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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Core.Model;
using NzbDrone.Core.Repository.Quality;
namespace NzbDrone.Core
public static class Parser
private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
private static readonly Regex[] ReportTitleRegex = new[]
//Episodes with airdate
new Regex(@"^(?<title>.+?)?\W*(?<airyear>\d{4})\W+(?<airmonth>\d{2})\W+(?<airday>\d{2})\W?(?!\\)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
//Multi-Part episodes without a title (S01E05.S01E06)
new Regex(@"^(?:\W*S?(?<season>\d{1,2}(?!\d+))(?:(?:\-|[ex]|\s){1,2}(?<episode>\d{1,2}(?!\d+)))+){2,}\W?(?!\\)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
//Multi-episode (S01E05E06, S01E05-06, etc)
new Regex(@"^(?<title>.+?)(?:\W+S?(?<season>\d{1,2}(?!\d+))(?:(?:\-|[ex]|\s){1,2}(?<episode>\d{1,2}(?!\d+)))+){2,}\W?(?!\\)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
//Single episodes (S01E05, 1x056, etc)
new Regex(@"^(?<title>.+?)(?:\W+S?(?<season>\d{1,2}(?!\d+))(?:(?:\-|[ex]|\s){1,2}(?<episode>\d{1,2}(?!\d+)))+)\W?(?!\\)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
//No Title - Single episodes or multi-episode (S01E05E06, S01E05-06, etc)
new Regex(@"^(?:\W?S?(?<season>\d{1,2}(?!\d+))(?:(?:\-|[ex]|\s){1,2}(?<episode>\d{1,2}(?!\d+)))+\W*)+\W?(?!\\)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
//Episodes over 99 (3-digits or more)
new Regex(@"^(?<title>.*?)(?:\W?S?(?<season>\d{1,2}(?!\d+))(?:(?:\-|[ex]|\s)+(?<episode>\d+))+)+\W?(?!\\)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
//Supports 103/113 naming
new Regex(@"^(?<title>.+?)?(?:\W?(?<season>\d+)(?<episode>\d{2}))+\W?(?!\\)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
//Supports Season only releases
new Regex(@"^(?<title>.+?)\W(?:S|Season)\W?(?<season>\d{1,2}(?!\d+))\W?(?<extras>EXTRAS|SUBPACK)?(?!\\)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled)
private static readonly Regex NormalizeRegex = new Regex(@"((^|\W)(a|an|the|and|or|of)($|\W))|\W|(?:(?<=[^0-9]+)|\b)(?!(?:19\d{2}|20\d{2}))\d+(?=[^0-9ip]+|\b)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex SimpleTitleRegex = new Regex(@"480[i|p]|720[i|p]|1080[i|p]|[x|h|x\s|h\s]264|DD\W?5\W1|\<|\>|\?|\*|\:|\||""",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex ReportSizeRegex = new Regex(@"(?<value>\d+\.\d{1,2}|\d+\,\d+\.\d{1,2})\W?(?<unit>GB|MB|GiB|MiB)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
/// <summary>
/// Parses a file path into list of episodes it contains
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "path">Path of the file to parse</param>
/// <returns>List of episodes contained in the file</returns>
internal static EpisodeParseResult ParsePath(string path)
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path);
return ParseTitle(fileInfo.Name);
/// <summary>
/// Parses a post title into list of episodes it contains
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "title">Title of the report</param>
/// <returns>List of episodes contained in the post</returns>
internal static EpisodeParseResult ParseTitle(string title)
Logger.Trace("Parsing string '{0}'", title);
var simpleTitle = SimpleTitleRegex.Replace(title, String.Empty);
foreach (var regex in ReportTitleRegex)
//Use only the filename, not the entire path
var match = regex.Matches(simpleTitle);
if (match.Count != 0)
var seriesName = NormalizeTitle(match[0].Groups["title"].Value);
int airyear;
Int32.TryParse(match[0].Groups["airyear"].Value, out airyear);
EpisodeParseResult parsedEpisode;
if (airyear < 1)
var seasons = new List<int>();
foreach (Capture seasonCapture in match[0].Groups["season"].Captures)
int s;
if (Int32.TryParse(seasonCapture.Value, out s))
//If more than 1 season was parsed go to the next REGEX (A multi-season release is unlikely)
if (seasons.Distinct().Count() != 1)
var season = seasons[0];
parsedEpisode = new EpisodeParseResult
CleanTitle = seriesName,
SeasonNumber = season,
EpisodeNumbers = new List<int>()
foreach (Match matchGroup in match)
var count = matchGroup.Groups["episode"].Captures.Count;
//Allows use to return a list of 0 episodes (We can handle that as a full season release)
if (count > 0)
var first = Convert.ToInt32(matchGroup.Groups["episode"].Captures[0].Value);
var last = Convert.ToInt32(matchGroup.Groups["episode"].Captures[count - 1].Value);
for (int i = first; i <= last; i++)
//Check to see if this is an "Extras" or "SUBPACK" release, if it is, return NULL
//Todo: Set a "Extras" flag in EpisodeParseResult if we want to download them ever
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(match[0].Groups["extras"].Value))
return null;
parsedEpisode.FullSeason = true;
//Try to Parse as a daily show
var airmonth = Convert.ToInt32(match[0].Groups["airmonth"].Value);
var airday = Convert.ToInt32(match[0].Groups["airday"].Value);
parsedEpisode = new EpisodeParseResult
CleanTitle = seriesName,
AirDate = new DateTime(airyear, airmonth, airday),
Language = ParseLanguage(simpleTitle)
parsedEpisode.Quality = ParseQuality(title);
Logger.Trace("Episode Parsed. {0}", parsedEpisode);
return parsedEpisode;
Logger.Warn("Unable to parse episode info. {0}", title);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Parses a post title to find the series that relates to it
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "title">Title of the report</param>
/// <returns>Normalized Series Name</returns>
internal static string ParseSeriesName(string title)
Logger.Trace("Parsing string '{0}'", title);
foreach (var regex in ReportTitleRegex)
var match = regex.Matches(title);
if (match.Count != 0)
var seriesName = NormalizeTitle(match[0].Groups["title"].Value);
Logger.Trace("Series Parsed. {0}", seriesName);
return seriesName;
return String.Empty;
internal static Quality ParseQuality(string name)
Logger.Trace("Trying to parse quality for {0}", name);
name = name.Trim();
var normalizedName = NormalizeTitle(name);
var result = new Quality { QualityType = QualityTypes.Unknown };
result.Proper = normalizedName.Contains("proper");
if (normalizedName.Contains("dvd") || normalizedName.Contains("bdrip") || normalizedName.Contains("brrip"))
result.QualityType = QualityTypes.DVD;
return result;
if (normalizedName.Contains("xvid") || normalizedName.Contains("divx"))
if (normalizedName.Contains("bluray"))
result.QualityType = QualityTypes.DVD;
return result;
result.QualityType = QualityTypes.SDTV;
return result;
if (normalizedName.Contains("bluray"))
if (normalizedName.Contains("720p"))
result.QualityType = QualityTypes.Bluray720p;
return result;
if (normalizedName.Contains("1080p"))
result.QualityType = QualityTypes.Bluray1080p;
return result;
result.QualityType = QualityTypes.Bluray720p;
return result;
if (normalizedName.Contains("webdl"))
result.QualityType = QualityTypes.WEBDL;
return result;
if (normalizedName.Contains("x264") || normalizedName.Contains("h264") || normalizedName.Contains("720p"))
result.QualityType = QualityTypes.HDTV;
return result;
//Based on extension
if (result.QualityType == QualityTypes.Unknown)
switch (Path.GetExtension(name).ToLower())
case ".avi":
case ".xvid":
case ".wmv":
case ".mp4":
result.QualityType = QualityTypes.SDTV;
case ".mkv":
result.QualityType = QualityTypes.HDTV;
catch (ArgumentException)
//Swallow exception for cases where string contains illegal
//path characters.
if ((normalizedName.Contains("sdtv") || (result.QualityType == QualityTypes.Unknown && normalizedName.Contains("hdtv"))) && !normalizedName.Contains("mpeg"))
result.QualityType = QualityTypes.SDTV;
return result;
return result;
public static LanguageType ParseLanguage(string title)
var lowerTitle = title.ToLower();
if (lowerTitle.Contains("english"))
return LanguageType.English;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("french"))
return LanguageType.French;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("spanish"))
return LanguageType.Spanish;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("german"))
//Make sure it doesn't contain Germany (Since we're not using REGEX for all this)
if (!lowerTitle.Contains("germany"))
return LanguageType.German;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("italian"))
return LanguageType.Italian;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("danish"))
return LanguageType.Danish;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("dutch"))
return LanguageType.Dutch;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("japanese"))
return LanguageType.Japanese;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("cantonese"))
return LanguageType.Cantonese;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("mandarin"))
return LanguageType.Mandarin;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("korean"))
return LanguageType.Korean;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("russian"))
return LanguageType.Russian;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("polish"))
return LanguageType.Polish;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("vietnamese"))
return LanguageType.Vietnamese;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("swedish"))
return LanguageType.Swedish;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("norwegian"))
return LanguageType.Norwegian;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("finnish"))
return LanguageType.Finnish;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("turkish"))
return LanguageType.Turkish;
if (lowerTitle.Contains("portuguese"))
return LanguageType.Portuguese;
return LanguageType.English;
/// <summary>
/// Normalizes the title. removing all non-word characters as well as common tokens
/// such as 'the' and 'and'
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "title">title</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string NormalizeTitle(string title)
long number = 0;
//If Title only contains numbers return it as is.
if (Int64.TryParse(title, out number))
return title;
return NormalizeRegex.Replace(title, String.Empty).ToLower();
public static string NormalizePath(string path)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path))
throw new ArgumentException("Path can not be null or empty");
var info = new FileInfo(path);
if (info.FullName.StartsWith(@"\\")) //UNC
return info.FullName.TrimEnd('/', '\\', ' ');
return info.FullName.Trim('/', '\\', ' ');
public static string UppercaseFirst(string s)
// Check for empty string.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
return string.Empty;
// Return char and concat substring.
return char.ToUpper(s[0]) + s.Substring(1);
public static long GetReportSize(string sizeString)
var match = ReportSizeRegex.Matches(sizeString);
if (match.Count != 0)
var value = Convert.ToDecimal(Regex.Replace(match[0].Groups["value"].Value, "\\,", ""));
var unit = match[0].Groups["unit"].Value;
if (unit.Equals("MB", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || unit.Equals("MiB", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
return Convert.ToInt64(value * 1048576L);
if (unit.Equals("GB", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || unit.Equals("GiB", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
return Convert.ToInt64(value * 1073741824L);
return 0;