", "tv, movies")]
public void should_handle_join_statements(string template, string expected)
var result = Subject.ApplyGoTemplateText(template, _variables);
[TestCase("{{ .Today.Year }}", "2022")]
public void should_handle_variables_statements(string template, string expected)
var result = Subject.ApplyGoTemplateText(template, _variables);
[TestCase("{{if .False }}0{{else}}1{{end}}", "1")]
[TestCase("{{if .True }}0{{else}}1{{end}}", "0")]
public void should_handle_if_statements(string template, string expected)
var result = Subject.ApplyGoTemplateText(template, _variables);