You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

451 lines
22 KiB

"About": "About",
"AcceptConfirmationModal": "Accept Confirmation Modal",
"Actions": "Actions",
"Add": "Add",
"AddDownloadClient": "Add Download Client",
"AddDownloadClientToProwlarr": "Adding a download client allows Prowlarr to send releases direct from the UI while doing a manual search.",
"Added": "Added",
"AddedToDownloadClient": "Release added to client",
"AddIndexer": "Add Indexer",
"AddIndexerProxy": "Add Indexer Proxy",
"AddingTag": "Adding tag",
"AddNewIndexer": "Add New Indexer",
"AddRemoveOnly": "Add and Remove Only",
"AddSyncProfile": "Add Sync Profile",
"AddToDownloadClient": "Add release to download client",
"Age": "Age",
"All": "All",
"AllIndexersHiddenDueToFilter": "All indexers are hidden due to applied filter.",
"Analytics": "Analytics",
"AnalyticsEnabledHelpText": "Send anonymous usage and error information to Prowlarr's servers. This includes information on your browser, which Prowlarr WebUI pages you use, error reporting as well as OS and runtime version. We will use this information to prioritize features and bug fixes.",
"ApiKey": "API Key",
"AppDataDirectory": "AppData directory",
"AppDataLocationHealthCheckMessage": "Updating will not be possible to prevent deleting AppData on Update",
"Application": "Application",
"Applications": "Applications",
"ApplicationStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All applications are unavailable due to failures",
"ApplicationStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Applications unavailable due to failures: {0}",
"Apply": "Apply",
"ApplyTags": "Apply Tags",
"ApplyTagsHelpTexts1": "How to apply tags to the selected indexers",
"ApplyTagsHelpTexts2": "Add: Add the tags the existing list of tags",
"ApplyTagsHelpTexts3": "Remove: Remove the entered tags",
"ApplyTagsHelpTexts4": "Replace: Replace the tags with the entered tags (enter no tags to clear all tags)",
"AppProfileDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete {0}?",
"AppProfileInUse": "App Profile in Use",
"AppProfileSelectHelpText": "App profiles are used to control RSS, Automatic Search and Interactive Search settings on application sync",
"Apps": "Apps",
"AppSettingsSummary": "Applications and settings to configure how Prowlarr interacts with your PVR programs",
"AreYouSureYouWantToResetYourAPIKey": "Are you sure you want to reset your API Key?",
"AudioSearch": "Audio Search",
"Auth": "Auth",
"Authentication": "Authentication",
"AuthenticationMethodHelpText": "Require Username and Password to access Prowlarr",
"Automatic": "Automatic",
"AutomaticSearch": "Automatic Search",
"Backup": "Backup",
"BackupFolderHelpText": "Relative paths will be under Prowlarr's AppData directory",
"BackupIntervalHelpText": "Interval between automatic backups",
"BackupNow": "Backup Now",
"BackupRetentionHelpText": "Automatic backups older than the retention period will be cleaned up automatically",
"Backups": "Backups",
"BeforeUpdate": "Before update",
"BindAddress": "Bind Address",
"BindAddressHelpText": "Valid IP4 address or '*' for all interfaces",
"BookSearch": "Book Search",
"BookSearchTypes": "Book Search Types",
"Branch": "Branch",
"BranchUpdate": "Branch to use to update Prowlarr",
"BranchUpdateMechanism": "Branch used by external update mechanism",
"BypassProxyForLocalAddresses": "Bypass Proxy for Local Addresses",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"CancelPendingTask": "Are you sure you want to cancel this pending task?",
"Categories": "Categories",
"Category": "Category",
"CertificateValidation": "Certificate Validation",
"CertificateValidationHelpText": "Change how strict HTTPS certification validation is",
"ChangeHasNotBeenSavedYet": "Change has not been saved yet",
"Clear": "Clear",
"ClearHistory": "Clear History",
"ClearHistoryMessageText": "Are you sure you want to clear all Prowlarr history?",
"ClientPriority": "Client Priority",
"CloneProfile": "Clone Profile",
"Close": "Close",
"CloseCurrentModal": "Close Current Modal",
"Columns": "Columns",
"Component": "Component",
"Connect": "Notifications",
"ConnectionLost": "Connection Lost",
"ConnectionLostAutomaticMessage": "Prowlarr will try to connect automatically, or you can click reload below.",
"ConnectionLostMessage": "Prowlarr has lost it's connection to the backend and will need to be reloaded to restore functionality.",
"Connections": "Connections",
"ConnectSettings": "Connect Settings",
"ConnectSettingsSummary": "Notifications and custom scripts",
"CouldNotConnectSignalR": "Could not connect to SignalR, UI won't update",
"Custom": "Custom",
"CustomFilters": "Custom Filters",
"Database": "Database",
"Date": "Date",
"Dates": "Dates",
"DBMigration": "DB Migration",
"Delete": "Delete",
"DeleteApplication": "Delete Application",
"DeleteApplicationMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the application '{0}'?",
"DeleteAppProfile": "Delete App Profile",
"DeleteBackup": "Delete Backup",
"DeleteBackupMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the backup '{0}'?",
"DeleteDownloadClient": "Delete Download Client",
"DeleteDownloadClientMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the download client '{0}'?",
"DeleteIndexerProxy": "Delete Indexer Proxy",
"DeleteIndexerProxyMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the proxy '{0}'?",
"DeleteNotification": "Delete Notification",
"DeleteNotificationMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the notification '{0}'?",
"DeleteTag": "Delete Tag",
"DeleteTagMessageText": "Are you sure you want to delete the tag '{0}'?",
"Description": "Description",
"Details": "Details",
"DevelopmentSettings": "Development Settings",
"Disabled": "Disabled",
"Discord": "Discord",
"Docker": "Docker",
"Donations": "Donations",
"DownloadClient": "Download Client",
"DownloadClients": "Download Clients",
"DownloadClientSettings": "Download Client Settings",
"DownloadClientsSettingsSummary": "Download clients configuration for integration into Prowlarr UI search",
"DownloadClientStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All download clients are unavailable due to failures",
"DownloadClientStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Download clients unavailable due to failures: {0}",
"Edit": "Edit",
"EditIndexer": "Edit Indexer",
"EditSyncProfile": "Edit Sync Profile",
"Enable": "Enable",
"EnableAutomaticSearch": "Enable Automatic Search",
"EnableAutomaticSearchHelpText": "Will be used when automatic searches are performed via the UI or by Prowlarr",
"Enabled": "Enabled",
"EnableIndexer": "Enable Indexer",
"EnableInteractiveSearch": "Enable Interactive Search",
"EnableInteractiveSearchHelpText": "Will be used when interactive search is used",
"EnableRss": "Enable RSS",
"EnableRssHelpText": "Enable Rss feed for Indexer",
"EnableSSL": "Enable SSL",
"EnableSslHelpText": " Requires restart running as administrator to take effect",
"Encoding": "Encoding",
"Error": "Error",
"ErrorLoadingContents": "Error loading contents",
"Events": "Events",
"EventType": "Event Type",
"Exception": "Exception",
"ExistingTag": "Existing tag",
"Failed": "Failed",
"FeatureRequests": "Feature Requests",
"Filename": "Filename",
"Files": "Files",
"Filter": "Filter",
"FilterPlaceHolder": "Search indexers",
"Filters": "Filters",
"Fixed": "Fixed",
"FocusSearchBox": "Focus Search Box",
"Folder": "Folder",
"ForMoreInformationOnTheIndividualDownloadClients": "For more information on the individual download clients, click on the info buttons.",
"FullSync": "Full Sync",
"General": "General",
"GeneralSettings": "General Settings",
"GeneralSettingsSummary": "Port, SSL, username/password, proxy, analytics, and updates",
"Grabbed": "Grabbed",
"GrabReleases": "Grab Release(s)",
"Grabs": "Grabs",
"Health": "Health",
"HealthNoIssues": "No issues with your configuration",
"HiddenClickToShow": "Hidden, click to show",
"HideAdvanced": "Hide Advanced",
"History": "History",
"HistoryCleanup": "History Cleanup",
"HistoryCleanupDaysHelpText": "Set to 0 to disable automatic cleanup",
"HistoryCleanupDaysHelpTextWarning": "History items older than the selected number of days will be cleaned up automatically",
"HomePage": "Home Page",
"Host": "Host",
"Hostname": "Hostname",
"Id": "Id",
"IgnoredAddresses": "Ignored Addresses",
"IllRestartLater": "I'll restart later",
"IncludeHealthWarningsHelpText": "Include Health Warnings",
"Indexer": "Indexer",
"IndexerAlreadySetup": "At least one instace of indexer is already setup",
"IndexerAuth": "Indexer Auth",
"IndexerDetails": "Indexer Details",
"IndexerFlags": "Indexer Flags",
"IndexerHealthCheckNoIndexers": "No indexers enabled, Prowlarr will not return search results",
"IndexerInfo": "Indexer Info",
"IndexerLongTermStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All indexers are unavailable due to failures for more than 6 hours",
"IndexerLongTermStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Indexers unavailable due to failures for more than 6 hours: {0}",
"IndexerName": "Indexer Name",
"IndexerNoDefCheckMessage": "Indexers have no definition and will not work: {0}. Please remove and (or) re-add to Prowlarr",
"IndexerObsoleteCheckMessage": "Indexers are obsolete or have been updated: {0}. Please remove and (or) re-add to Prowlarr",
"IndexerPriority": "Indexer Priority",
"IndexerPriorityHelpText": "Indexer Priority from 1 (Highest) to 50 (Lowest). Default: 25.",
"IndexerProxies": "Indexer Proxies",
"IndexerProxy": "Indexer Proxy",
"IndexerProxyStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All proxies are unavailable due to failures",
"IndexerProxyStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Proxies unavailable due to failures: {0}",
"IndexerQuery": "Indexer Query",
"IndexerRss": "Indexer Rss",
"Indexers": "Indexers",
"IndexerSettingsSummary": "Configure various global Indexer settings including Proxies.",
"IndexerSite": "Indexer Site",
"IndexersSelectedInterp": "{0} Indexer(s) Selected",
"IndexerStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All indexers are unavailable due to failures",
"IndexerStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Indexers unavailable due to failures: {0}",
"IndexerTagsHelpText": "Use tags to specify Indexer Proxies or just to organize your indexers.",
"IndexerVipCheckExpiredClientMessage": "Indexer VIP benefits have expired: {0}",
"IndexerVipCheckExpiringClientMessage": "Indexer VIP benefits expiring soon: {0}",
"Info": "Info",
"InteractiveSearch": "Interactive Search",
"Interval": "Interval",
"KeyboardShortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"Language": "Language",
"LastWriteTime": "Last Write Time",
"LaunchBrowserHelpText": " Open a web browser and navigate to the Prowlarr homepage on app start.",
"Level": "Level",
"Link": "Link",
"LogFiles": "Log Files",
"Logging": "Logging",
"LogLevel": "Log Level",
"LogLevelTraceHelpTextWarning": "Trace logging should only be enabled temporarily",
"Logs": "Logs",
"MaintenanceRelease": "Maintenance Release: bug fixes and other improvements. See Github Commit History for more details",
"Manual": "Manual",
"MappedDrivesRunningAsService": "Mapped network drives are not available when running as a Windows Service. Please see the FAQ for more information",
"MassEditor": "Mass Editor",
"Mechanism": "Mechanism",
"Message": "Message",
"MIA": "MIA",
"MinimumSeeders": "Minimum Seeders",
"MinimumSeedersHelpText": "Minimum seeders required by the Appliction for the indexer to grab",
"Mode": "Mode",
"MoreInfo": "More Info",
"MovieIndexScrollBottom": "Movie Index: Scroll Bottom",
"MovieIndexScrollTop": "Movie Index: Scroll Top",
"MovieSearch": "Movie Search",
"MovieSearchTypes": "Movie Search Types",
"MusicSearchTypes": "Music Search Types",
"Name": "Name",
"NetCore": ".NET",
"New": "New",
"No": "No",
"NoBackupsAreAvailable": "No backups are available",
"NoChange": "No Change",
"NoChanges": "No Changes",
"NoLeaveIt": "No, Leave It",
"NoLinks": "No Links",
"NoLogFiles": "No log files",
"NoSearchResultsFound": "No search results found, try performing a new search below.",
"NoTagsHaveBeenAddedYet": "No tags have been added yet",
"Notification": "Notification",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"NotificationTriggers": "Notification Triggers",
"NotificationTriggersHelpText": "Select which events should trigger this notification",
"NotSupported": "Not Supported",
"NoUpdatesAreAvailable": "No updates are available",
"OAuthPopupMessage": "Pop-ups are being blocked by your browser",
"Ok": "Ok",
"OnApplicationUpdate": "On Application Update",
"OnApplicationUpdateHelpText": "On Application Update",
"OnGrab": "On Grab",
"OnHealthIssue": "On Health Issue",
"OnHealthIssueHelpText": "On Health Issue",
"OpenBrowserOnStart": "Open browser on start",
"OpenThisModal": "Open This Modal",
"Options": "Options",
"PackageVersion": "Package Version",
"PageSize": "Page Size",
"PageSizeHelpText": "Number of items to show on each page",
"Password": "Password",
"Peers": "Peers",
"PendingChangesDiscardChanges": "Discard changes and leave",
"PendingChangesMessage": "You have unsaved changes, are you sure you want to leave this page?",
"PendingChangesStayReview": "Stay and review changes",
"Port": "Port",
"PortNumber": "Port Number",
"Presets": "Presets",
"Priority": "Priority",
"PriorityHelpText": "Prioritize multiple Download Clients. Round-Robin is used for clients with the same priority.",
"PrioritySettings": "Priority",
"Privacy": "Privacy",
"Private": "Private",
"Protocol": "Protocol",
"ProwlarrSupportsAnyDownloadClient": "Prowlarr supports any of the download clients listed below.",
"ProwlarrSupportsAnyIndexer": "Prowlarr supports many indexers in addition to any indexer that uses the Newznab/Torznab standard using 'Generic Newznab' (for usenet) or 'Generic Torznab' (for torrents). Search & Select your indexer from below.",
"Proxies": "Proxies",
"Proxy": "Proxy",
"ProxyBypassFilterHelpText": "Use ',' as a separator, and '*.' as a wildcard for subdomains",
"ProxyCheckBadRequestMessage": "Failed to test proxy. StatusCode: {0}",
"ProxyCheckFailedToTestMessage": "Failed to test proxy: {0}",
"ProxyCheckResolveIpMessage": "Failed to resolve the IP Address for the Configured Proxy Host {0}",
"ProxyPasswordHelpText": "You only need to enter a username and password if one is required. Leave them blank otherwise.",
"ProxyType": "Proxy Type",
"ProxyUsernameHelpText": "You only need to enter a username and password if one is required. Leave them blank otherwise.",
"PtpOldSettingsCheckMessage": "The following PassThePopcorn indexers have deprecated settings and should be updated: {0}",
"Public": "Public",
"Query": "Query",
"QueryOptions": "Query Options",
"QueryResults": "Query Results",
"Queue": "Queue",
"RawSearchSupported": "Raw Search Supported",
"ReadTheWikiForMoreInformation": "Read the Wiki for more information",
"Reddit": "Reddit",
"Redirect": "Redirect",
"RedirectHelpText": "Redirect incoming download request for indexer and pass the grab directly instead of proxying the request via Prowlarr",
"Refresh": "Refresh",
"RefreshMovie": "Refresh movie",
"ReleaseBranchCheckOfficialBranchMessage": "Branch {0} is not a valid Prowlarr release branch, you will not receive updates",
"ReleaseStatus": "Release Status",
"Reload": "Reload",
"RemovedFromTaskQueue": "Removed from task queue",
"RemoveFilter": "Remove filter",
"RemovingTag": "Removing tag",
"Reset": "Reset",
"ResetAPIKey": "Reset API Key",
"Restart": "Restart",
"RestartNow": "Restart Now",
"RestartProwlarr": "Restart Prowlarr",
"RestartRequiredHelpTextWarning": "Requires restart to take effect",
"Restore": "Restore",
"RestoreBackup": "Restore Backup",
"Result": "Result",
"Retention": "Retention",
"RSS": "RSS",
"RSSIsNotSupportedWithThisIndexer": "RSS is not supported with this indexer",
"Save": "Save",
"SaveChanges": "Save Changes",
"SaveSettings": "Save Settings",
"Scheduled": "Scheduled",
"ScriptPath": "Script Path",
"Search": "Search",
"SearchCapabilities": "Search Capabilities",
"SearchIndexers": "Search Indexers",
"SearchType": "Search Type",
"SearchTypes": "Search Types",
"Security": "Security",
"Seeders": "Seeders",
"SelectAll": "Select All",
"SemiPrivate": "Semi-Private",
"SendAnonymousUsageData": "Send Anonymous Usage Data",
"SetTags": "Set Tags",
"Settings": "Settings",
"SettingsConsoleLogLevel": "Console Log Level",
"SettingsEnableColorImpairedMode": "Enable Color-Impaired Mode",
"SettingsEnableColorImpairedModeHelpText": "Altered style to allow color-impaired users to better distinguish color coded information",
"SettingsFilterSentryEvents": "Filter Analytics Events",
"SettingsFilterSentryEventsHelpText": "Filter known user error events from being sent as Analytics",
"SettingsIndexerLogging": "Enhanced Indexer Logging",
"SettingsIndexerLoggingHelpText": "Log additional Indexer data including response",
"SettingsLogRotate": "Log Rotation",
"SettingsLogRotateHelpText": "Max number of log files to keep saved in logs folder",
"SettingsLogSql": "Log Sql",
"SettingsLongDateFormat": "Long Date Format",
"SettingsShortDateFormat": "Short Date Format",
"SettingsShowRelativeDates": "Show Relative Dates",
"SettingsShowRelativeDatesHelpText": "Show relative (Today/Yesterday/etc) or absolute dates",
"SettingsSqlLoggingHelpText": "Log all SQL queries from Prowlarr",
"SettingsTimeFormat": "Time Format",
"ShowAdvanced": "Show Advanced",
"ShownClickToHide": "Shown, click to hide",
"ShowSearch": "Show Search",
"ShowSearchHelpText": "Show search button on hover",
"Shutdown": "Shutdown",
"Size": "Size",
"Sort": "Sort",
"Source": "Source",
"SSLCertPassword": "SSL Cert Password",
"SSLCertPasswordHelpText": "Password for pfx file",
"SSLCertPath": "SSL Cert Path",
"SSLCertPathHelpText": "Path to pfx file",
"SSLPort": "SSL Port",
"StartTypingOrSelectAPathBelow": "Start typing or select a path below",
"StartupDirectory": "Startup directory",
"Stats": "Stats",
"Status": "Status",
"Style": "Style",
"SuggestTranslationChange": "Suggest translation change",
"SyncAppIndexers": "Sync App Indexers",
"SyncLevel": "Sync Level",
"SyncLevelAddRemove": "Add and Remove Only: When indexers are added or removed from Prowlarr, it will update this remote app.",
"SyncLevelFull": "Full Sync: Will keep this app's indexers fully in sync. Changes made to indexers in Prowlarr are then synced to this app. Any change made to indexers remotely within this app will be overridden by Prowlarr on the next sync.",
"SyncProfile": "Sync Profile",
"SyncProfiles": "Sync Profiles",
"System": "System",
"SystemTimeCheckMessage": "System time is off by more than 1 day. Scheduled tasks may not run correctly until the time is corrected",
"TableOptions": "Table Options",
"TableOptionsColumnsMessage": "Choose which columns are visible and which order they appear in",
"TagCannotBeDeletedWhileInUse": "Cannot be deleted while in use",
"TagIsNotUsedAndCanBeDeleted": "Tag is not used and can be deleted",
"Tags": "Tags",
"TagsHelpText": "Applies to indexers with at least one matching tag",
"TagsSettingsSummary": "See all tags and how they are used. Unused tags can be removed",
"Tasks": "Tasks",
"Test": "Test",
"TestAll": "Test All",
"TestAllApps": "Test All Apps",
"TestAllClients": "Test All Clients",
"TestAllIndexers": "Test All Indexers",
"Time": "Time",
"Title": "Title",
"Today": "Today",
"Tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
"Torrent": "Torrent",
"Torrents": "Torrents",
"TvSearch": "TV Search",
"TVSearchTypes": "TV Search Types",
"Type": "Type",
"UI": "UI",
"UILanguage": "UI Language",
"UILanguageHelpText": "Language that Prowlarr will use for UI",
"UILanguageHelpTextWarning": "Browser Reload Required",
"UISettings": "UI Settings",
"UISettingsSummary": "Date, language, and color impaired options",
"UnableToAddANewApplicationPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new application, please try again.",
"UnableToAddANewAppProfilePleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new application profile, please try again.",
"UnableToAddANewDownloadClientPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new download client, please try again.",
"UnableToAddANewIndexerPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new indexer, please try again.",
"UnableToAddANewIndexerProxyPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new indexer proxy, please try again.",
"UnableToAddANewNotificationPleaseTryAgain": "Unable to add a new notification, please try again.",
"UnableToLoadApplicationList": "Unable to load application list",
"UnableToLoadAppProfiles": "Unable to load app profiles",
"UnableToLoadBackups": "Unable to load backups",
"UnableToLoadDevelopmentSettings": "Unable to load Development settings",
"UnableToLoadDownloadClients": "Unable to load download clients",
"UnableToLoadGeneralSettings": "Unable to load General settings",
"UnableToLoadHistory": "Unable to load history",
"UnableToLoadIndexerProxies": "Unable To Load Indexer Proxies",
"UnableToLoadIndexers": "Unable to load Indexers",
"UnableToLoadNotifications": "Unable to load Notifications",
"UnableToLoadTags": "Unable to load Tags",
"UnableToLoadUISettings": "Unable to load UI settings",
"UnsavedChanges": "Unsaved Changes",
"UnselectAll": "Unselect All",
"UpdateAutomaticallyHelpText": "Automatically download and install updates. You will still be able to install from System: Updates",
"UpdateCheckStartupNotWritableMessage": "Cannot install update because startup folder '{0}' is not writable by the user '{1}'.",
"UpdateCheckStartupTranslocationMessage": "Cannot install update because startup folder '{0}' is in an App Translocation folder.",
"UpdateCheckUINotWritableMessage": "Cannot install update because UI folder '{0}' is not writable by the user '{1}'.",
"UpdateMechanismHelpText": "Use Prowlarr's built-in updater or a script",
"Updates": "Updates",
"UpdateScriptPathHelpText": "Path to a custom script that takes an extracted update package and handle the remainder of the update process",
"Uptime": "Uptime",
"Url": "Url",
"URLBase": "URL Base",
"UrlBaseHelpText": "For reverse proxy support, default is empty",
"Usenet": "Usenet",
"UseProxy": "Use Proxy",
"UserAgentProvidedByTheAppThatCalledTheAPI": "User-Agent provided by the app that called the API",
"Username": "Username",
"Version": "Version",
"View": "View",
"Warn": "Warn",
"Website": "Website",
"Wiki": "Wiki",
"Yes": "Yes",
"YesCancel": "Yes, Cancel",
"Yesterday": "Yesterday"