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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Common;
using NzbDrone.Common.Disk;
using NzbDrone.Common.EnvironmentInfo;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Common.Http;
using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration;
using NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events;
using NzbDrone.Core.Movies;
using NzbDrone.Core.Movies.Events;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.MediaCover
public interface IMapCoversToLocal
Dictionary<string, FileInfo> GetCoverFileInfos();
void ConvertToLocalUrls(int movieId, IEnumerable<MediaCover> covers, Dictionary<string, FileInfo> fileInfos = null);
void ConvertToLocalUrls(IEnumerable<Tuple<int, IEnumerable<MediaCover>>> items, Dictionary<string, FileInfo> coverFileInfos);
string GetCoverPath(int movieId, MediaCoverTypes coverType, int? height = null);
public class MediaCoverService :
private readonly IMediaCoverProxy _mediaCoverProxy;
private readonly IImageResizer _resizer;
10 years ago
private readonly IHttpClient _httpClient;
private readonly IDiskProvider _diskProvider;
private readonly ICoverExistsSpecification _coverExistsSpecification;
private readonly IConfigFileProvider _configFileProvider;
private readonly IEventAggregator _eventAggregator;
private readonly Logger _logger;
private readonly string _coverRootFolder;
// ImageSharp is slow on ARM (no hardware acceleration on mono yet)
// So limit the number of concurrent resizing tasks
private static SemaphoreSlim _semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim((int)Math.Ceiling(Environment.ProcessorCount / 2.0));
public MediaCoverService(IMediaCoverProxy mediaCoverProxy,
IImageResizer resizer,
IHttpClient httpClient,
IDiskProvider diskProvider,
IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo,
10 years ago
ICoverExistsSpecification coverExistsSpecification,
IConfigFileProvider configFileProvider,
IEventAggregator eventAggregator,
Logger logger)
_mediaCoverProxy = mediaCoverProxy;
_resizer = resizer;
10 years ago
_httpClient = httpClient;
_diskProvider = diskProvider;
_coverExistsSpecification = coverExistsSpecification;
_configFileProvider = configFileProvider;
_eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
_logger = logger;
_coverRootFolder = appFolderInfo.GetMediaCoverPath();
public string GetCoverPath(int movieId, MediaCoverTypes coverType, int? height = null)
var heightSuffix = height.HasValue ? "-" + height.ToString() : "";
return Path.Combine(GetMovieCoverPath(movieId), coverType.ToString().ToLower() + heightSuffix + GetExtension(coverType));
public Dictionary<string, FileInfo> GetCoverFileInfos()
if (!_diskProvider.FolderExists(_coverRootFolder))
return new Dictionary<string, FileInfo>();
return _diskProvider
.GetFileInfos(_coverRootFolder, SearchOption.AllDirectories)
.ToDictionary(x => x.FullName, PathEqualityComparer.Instance);
public void ConvertToLocalUrls(int movieId, IEnumerable<MediaCover> covers, Dictionary<string, FileInfo> fileInfos = null)
if (movieId == 0)
// Movie isn't in Radarr yet, map via a proxy to circument referrer issues
foreach (var mediaCover in covers)
mediaCover.RemoteUrl = mediaCover.Url;
mediaCover.Url = _mediaCoverProxy.RegisterUrl(mediaCover.RemoteUrl);
foreach (var mediaCover in covers)
if (mediaCover.CoverType == MediaCoverTypes.Unknown)
var filePath = GetCoverPath(movieId, mediaCover.CoverType);
mediaCover.RemoteUrl = mediaCover.Url;
mediaCover.Url = _configFileProvider.UrlBase + @"/MediaCover/" + movieId + "/" + mediaCover.CoverType.ToString().ToLower() + GetExtension(mediaCover.CoverType);
FileInfo file;
var fileExists = false;
if (fileInfos != null)
fileExists = fileInfos.TryGetValue(filePath, out file);
file = _diskProvider.GetFileInfo(filePath);
fileExists = file.Exists;
if (fileExists)
var lastWrite = file.LastWriteTimeUtc;
mediaCover.Url += "?lastWrite=" + lastWrite.Ticks;
public void ConvertToLocalUrls(IEnumerable<Tuple<int, IEnumerable<MediaCover>>> items, Dictionary<string, FileInfo> coverFileInfos)
foreach (var movie in items)
ConvertToLocalUrls(movie.Item1, movie.Item2, coverFileInfos);
private string GetMovieCoverPath(int movieId)
return Path.Combine(_coverRootFolder, movieId.ToString());
private bool EnsureCovers(Movie movie)
var updated = false;
var toResize = new List<Tuple<MediaCover, bool>>();
foreach (var cover in movie.MovieMetadata.Value.Images)
if (cover.CoverType == MediaCoverTypes.Unknown)
var fileName = GetCoverPath(movie.Id, cover.CoverType);
var alreadyExists = false;
alreadyExists = _coverExistsSpecification.AlreadyExists(cover.Url, fileName);
if (!alreadyExists)
DownloadCover(movie, cover);
updated = true;
catch (HttpException e)
_logger.Warn("Couldn't download media cover for {0}. {1}", movie, e.Message);
catch (WebException e)
_logger.Warn("Couldn't download media cover for {0}. {1}", movie, e.Message);
catch (Exception e)
_logger.Error(e, "Couldn't download media cover for {0}", movie);
toResize.Add(Tuple.Create(cover, alreadyExists));
foreach (var tuple in toResize)
EnsureResizedCovers(movie, tuple.Item1, !tuple.Item2);
return updated;
private void DownloadCover(Movie movie, MediaCover cover)
var fileName = GetCoverPath(movie.Id, cover.CoverType);
_logger.Info("Downloading {0} for {1} {2}", cover.CoverType, movie, cover.Url);
_httpClient.DownloadFile(cover.Url, fileName);
private void EnsureResizedCovers(Movie movie, MediaCover cover, bool forceResize)
int[] heights;
switch (cover.CoverType)
case MediaCoverTypes.Poster:
case MediaCoverTypes.Headshot:
heights = new[] { 500, 250 };
case MediaCoverTypes.Banner:
heights = new[] { 70, 35 };
case MediaCoverTypes.Fanart:
case MediaCoverTypes.Screenshot:
heights = new[] { 360, 180 };
foreach (var height in heights)
var mainFileName = GetCoverPath(movie.Id, cover.CoverType);
var resizeFileName = GetCoverPath(movie.Id, cover.CoverType, height);
if (forceResize || !_diskProvider.FileExists(resizeFileName) || _diskProvider.GetFileSize(resizeFileName) == 0)
_logger.Debug("Resizing {0}-{1} for {2}", cover.CoverType, height, movie);
_resizer.Resize(mainFileName, resizeFileName, height);
_logger.Debug("Couldn't resize media cover {0}-{1} for {2}, using full size image instead.", cover.CoverType, height, movie);
private string GetExtension(MediaCoverTypes coverType)
return coverType switch
MediaCoverTypes.Clearlogo => ".png",
_ => ".jpg"
public void HandleAsync(MovieUpdatedEvent message)
var updated = EnsureCovers(message.Movie);
_eventAggregator.PublishEvent(new MediaCoversUpdatedEvent(message.Movie, updated));
public void HandleAsync(MoviesDeletedEvent message)
foreach (var movie in message.Movies)
var path = GetMovieCoverPath(movie.Id);
if (_diskProvider.FolderExists(path))
_diskProvider.DeleteFolder(path, true);