You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

605 lines
31 KiB

"About": "About",
"AcceptConfirmationModal": "Accept Confirmation Modal",
"Actions": "Actions",
"ActiveApps": "Active Apps",
"ActiveIndexers": "Active Indexers",
"Add": "Add",
"AddApplication": "Add Application",
"AddApplicationImplementation": "Add Application - {implementationName}",
"AddCategory": "Add Category",
"AddConnection": "Add Connection",
"AddConnectionImplementation": "Add Connection - {implementationName}",
"AddCustomFilter": "Add Custom Filter",
"AddDownloadClient": "Add Download Client",
"AddDownloadClientImplementation": "Add Download Client - {implementationName}",
"AddDownloadClientToProwlarr": "Adding a download client allows {appName} to send releases direct from the UI while doing a manual search.",
"AddIndexer": "Add Indexer",
"AddIndexerImplementation": "Add Indexer - {implementationName}",
"AddIndexerProxy": "Add Indexer Proxy",
"AddIndexerProxyImplementation": "Add Indexer Proxy - {implementationName}",
"AddNewIndexer": "Add New Indexer",
"AddRemoveOnly": "Add and Remove Only",
"AddSyncProfile": "Add Sync Profile",
"AddToDownloadClient": "Add release to download client",
"Added": "Added",
"AddedToDownloadClient": "Release added to client",
"AddingTag": "Adding tag",
"AdvancedSettingsHiddenClickToShow": "Advanced settings hidden, click to show",
"AdvancedSettingsShownClickToHide": "Advanced settings shown, click to hide",
"Age": "Age",
"Album": "Album",
"All": "All",
"AllIndexersHiddenDueToFilter": "All indexers are hidden due to applied filter.",
"Analytics": "Analytics",
"AnalyticsEnabledHelpText": "Send anonymous usage and error information to {appName}'s servers. This includes information on your browser, which {appName} WebUI pages you use, error reporting as well as OS and runtime version. We will use this information to prioritize features and bug fixes.",
"ApiKey": "API Key",
"ApiKeyValidationHealthCheckMessage": "Please update your API key to be at least {0} characters long. You can do this via settings or the config file",
"AppDataDirectory": "AppData directory",
"AppDataLocationHealthCheckMessage": "Updating will not be possible to prevent deleting AppData on Update",
"AppProfileInUse": "App Profile in Use",
"AppProfileSelectHelpText": "App profiles are used to control RSS, Automatic Search and Interactive Search settings on application sync",
"AppSettingsSummary": "Applications and settings to configure how {appName} interacts with your PVR programs",
"AppUpdated": "{appName} Updated",
"AppUpdatedVersion": "{appName} has been updated to version `{version}`, in order to get the latest changes you'll need to reload {appName}",
"Application": "Application",
"ApplicationLongTermStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All applications are unavailable due to failures for more than 6 hours",
"ApplicationLongTermStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Applications unavailable due to failures for more than 6 hours: {0}",
"ApplicationStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All applications are unavailable due to failures",
"ApplicationStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Applications unavailable due to failures: {0}",
"ApplicationTagsHelpText": "Sync Indexers to this application that have no tags or that have 1 or more matching tags",
"ApplicationTagsHelpTextWarning": "Tags should be used with caution, they can have unintended effects. An app with a tag will only sync with indexers having the same tag.",
"ApplicationURL": "Application URL",
"ApplicationUrlHelpText": "This application's external URL including http(s)://, port and URL base",
"Applications": "Applications",
"Apply": "Apply",
"ApplyChanges": "Apply Changes",
"ApplyTags": "Apply Tags",
"ApplyTagsHelpTextAdd": "Add: Add the tags the existing list of tags",
"ApplyTagsHelpTextHowToApplyApplications": "How to apply tags to the selected applications",
"ApplyTagsHelpTextHowToApplyIndexers": "How to apply tags to the selected indexers",
"ApplyTagsHelpTextRemove": "Remove: Remove the entered tags",
"ApplyTagsHelpTextReplace": "Replace: Replace the tags with the entered tags (enter no tags to clear all tags)",
"Apps": "Apps",
"AppsMinimumSeeders": "Apps Minimum Seeders",
"AppsMinimumSeedersHelpText": "Minimum seeders required by the Applications for the indexer to grab, empty is Sync profile's default",
"AreYouSureYouWantToDeleteCategory": "Are you sure you want to delete mapped category?",
"AreYouSureYouWantToDeleteIndexer": "Are you sure you want to delete '{name}' from {appName}?",
"Artist": "Artist",
"AudioSearch": "Audio Search",
"Auth": "Auth",
"AuthBasic": "Basic (Browser Popup)",
"AuthForm": "Forms (Login Page)",
"AuthQueries": "Auth Queries",
"Authentication": "Authentication",
"AuthenticationMethod": "Authentication Method",
"AuthenticationMethodHelpText": "Require Username and Password to access {appName}",
"AuthenticationMethodHelpTextWarning": "Please select a valid authentication method",
"AuthenticationRequired": "Authentication Required",
"AuthenticationRequiredHelpText": "Change which requests authentication is required for. Do not change unless you understand the risks.",
"AuthenticationRequiredPasswordConfirmationHelpTextWarning": "Confirm new password",
"AuthenticationRequiredPasswordHelpTextWarning": "Enter a new password",
"AuthenticationRequiredUsernameHelpTextWarning": "Enter a new username",
"AuthenticationRequiredWarning": "To prevent remote access without authentication, {appName} now requires authentication to be enabled. You can optionally disable authentication from local addresses.",
"Author": "Author",
"Automatic": "Automatic",
"AutomaticSearch": "Automatic Search",
"AverageResponseTimesMs": "Average Indexer Response Times (ms)",
"Backup": "Backup",
"BackupFolderHelpText": "Relative paths will be under {appName}'s AppData directory",
"BackupIntervalHelpText": "Interval between automatic backups",
"BackupNow": "Backup Now",
"BackupRetentionHelpText": "Automatic backups older than the retention period will be cleaned up automatically",
"Backups": "Backups",
"BasicSearch": "Basic Search",
"BeforeUpdate": "Before update",
"BindAddress": "Bind Address",
"BindAddressHelpText": "Valid IP address, localhost or '*' for all interfaces",
"Book": "Book",
"BookSearch": "Book Search",
"BookSearchTypes": "Book Search Types",
"Branch": "Branch",
"BranchUpdate": "Branch to use to update {appName}",
"BranchUpdateMechanism": "Branch used by external update mechanism",
"BypassProxyForLocalAddresses": "Bypass Proxy for Local Addresses",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"CancelPendingTask": "Are you sure you want to cancel this pending task?",
"Categories": "Categories",
"Category": "Category",
"CertificateValidation": "Certificate Validation",
"CertificateValidationHelpText": "Change how strict HTTPS certification validation is",
"ChangeHasNotBeenSavedYet": "Change has not been saved yet",
"Clear": "Clear",
"ClearHistory": "Clear History",
"ClearHistoryMessageText": "Are you sure you want to clear all {appName} history?",
"ClientPriority": "Client Priority",
"Clone": "Clone",
"CloneProfile": "Clone Profile",
"Close": "Close",
"CloseCurrentModal": "Close Current Modal",
"Columns": "Columns",
"Component": "Component",
"Connect": "Notifications",
"ConnectSettings": "Connect Settings",
"ConnectSettingsSummary": "Notifications and custom scripts",
"ConnectionLost": "Connection Lost",
"ConnectionLostReconnect": "{appName} will try to connect automatically, or you can click reload below.",
"ConnectionLostToBackend": "{appName} has lost its connection to the backend and will need to be reloaded to restore functionality.",
"Connections": "Connections",
"CouldNotConnectSignalR": "Could not connect to SignalR, UI won't update",
"CountApplicationsSelected": "{count} application(s) selected",
"CountDownloadClientsSelected": "{count} download client(s) selected",
"CountIndexersAvailable": "{count} indexer(s) available",
"CountIndexersSelected": "{count} indexer(s) selected",
"Custom": "Custom",
"CustomFilters": "Custom Filters",
"DBMigration": "DB Migration",
"Database": "Database",
"Date": "Date",
"Dates": "Dates",
"DefaultNameCopiedProfile": "{name} - Copy",
"Delete": "Delete",
"DeleteAppProfile": "Delete App Profile",
"DeleteAppProfileMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the app profile '{name}'?",
"DeleteApplication": "Delete Application",
"DeleteApplicationMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the application '{name}'?",
"DeleteBackup": "Delete Backup",
"DeleteBackupMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the backup '{name}'?",
"DeleteClientCategory": "Delete Download Client Category",
"DeleteDownloadClient": "Delete Download Client",
"DeleteDownloadClientMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the download client '{name}'?",
"DeleteIndexerProxy": "Delete Indexer Proxy",
"DeleteIndexerProxyMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the indexer proxy '{name}'?",
"DeleteNotification": "Delete Notification",
"DeleteNotificationMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the notification '{name}'?",
"DeleteSelectedApplications": "Delete Selected Applications",
"DeleteSelectedApplicationsMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete {count} selected application(s)?",
"DeleteSelectedDownloadClients": "Delete Download Client(s)",
"DeleteSelectedDownloadClientsMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete {count} selected download client(s)?",
"DeleteSelectedIndexer": "Delete Selected Indexer",
"DeleteSelectedIndexers": "Delete Selected Indexers",
"DeleteSelectedIndexersMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete {count} selected indexer(s)?",
"DeleteTag": "Delete Tag",
"DeleteTagMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the tag '{label}'?",
"Description": "Description",
"Details": "Details",
"DevelopmentSettings": "Development Settings",
"Disabled": "Disabled",
"DisabledForLocalAddresses": "Disabled for Local Addresses",
"DisabledUntil": "Disabled Until",
"Discord": "Discord",
"Docker": "Docker",
"Donations": "Donations",
"DownloadClient": "Download Client",
"DownloadClientCategory": "Download Client Category",
"DownloadClientPriorityHelpText": "Prioritize multiple Download Clients. Round-Robin is used for clients with the same priority.",
"DownloadClientSettings": "Download Client Settings",
"DownloadClientStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All download clients are unavailable due to failures",
"DownloadClientStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Download clients unavailable due to failures: {0}",
"DownloadClients": "Download Clients",
"DownloadClientsSettingsSummary": "Download clients configuration for integration into {appName} UI search",
"Duration": "Duration",
"Edit": "Edit",
"EditApplicationImplementation": "Edit Application - {implementationName}",
"EditCategory": "Edit Category",
"EditConnectionImplementation": "Edit Connection - {implementationName}",
"EditDownloadClientImplementation": "Edit Download Client - {implementationName}",
"EditIndexer": "Edit Indexer",
"EditIndexerImplementation": "Edit Indexer - {implementationName}",
"EditIndexerProxyImplementation": "Edit Indexer Proxy - {implementationName}",
"EditSelectedDownloadClients": "Edit Selected Download Clients",
"EditSelectedIndexers": "Edit Selected Indexers",
"EditSyncProfile": "Edit Sync Profile",
"ElapsedTime": "Elapsed Time",
"Enable": "Enable",
"EnableAutomaticSearch": "Enable Automatic Search",
"EnableAutomaticSearchHelpText": "Will be used when automatic searches are performed via the UI or by {appName}",
"EnableIndexer": "Enable Indexer",
"EnableInteractiveSearch": "Enable Interactive Search",
"EnableInteractiveSearchHelpText": "Will be used when interactive search is used",
"EnableRss": "Enable RSS",
"EnableRssHelpText": "Enable Rss feed for Indexer",
"EnableSSL": "Enable SSL",
"EnableSslHelpText": " Requires restart running as administrator to take effect",
"Enabled": "Enabled",
"EnabledRedirected": "Enabled, Redirected",
"Encoding": "Encoding",
"Ended": "Ended",
"Episode": "Episode",
"Error": "Error",
"ErrorLoadingContents": "Error loading contents",
"EventType": "Event Type",
"Events": "Events",
"Exception": "Exception",
"ExistingTag": "Existing tag",
"External": "External",
"Failed": "Failed",
"FeatureRequests": "Feature Requests",
"Filename": "Filename",
"Files": "Files",
"Filter": "Filter",
"FilterPlaceHolder": "Search indexers",
"Filters": "Filters",
"Fixed": "Fixed",
"FocusSearchBox": "Focus Search Box",
"Folder": "Folder",
"ForMoreInformationOnTheIndividualDownloadClients": "For more information on the individual download clients, click on the info buttons.",
"FoundCountReleases": "Found {itemCount} releases",
"FullSync": "Full Sync",
"General": "General",
"GeneralSettings": "General Settings",
"GeneralSettingsSummary": "Port, SSL, username/password, proxy, analytics, and updates",
"Genre": "Genre",
"GoToApplication": "Go to application",
"GrabReleases": "Grab Release(s)",
"GrabTitle": "Grab Title",
"Grabbed": "Grabbed",
"Grabs": "Grabs",
"Health": "Health",
"HealthNoIssues": "No issues with your configuration",
"HideAdvanced": "Hide Advanced",
"History": "History",
"HistoryCleanup": "History Cleanup",
"HistoryCleanupDaysHelpText": "Set to 0 to disable automatic cleanup",
"HistoryCleanupDaysHelpTextWarning": "History items older than the selected number of days will be cleaned up automatically",
"HistoryDetails": "History Details",
"HomePage": "Home Page",
"Host": "Host",
"Hostname": "Hostname",
"Id": "Id",
"IgnoredAddresses": "Ignored Addresses",
"IllRestartLater": "I'll restart later",
"Implementation": "Implementation",
"IncludeHealthWarningsHelpText": "Include Health Warnings",
"IncludeManualGrabsHelpText": "Include Manual Grabs made within {appName}",
"Indexer": "Indexer",
"IndexerAlreadySetup": "At least one instance of indexer is already setup",
"IndexerAuth": "Indexer Auth",
"IndexerCategories": "Indexer Categories",
"IndexerDetails": "Indexer Details",
"IndexerDisabled": "Indexer Disabled",
"IndexerDownloadClientHealthCheckMessage": "Indexers with invalid download clients: {0}.",
"IndexerDownloadClientHelpText": "Specify which download client is used for grabs made within {appName} from this indexer",
"IndexerFailureRate": "Indexer Failure Rate",
"IndexerFlags": "Indexer Flags",
"IndexerHealthCheckNoIndexers": "No indexers enabled, {appName} will not return search results",
"IndexerHistoryLoadError": "Error loading indexer history",
"IndexerInfo": "Indexer Info",
"IndexerLongTermStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All indexers are unavailable due to failures for more than 6 hours",
"IndexerLongTermStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Indexers unavailable due to failures for more than 6 hours: {0}",
"IndexerName": "Indexer Name",
"IndexerNoDefCheckMessage": "Indexers have no definition and will not work: {0}. Please remove and (or) re-add to {appName}",
"IndexerObsoleteCheckMessage": "Indexers are obsolete or have been updated: {0}. Please remove and (or) re-add to {appName}",
"IndexerPriority": "Indexer Priority",
"IndexerPriorityHelpText": "Indexer Priority from 1 (Highest) to 50 (Lowest). Default: 25.",
"IndexerProxies": "Indexer Proxies",
"IndexerProxy": "Indexer Proxy",
"IndexerProxyStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All proxies are unavailable due to failures",
"IndexerProxyStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Proxies unavailable due to failures: {0}",
"IndexerQuery": "Indexer Query",
"IndexerRss": "Indexer Rss",
"IndexerSettingsSummary": "Configure various global Indexer settings including Proxies.",
"IndexerSite": "Indexer Site",
"IndexerStatus": "Indexer Status",
"IndexerStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All indexers are unavailable due to failures",
"IndexerStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Indexers unavailable due to failures: {0}",
"IndexerTagsHelpText": "Use tags to specify Indexer Proxies or which apps the indexer is synced to.",
"IndexerTagsHelpTextWarning": "Tags should be used with caution, they can have unintended effects. An indexer with a tag will only sync to apps with the same tag.",
"IndexerVipCheckExpiredClientMessage": "Indexer VIP benefits have expired: {0}",
"IndexerVipCheckExpiringClientMessage": "Indexer VIP benefits expiring soon: {0}",
"Indexers": "Indexers",
"Info": "Info",
"InitialFailure": "Initial Failure",
"InstanceName": "Instance Name",
"InstanceNameHelpText": "Instance name in tab and for Syslog app name",
"InteractiveSearch": "Interactive Search",
"Interval": "Interval",
"KeyboardShortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"Label": "Label",
"Language": "Language",
"LastDuration": "Last Duration",
"LastExecution": "Last Execution",
"LastFailure": "Last Failure",
"LastWriteTime": "Last Write Time",
"LaunchBrowserHelpText": " Open a web browser and navigate to the {appName} homepage on app start.",
"Level": "Level",
"Link": "Link",
"LogFiles": "Log Files",
"LogLevel": "Log Level",
"LogLevelTraceHelpTextWarning": "Trace logging should only be enabled temporarily",
"Logging": "Logging",
"Logs": "Logs",
"MIA": "MIA",
"MaintenanceRelease": "Maintenance Release: bug fixes and other improvements. See Github Commit History for more details",
"ManageApplications": "Manage Applications",
"ManageDownloadClients": "Manage Download Clients",
"Manual": "Manual",
"MappedCategories": "Mapped Categories",
"MappedDrivesRunningAsService": "Mapped network drives are not available when running as a Windows Service. Please see the FAQ for more information",
"MassEditor": "Mass Editor",
"Mechanism": "Mechanism",
"Message": "Message",
"MinimumSeeders": "Minimum Seeders",
"MinimumSeedersHelpText": "Minimum seeders required by the Application for the indexer to grab",
"Mode": "Mode",
"More": "More",
"MoreInfo": "More Info",
"MovieIndexScrollBottom": "Movie Index: Scroll Bottom",
"MovieIndexScrollTop": "Movie Index: Scroll Top",
"MovieSearch": "Movie Search",
"MovieSearchTypes": "Movie Search Types",
"MusicSearchTypes": "Music Search Types",
"Name": "Name",
"NetCore": ".NET",
"New": "New",
"NewznabUrl": "Newznab Url",
"NextExecution": "Next Execution",
"No": "No",
"NoBackupsAreAvailable": "No backups are available",
"NoChange": "No Change",
"NoChanges": "No Changes",
"NoDownloadClientsFound": "No download clients found",
"NoHistoryFound": "No history found",
"NoIndexerCategories": "No categories found for this indexer",
"NoIndexerHistory": "No history found for this indexer",
"NoIndexersFound": "No indexers found",
"NoLeaveIt": "No, Leave It",
"NoLinks": "No Links",
"NoLogFiles": "No log files",
"NoSearchResultsFound": "No search results found, try performing a new search below.",
"NoTagsHaveBeenAddedYet": "No tags have been added yet",
"NoUpdatesAreAvailable": "No updates are available",
"None": "None",
"NotSupported": "Not Supported",
"Notification": "Notification",
"NotificationStatusAllClientHealthCheckMessage": "All notifications are unavailable due to failures",
"NotificationStatusSingleClientHealthCheckMessage": "Notifications unavailable due to failures: {0}",
"NotificationTriggers": "Notification Triggers",
"NotificationTriggersHelpText": "Select which events should trigger this notification",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"OAuthPopupMessage": "Pop-ups are being blocked by your browser",
"Ok": "Ok",
"OnApplicationUpdate": "On Application Update",
"OnApplicationUpdateHelpText": "On Application Update",
"OnGrab": "On Release Grab",
"OnGrabHelpText": "On Release Grab",
"OnHealthIssue": "On Health Issue",
"OnHealthIssueHelpText": "On Health Issue",
"OnHealthRestored": "On Health Restored",
"OnHealthRestoredHelpText": "On Health Restored",
"OpenBrowserOnStart": "Open browser on start",
"OpenThisModal": "Open This Modal",
"Options": "Options",
"PackSeedTime": "Pack Seed Time",
"PackSeedTimeHelpText": "The time a pack (season or discography) torrent should be seeded before stopping, empty is app's default",
"PackageVersion": "Package Version",
"PageSize": "Page Size",
"PageSizeHelpText": "Number of items to show on each page",
"Parameters": "Parameters",
"Password": "Password",
"PasswordConfirmation": "Password Confirmation",
"Peers": "Peers",
"PendingChangesDiscardChanges": "Discard changes and leave",
"PendingChangesMessage": "You have unsaved changes, are you sure you want to leave this page?",
"PendingChangesStayReview": "Stay and review changes",
"Port": "Port",
"PortNumber": "Port Number",
"Presets": "Presets",
"Priority": "Priority",
"Privacy": "Privacy",
"Private": "Private",
"Protocol": "Protocol",
"ProwlarrSupportsAnyDownloadClient": "{appName} supports any of the download clients listed below.",
"ProwlarrSupportsAnyIndexer": "{appName} supports many indexers in addition to any indexer that uses the Newznab/Torznab standard using 'Generic Newznab' (for usenet) or 'Generic Torznab' (for torrents). Search & Select your indexer from below.",
"Proxies": "Proxies",
"Proxy": "Proxy",
"ProxyBypassFilterHelpText": "Use ',' as a separator, and '*.' as a wildcard for subdomains",
"ProxyCheckBadRequestMessage": "Failed to test proxy. Status code: {0}",
"ProxyCheckFailedToTestMessage": "Failed to test proxy: {0}",
"ProxyCheckResolveIpMessage": "Failed to resolve the IP Address for the Configured Proxy Host {0}",
"ProxyPasswordHelpText": "You only need to enter a username and password if one is required. Leave them blank otherwise.",
"ProxyType": "Proxy Type",
"ProxyUsernameHelpText": "You only need to enter a username and password if one is required. Leave them blank otherwise.",
"Public": "Public",
"Publisher": "Publisher",
"Query": "Query",
"QueryOptions": "Query Options",
"QueryResults": "Query Results",
"QueryType": "Query Type",
"Queue": "Queue",
"Queued": "Queued",
"RSS": "RSS",
"RSSIsNotSupportedWithThisIndexer": "RSS is not supported with this indexer",
"RawSearchSupported": "Raw Search Supported",
"ReadTheWikiForMoreInformation": "Read the Wiki for more information",
"RecentChanges": "Recent Changes",
"Reddit": "Reddit",
"Redirect": "Redirect",
"RedirectHelpText": "Redirect incoming download request for indexer and pass the grab directly instead of proxying the request via {appName}",
"Refresh": "Refresh",
"RefreshMovie": "Refresh movie",
"ReleaseBranchCheckOfficialBranchMessage": "Branch {0} is not a valid {appName} release branch, you will not receive updates",
"ReleaseStatus": "Release Status",
"Reload": "Reload",
"Remove": "Remove",
"RemoveFilter": "Remove filter",
"RemovedFromTaskQueue": "Removed from task queue",
"RemovingTag": "Removing tag",
"RepeatSearch": "Repeat Search",
"Replace": "Replace",
"Reset": "Reset",
"ResetAPIKey": "Reset API Key",
"ResetAPIKeyMessageText": "Are you sure you want to reset your API Key?",
"Restart": "Restart",
"RestartNow": "Restart Now",
"RestartProwlarr": "Restart {appName}",
"RestartRequiredHelpTextWarning": "Requires restart to take effect",
"Restore": "Restore",
"RestoreBackup": "Restore Backup",
"Result": "Result",
"Retention": "Retention",
"RssFeed": "RSS Feed",
"RssQueries": "RSS Queries",
"SSLCertPassword": "SSL Cert Password",
"SSLCertPasswordHelpText": "Password for pfx file",
"SSLCertPath": "SSL Cert Path",
"SSLCertPathHelpText": "Path to pfx file",
"SSLPort": "SSL Port",
"Save": "Save",
"SaveChanges": "Save Changes",
"SaveSettings": "Save Settings",
"Scheduled": "Scheduled",
"ScriptPath": "Script Path",
"Search": "Search",
"SearchAllIndexers": "Search all indexers",
"SearchCapabilities": "Search Capabilities",
"SearchCountIndexers": "Search {count} indexer(s)",
"SearchIndexers": "Search Indexers",
"SearchQueries": "Search Queries",
"SearchType": "Search Type",
"SearchTypes": "Search Types",
"Season": "Season",
"Security": "Security",
"SeedRatio": "Seed Ratio",
"SeedRatioHelpText": "The ratio a torrent should reach before stopping, empty is app's default",
"SeedTime": "Seed Time",
"SeedTimeHelpText": "The time a torrent should be seeded before stopping, empty is app's default",
"Seeders": "Seeders",
"SelectAll": "Select All",
"SelectIndexers": "Select Indexers",
"SelectedCountOfCountReleases": "Selected {selectedCount} of {itemCount} releases",
"SemiPrivate": "Semi-Private",
"SendAnonymousUsageData": "Send Anonymous Usage Data",
"SetTags": "Set Tags",
"Settings": "Settings",
"SettingsConsoleLogLevel": "Console Log Level",
"SettingsEnableColorImpairedMode": "Enable Color-Impaired Mode",
"SettingsEnableColorImpairedModeHelpText": "Altered style to allow color-impaired users to better distinguish color coded information",
"SettingsFilterSentryEvents": "Filter Analytics Events",
"SettingsFilterSentryEventsHelpText": "Filter known user error events from being sent as Analytics",
"SettingsIndexerLogging": "Enhanced Indexer Logging",
"SettingsIndexerLoggingHelpText": "Log additional Indexer data including response",
"SettingsLogRotate": "Log Rotation",
"SettingsLogRotateHelpText": "Max number of log files to keep saved in logs folder",
"SettingsLogSql": "Log Sql",
"SettingsLongDateFormat": "Long Date Format",
"SettingsShortDateFormat": "Short Date Format",
"SettingsShowRelativeDates": "Show Relative Dates",
"SettingsShowRelativeDatesHelpText": "Show relative (Today/Yesterday/etc) or absolute dates",
"SettingsSqlLoggingHelpText": "Log all SQL queries from {appName}",
"SettingsTimeFormat": "Time Format",
"ShowAdvanced": "Show Advanced",
"ShowSearch": "Show Search",
"ShowSearchHelpText": "Show search button on hover",
"Shutdown": "Shutdown",
"Size": "Size",
"Sort": "Sort",
"Source": "Source",
"StartTypingOrSelectAPathBelow": "Start typing or select a path below",
"Started": "Started",
"StartupDirectory": "Startup directory",
"Stats": "Stats",
"Status": "Status",
"StopSelecting": "Stop Selecting",
"Style": "Style",
"SuggestTranslationChange": "Suggest translation change",
"SyncAppIndexers": "Sync App Indexers",
"SyncLevel": "Sync Level",
"SyncLevelAddRemove": "Add and Remove Only: When indexers are added or removed from {appName}, it will update this remote app.",
"SyncLevelFull": "Full Sync: Will keep this app's indexers fully in sync. Changes made to indexers in {appName} are then synced to this app. Any change made to indexers remotely within this app will be overridden by {appName} on the next sync.",
"SyncProfile": "Sync Profile",
"SyncProfiles": "Sync Profiles",
"System": "System",
"SystemTimeCheckMessage": "System time is off by more than 1 day. Scheduled tasks may not run correctly until the time is corrected",
"TVSearchTypes": "TV Search Types",
"TableOptions": "Table Options",
"TableOptionsColumnsMessage": "Choose which columns are visible and which order they appear in",
"TagCannotBeDeletedWhileInUse": "Cannot be deleted while in use",
"TagIsNotUsedAndCanBeDeleted": "Tag is not used and can be deleted",
"Tags": "Tags",
"TagsHelpText": "Applies to indexers with at least one matching tag",
"TagsSettingsSummary": "See all tags and how they are used. Unused tags can be removed",
"Tasks": "Tasks",
"Test": "Test",
"TestAll": "Test All",
"TestAllApps": "Test All Apps",
"TestAllClients": "Test All Clients",
"TestAllIndexers": "Test All Indexers",
"TheLatestVersionIsAlreadyInstalled": "The latest version of {appName} is already installed",
"Theme": "Theme",
"ThemeHelpText": "Change Application UI Theme, 'Auto' Theme will use your OS Theme to set Light or Dark mode. Inspired by {inspiredBy}.",
"Time": "Time",
"Title": "Title",
"Today": "Today",
"Tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
"Torrent": "Torrent",
"Torrents": "Torrents",
"TorznabUrl": "Torznab Url",
"TotalGrabs": "Total Grabs",
"TotalHostGrabs": "Total Host Grabs",
"TotalHostQueries": "Total Host Queries",
"TotalIndexerQueries": "Total Indexer Queries",
"TotalIndexerSuccessfulGrabs": "Total Indexer Successful Grabs",
"TotalQueries": "Total Queries",
"TotalUserAgentGrabs": "Total User Agent Grabs",
"TotalUserAgentQueries": "Total User Agent Queries",
"Track": "Track",
"TvSearch": "TV Search",
"Type": "Type",
"UI": "UI",
"UILanguage": "UI Language",
"UILanguageHelpText": "Language that {appName} will use for UI",
"UILanguageHelpTextWarning": "Browser Reload Required",
"UISettings": "UI Settings",
"UISettingsSummary": "Date, language, and color impaired options",
"URLBase": "URL Base",
"UnableToAddANewAppProfilePleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new application profile, please try again.",
"UnableToAddANewApplicationPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new application, please try again.",
"UnableToAddANewDownloadClientPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new download client, please try again.",
"UnableToAddANewIndexerPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new indexer, please try again.",
"UnableToAddANewIndexerProxyPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new indexer proxy, please try again.",
"UnableToAddANewNotificationPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new notification, please try again.",
"UnableToLoadAppProfiles": "Unable to load app profiles",
"UnableToLoadApplicationList": "Unable to load application list",
"UnableToLoadBackups": "Unable to load backups",
"UnableToLoadDevelopmentSettings": "Unable to load Development settings",
"UnableToLoadDownloadClients": "Unable to load download clients",
"UnableToLoadGeneralSettings": "Unable to load General settings",
"UnableToLoadHistory": "Unable to load history",
"UnableToLoadIndexerProxies": "Unable to load Indexer Proxies",
"UnableToLoadIndexers": "Unable to load Indexers",
"UnableToLoadNotifications": "Unable to load Notifications",
"UnableToLoadTags": "Unable to load Tags",
"UnableToLoadUISettings": "Unable to load UI settings",
"UnsavedChanges": "Unsaved Changes",
"UnselectAll": "Unselect All",
"UpdateAutomaticallyHelpText": "Automatically download and install updates. You will still be able to install from System: Updates",
"UpdateAvailable": "New update is available",
"UpdateCheckStartupNotWritableMessage": "Cannot install update because startup folder '{0}' is not writable by the user '{1}'.",
"UpdateCheckStartupTranslocationMessage": "Cannot install update because startup folder '{0}' is in an App Translocation folder.",
"UpdateCheckUINotWritableMessage": "Cannot install update because UI folder '{0}' is not writable by the user '{1}'.",
"UpdateMechanismHelpText": "Use {appName}'s built-in updater or a script",
"UpdateScriptPathHelpText": "Path to a custom script that takes an extracted update package and handle the remainder of the update process",
"Updates": "Updates",
"Uptime": "Uptime",
"Url": "Url",
"UrlBaseHelpText": "For reverse proxy support, default is empty",
"UseProxy": "Use Proxy",
"Usenet": "Usenet",
"UserAgentProvidedByTheAppThatCalledTheAPI": "User-Agent provided by the app that called the API",
"Username": "Username",
"Version": "Version",
"View": "View",
"VipExpiration": "VIP Expiration",
"Warn": "Warn",
"Website": "Website",
"WhatsNew": "What's New?",
"Wiki": "Wiki",
"Year": "Year",
"Yes": "Yes",
"YesCancel": "Yes, Cancel",
"Yesterday": "Yesterday",
"days": "days",
"minutes": "minutes"