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using System;
using Marr.Data.Converters;
using Marr.Data.Mapping;
using NzbDrone.Core.Qualities;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.Converters
public class QualityIntConverter : IConverter
public object FromDB(ColumnMap map, object dbValue)
if (dbValue == DBNull.Value)
return Quality.Unknown;
var val = Convert.ToInt32(dbValue);
return (Quality)val;
public object ToDB(object clrValue)
if(clrValue == null) return 0;
if(clrValue as Quality == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempted to save a quality that isn't really a quality");
var quality = clrValue as Quality;
return (int)quality;
public Type DbType
return typeof(int);