using System ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.Web.Hosting ;
using Ninject ;
using NLog ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Datastore ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Instrumentation ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Core ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.ExternalNotification ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Indexer ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Jobs ;
using PetaPoco ;
namespace NzbDrone.Core
public static class CentralDispatch
private static StandardKernel _kernel ;
private static readonly Object KernelLock = new object ( ) ;
private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager . GetCurrentClassLogger ( ) ;
public static Version Version
get { return Assembly . GetExecutingAssembly ( ) . GetName ( ) . Version ; }
public static DateTime BuildDateTime
var fileLocation = Assembly . GetCallingAssembly ( ) . Location ;
return new FileInfo ( fileLocation ) . CreationTime ;
public static String AppPath
if ( ! String . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( HostingEnvironment . ApplicationPhysicalPath ) )
return HostingEnvironment . ApplicationPhysicalPath ;
return Directory . GetCurrentDirectory ( ) ;
public static StandardKernel NinjectKernel
if ( _kernel = = null )
InitializeApp ( ) ;
return _kernel ;
public static void InitializeApp ( )
BindKernel ( ) ;
MigrationsHelper . Run ( Connection . MainConnectionString , true ) ;
LogConfiguration . StartDbLogging ( ) ;
_kernel . Get < QualityProvider > ( ) . SetupDefaultProfiles ( ) ;
_kernel . Get < QualityTypeProvider > ( ) . SetupDefault ( ) ;
_kernel . Get < ConfigFileProvider > ( ) . CreateDefaultConfigFile ( ) ;
BindExternalNotifications ( ) ;
BindIndexers ( ) ;
BindJobs ( ) ;
private static void BindKernel ( )
lock ( KernelLock )
Logger . Debug ( "Binding Ninject's Kernel" ) ;
_kernel = new StandardKernel ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IDatabase > ( ) . ToMethod ( c = > Connection . GetPetaPocoDb ( Connection . MainConnectionString ) ) . InTransientScope ( ) ;
//_kernel.Bind<IDatabase>().ToMethod(c => Connection.GetPetaPocoDb(Connection.MainConnectionString, false)).WhenInjectedInto<IJob>();
//_kernel.Bind<IDatabase>().ToMethod(c => Connection.GetPetaPocoDb(Connection.MainConnectionString, false)).WhenInjectedInto<JobProvider>();
_kernel . Bind < IDatabase > ( ) . ToMethod ( c = > Connection . GetPetaPocoDb ( Connection . LogConnectionString , false ) ) . WhenInjectedInto < DatabaseTarget > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IDatabase > ( ) . ToMethod ( c = > Connection . GetPetaPocoDb ( Connection . LogConnectionString ) ) . WhenInjectedInto < LogProvider > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
private static void BindIndexers ( )
_kernel . Bind < IndexerBase > ( ) . To < NzbsOrg > ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IndexerBase > ( ) . To < NzbMatrix > ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IndexerBase > ( ) . To < NzbsRUs > ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IndexerBase > ( ) . To < Newzbin > ( ) ;
var indexers = _kernel . GetAll < IndexerBase > ( ) ;
_kernel . Get < IndexerProvider > ( ) . InitializeIndexers ( indexers . ToList ( ) ) ;
private static void BindJobs ( )
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < RssSyncJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < ImportNewSeriesJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < UpdateInfoJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < DiskScanJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < DeleteSeriesJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < EpisodeSearchJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < RenameEpisodeJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < PostDownloadScanJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < UpdateSceneMappingsJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < SeasonSearchJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < RenameSeasonJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < SeriesSearchJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < RenameSeriesJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < BacklogSearchJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < BannerDownloadJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Bind < IJob > ( ) . To < ConvertEpisodeJob > ( ) . InSingletonScope ( ) ;
_kernel . Get < JobProvider > ( ) . Initialize ( ) ;
_kernel . Get < WebTimer > ( ) . StartTimer ( 30 ) ;
private static void BindExternalNotifications ( )
_kernel . Bind < ExternalNotificationBase > ( ) . To < Xbmc > ( ) ;
var notifiers = _kernel . GetAll < ExternalNotificationBase > ( ) ;
_kernel . Get < ExternalNotificationProvider > ( ) . InitializeNotifiers ( notifiers . ToList ( ) ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Forces IISExpress process to exit with the host application
/// </summary>
public static void DedicateToHost ( )
var pid = Convert . ToInt32 ( Environment . GetEnvironmentVariable ( "NZBDRONE_PID" ) ) ;
Logger . Debug ( "Attaching to parent process ({0}) for automatic termination." , pid ) ;
var hostProcess = Process . GetProcessById ( Convert . ToInt32 ( pid ) ) ;
hostProcess . EnableRaisingEvents = true ;
hostProcess . Exited + = ( delegate
Logger . Info ( "Host has been terminated. Shutting down web server." ) ;
ShutDown ( ) ;
} ) ;
Logger . Debug ( "Successfully Attached to host. Process [{0}]" , hostProcess . ProcessName ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
Logger . Fatal ( e ) ;
private static void ShutDown ( )
Logger . Info ( "Shutting down application." ) ;
Process . GetCurrentProcess ( ) . Kill ( ) ;