You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

241 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using FFMpegCore;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Common.Disk;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.MediaInfo
public interface IVideoFileInfoReader
MediaInfoModel GetMediaInfo(string filename);
TimeSpan? GetRunTime(string filename);
public class VideoFileInfoReader : IVideoFileInfoReader
private readonly IDiskProvider _diskProvider;
private readonly Logger _logger;
private readonly List<FFProbePixelFormat> _pixelFormats;
private static readonly string[] ValidHdrColourPrimaries = { "bt2020" };
private static readonly string[] HlgTransferFunctions = { "bt2020-10", "arib-std-b67" };
private static readonly string[] PqTransferFunctions = { "smpte2084" };
private static readonly string[] ValidHdrTransferFunctions = HlgTransferFunctions.Concat(PqTransferFunctions).ToArray();
public VideoFileInfoReader(IDiskProvider diskProvider, Logger logger)
_diskProvider = diskProvider;
_logger = logger;
// We bundle ffprobe for all platforms
GlobalFFOptions.Configure(options => options.BinaryFolder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
_pixelFormats = FFProbe.GetPixelFormats();
catch (Exception e)
_logger.Error(e, "Failed to get supported pixel formats from ffprobe");
_pixelFormats = new List<FFProbePixelFormat>();
public MediaInfoModel GetMediaInfo(string filename)
if (!_diskProvider.FileExists(filename))
throw new FileNotFoundException("Media file does not exist: " + filename);
if (MediaFileExtensions.DiskExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(filename)))
return null;
// TODO: Cache media info by path, mtime and length so we don't need to read files multiple times
_logger.Debug("Getting media info from {0}", filename);
var ffprobeOutput = FFProbe.GetStreamJson(filename, ffOptions: new FFOptions { ExtraArguments = "-probesize 50000000" });
var analysis = FFProbe.AnalyseStreamJson(ffprobeOutput);
var primaryVideoStream = GetPrimaryVideoStream(analysis);
if (analysis.PrimaryAudioStream?.ChannelLayout.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ?? true)
ffprobeOutput = FFProbe.GetStreamJson(filename, ffOptions: new FFOptions { ExtraArguments = "-probesize 150000000 -analyzeduration 150000000" });
analysis = FFProbe.AnalyseStreamJson(ffprobeOutput);
var mediaInfoModel = new MediaInfoModel();
mediaInfoModel.ContainerFormat = analysis.Format.FormatName;
mediaInfoModel.VideoFormat = primaryVideoStream?.CodecName;
mediaInfoModel.VideoCodecID = primaryVideoStream?.CodecTagString;
mediaInfoModel.VideoProfile = primaryVideoStream?.Profile;
mediaInfoModel.VideoBitrate = primaryVideoStream?.BitRate ?? 0;
mediaInfoModel.VideoMultiViewCount = primaryVideoStream?.Tags?.ContainsKey("stereo_mode") ?? false ? 2 : 1;
mediaInfoModel.VideoBitDepth = GetPixelFormat(primaryVideoStream?.PixelFormat)?.Components.Min(x => x.BitDepth) ?? 8;
mediaInfoModel.VideoColourPrimaries = primaryVideoStream?.ColorPrimaries;
mediaInfoModel.VideoTransferCharacteristics = primaryVideoStream?.ColorTransfer;
mediaInfoModel.DoviConfigurationRecord = primaryVideoStream?.SideDataList?.Find(x => x.GetType().Name == nameof(DoviConfigurationRecordSideData)) as DoviConfigurationRecordSideData;
mediaInfoModel.Height = primaryVideoStream?.Height ?? 0;
mediaInfoModel.Width = primaryVideoStream?.Width ?? 0;
mediaInfoModel.AudioFormat = analysis.PrimaryAudioStream?.CodecName;
mediaInfoModel.AudioCodecID = analysis.PrimaryAudioStream?.CodecTagString;
mediaInfoModel.AudioProfile = analysis.PrimaryAudioStream?.Profile;
mediaInfoModel.AudioBitrate = analysis.PrimaryAudioStream?.BitRate ?? 0;
mediaInfoModel.RunTime = GetBestRuntime(analysis.PrimaryAudioStream?.Duration, primaryVideoStream?.Duration, analysis.Format.Duration);
mediaInfoModel.AudioStreamCount = analysis.AudioStreams.Count;
mediaInfoModel.AudioChannels = analysis.PrimaryAudioStream?.Channels ?? 0;
mediaInfoModel.AudioChannelPositions = analysis.PrimaryAudioStream?.ChannelLayout;
mediaInfoModel.VideoFps = primaryVideoStream?.FrameRate ?? 0;
mediaInfoModel.AudioLanguages = analysis.AudioStreams?.Select(x => x.Language)
.Where(l => l.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
mediaInfoModel.Subtitles = analysis.SubtitleStreams?.Select(x => x.Language)
.Where(l => l.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
mediaInfoModel.ScanType = "Progressive";
mediaInfoModel.RawStreamData = ffprobeOutput;
if (analysis.Format.Tags?.TryGetValue("title", out var title) ?? false)
mediaInfoModel.Title = title;
FFProbeFrames frames = null;
// if it looks like PQ10 or similar HDR, do a frame analysis to figure out which type it is
if (PqTransferFunctions.Contains(mediaInfoModel.VideoTransferCharacteristics))
var frameOutput = FFProbe.GetFrameJson(filename, ffOptions: new () { ExtraArguments = $"-read_intervals \"%+#1\" -select_streams v:{primaryVideoStream?.Index ?? 0}" });
mediaInfoModel.RawFrameData = frameOutput;
frames = FFProbe.AnalyseFrameJson(frameOutput);
var streamSideData = primaryVideoStream?.SideDataList ?? new ();
var framesSideData = frames?.Frames?.Count > 0 ? frames?.Frames[0]?.SideDataList ?? new () : new ();
var sideData = streamSideData.Concat(framesSideData).ToList();
mediaInfoModel.VideoHdrFormat = GetHdrFormat(mediaInfoModel.VideoBitDepth, mediaInfoModel.VideoColourPrimaries, mediaInfoModel.VideoTransferCharacteristics, sideData);
return mediaInfoModel;
catch (Exception ex)
New: Refactor MediaInfo tokens (fixes old tokens adds new stuff) (#3058) * Rename all 'episodeFile' variables to 'movieFile' * Improve media info extraction with more fields * Improve media info tokens extraction * Add missing fields to MediaInfoModel * Restore to previous implementation of null handling * Forgot to add MediaInfoFormatter to project * Add missing EqualsIgnoreCase extension method * Simplify Logger.Debug() invocations * Add missing StartsWithIgnoreCase extension method * This '.Value' shouldn't be required * Remove TODO comment * Upgrade MediaInfo from 17.10 to 18.08.1 * Use correct media info field for files listing * Replace media info "VideoCodec" (deprecated) with "VideoFormat" * Fix 'Formatiting' typos * Add support for media info Format_AdditionalFeatures' field * Add proper support for all DTS and TrueHD flavors * Add support for '3D' media info token * Remove deprecated media info video/audio profile fields * Add support for 'HDR' media info token * Add new video parameters to anime file name sample * Adapt tests for new media info fields * Revert "Remove deprecated media info video/audio profile fields" * Include missing test files in core test project * Fix small regression issue * Allow sample movie to be detected as HDR * Do not parse audio channel positions if there are no channels * Clean up extra blank line * Reuse already declared variable * Fix wrong audio channels detection on DTS:X streams * Fix all failing unit tests * Fix remaining failing unit tests
6 years ago
_logger.Error(ex, "Unable to parse media info from file: {0}", filename);
return null;
public TimeSpan? GetRunTime(string filename)
var info = GetMediaInfo(filename);
return info?.RunTime;
private static TimeSpan GetBestRuntime(TimeSpan? audio, TimeSpan? video, TimeSpan general)
if (!video.HasValue || video.Value.TotalMilliseconds == 0)
if (!audio.HasValue || audio.Value.TotalMilliseconds == 0)
return general;
return audio.Value;
return video.Value;
private VideoStream GetPrimaryVideoStream(IMediaAnalysis mediaAnalysis)
if (mediaAnalysis.VideoStreams.Count <= 1)
return mediaAnalysis.PrimaryVideoStream;
// motion image codec streams are often in front of the main video stream
var codecFilter = new[] { "mjpeg", "png" };
return mediaAnalysis.VideoStreams.FirstOrDefault(s => !codecFilter.Contains(s.CodecName)) ?? mediaAnalysis.PrimaryVideoStream;
private FFProbePixelFormat GetPixelFormat(string format)
return _pixelFormats.Find(x => x.Name == format);
public static HdrFormat GetHdrFormat(int bitDepth, string colorPrimaries, string transferFunction, List<SideData> sideData)
if (bitDepth < 10)
return HdrFormat.None;
if (TryGetSideData<DoviConfigurationRecordSideData>(sideData, out var dovi))
var hasHdr10Plus = TryGetSideData<HdrDynamicMetadataSpmte2094>(sideData, out _);
return dovi.DvBlSignalCompatibilityId switch
1 => hasHdr10Plus ? HdrFormat.DolbyVisionHdr10Plus : HdrFormat.DolbyVisionHdr10,
2 => HdrFormat.DolbyVisionSdr,
4 => HdrFormat.DolbyVisionHlg,
6 => hasHdr10Plus ? HdrFormat.DolbyVisionHdr10Plus : HdrFormat.DolbyVisionHdr10,
_ => HdrFormat.DolbyVision
if (!ValidHdrColourPrimaries.Contains(colorPrimaries) || !ValidHdrTransferFunctions.Contains(transferFunction))
return HdrFormat.None;
if (HlgTransferFunctions.Contains(transferFunction))
return HdrFormat.Hlg10;
if (PqTransferFunctions.Contains(transferFunction))
if (TryGetSideData<HdrDynamicMetadataSpmte2094>(sideData, out _))
return HdrFormat.Hdr10Plus;
if (TryGetSideData<MasteringDisplayMetadata>(sideData, out _) ||
TryGetSideData<ContentLightLevelMetadata>(sideData, out _))
return HdrFormat.Hdr10;
return HdrFormat.Pq10;
return HdrFormat.None;
private static bool TryGetSideData<T>(List<SideData> list, out T result)
where T : SideData
result = (T)list?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetType().Name == typeof(T).Name);
return result != null;