using AutoMoq ;
using FluentAssertions ;
using Moq ;
using NUnit.Framework ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Core ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Repository ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Test.Framework ;
using SubSonic.Repository ;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
public class ConfigProviderTest : TestBase
public void Add_new_value_to_database ( )
const string key = "MY_KEY" ;
const string value = "MY_VALUE" ;
var mocker = new AutoMoqer ( ) ;
var db = MockLib . GetEmptyDatabase ( ) ;
mocker . SetConstant ( db ) ;
mocker . Resolve < ConfigProvider > ( ) . SetValue ( key , value ) ;
mocker . Resolve < ConfigProvider > ( ) . GetValue ( key , "" ) . Should ( ) . Be ( value ) ;
public void Get_value_from_database ( )
const string key = "MY_KEY" ;
const string value = "MY_VALUE" ;
var mocker = new AutoMoqer ( ) ;
var db = MockLib . GetEmptyDatabase ( ) ;
mocker . SetConstant ( db ) ;
db . Insert ( new Config { Key = key , Value = value } ) ;
var result = mocker . Resolve < ConfigProvider > ( ) . GetValue ( key , "" ) ;
result . Should ( ) . Be ( value ) ;
public void Get_value_should_return_default_when_no_value ( )
const string key = "MY_KEY" ;
const string value = "MY_VALUE" ;
var mocker = new AutoMoqer ( ) ;
var db = MockLib . GetEmptyDatabase ( ) ;
mocker . SetConstant ( db ) ;
var result = mocker . Resolve < ConfigProvider > ( ) . GetValue ( key , value ) ;
result . Should ( ) . Be ( value ) ;
public void New_value_should_update_old_value ( )
const string key = "MY_KEY" ;
const string originalValue = "OLD_VALUE" ;
const string newValue = "NEW_VALUE" ;
var mocker = new AutoMoqer ( ) ;
var db = MockLib . GetEmptyDatabase ( ) ;
mocker . SetConstant ( db ) ;
db . Insert ( new Config { Key = key , Value = originalValue } ) ;
mocker . Resolve < ConfigProvider > ( ) . SetValue ( key , newValue ) ;
var result = mocker . Resolve < ConfigProvider > ( ) . GetValue ( key , "" ) ;
result . Should ( ) . Be ( newValue ) ;
db . Fetch < Config > ( ) . Should ( ) . HaveCount ( 1 ) ;