You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

242 lines
8.4 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using FluentValidation;
using FluentValidation.Results;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Common;
using NzbDrone.Common.Http;
using NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Exceptions;
using NzbDrone.Core.ThingiProvider;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Newznab
public class Newznab : IndexerBase<NewznabSettings>
private readonly IFetchFeedFromIndexers _feedFetcher;
private readonly HttpProvider _httpProvider;
private readonly Logger _logger;
public Newznab(IFetchFeedFromIndexers feedFetcher, HttpProvider httpProvider, Logger logger)
_feedFetcher = feedFetcher;
_httpProvider = httpProvider;
_logger = logger;
//protected so it can be mocked, but not used for DI
//TODO: Is there a better way to achieve this?
protected Newznab()
public override DownloadProtocol Protocol { get { return DownloadProtocol.Usenet; } }
public override Int32 SupportedPageSize { get { return 100; } }
public override IParseFeed Parser
return new NewznabParser();
public override IEnumerable<ProviderDefinition> DefaultDefinitions
var list = new List<IndexerDefinition>();
list.Add(new IndexerDefinition
Enable = false,
Name = "",
Implementation = GetType().Name,
Settings = GetSettings("", new List<Int32> { 5000 })
list.Add(new IndexerDefinition
Enable = false,
Name = "",
Implementation = GetType().Name,
Settings = GetSettings("", new List<Int32>())
list.Add(new IndexerDefinition
Enable = false,
Name = "",
Implementation = GetType().Name,
Settings = GetSettings("", new List<Int32>())
list.Add(new IndexerDefinition
Enable = false,
Name = "",
Implementation = GetType().Name,
Settings = GetSettings("", new List<Int32>())
list.Add(new IndexerDefinition
Enable = false,
Name = "",
Implementation = GetType().Name,
Settings = GetSettings("", new List<Int32>())
return list;
public override ProviderDefinition Definition { get; set; }
private NewznabSettings GetSettings(string url, List<int> categories)
var settings = new NewznabSettings { Url = url };
if (categories.Any())
settings.Categories = categories;
return settings;
public override IEnumerable<string> RecentFeed
var categories = String.Join(",", Settings.Categories.Concat(Settings.AnimeCategories));
var url = String.Format("{0}/api?t=tvsearch&cat={1}&extended=1{2}", Settings.Url.TrimEnd('/'), categories, Settings.AdditionalParameters);
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.ApiKey))
url += "&apikey=" + Settings.ApiKey;
yield return url;
public override IEnumerable<string> GetEpisodeSearchUrls(List<String> titles, int tvRageId, int seasonNumber, int episodeNumber)
if (Settings.Categories.Empty())
return Enumerable.Empty<String>();
if (tvRageId > 0)
return RecentFeed.Select(url => String.Format("{0}&limit=100&rid={1}&season={2}&ep={3}", url, tvRageId, seasonNumber, episodeNumber));
return titles.SelectMany(title =>
RecentFeed.Select(url =>
url, NewsnabifyTitle(title), seasonNumber, episodeNumber)));
public override IEnumerable<string> GetDailyEpisodeSearchUrls(List<String> titles, int tvRageId, DateTime date)
if (Settings.Categories.Empty())
return Enumerable.Empty<String>();
if (tvRageId > 0)
return RecentFeed.Select(url => String.Format("{0}&limit=100&rid={1}&season={2:yyyy}&ep={2:MM}/{2:dd}", url, tvRageId, date)).ToList();
return titles.SelectMany(title =>
RecentFeed.Select(url =>
url, NewsnabifyTitle(title), date)).ToList());
public override IEnumerable<string> GetAnimeEpisodeSearchUrls(List<String> titles, int tvRageId, int absoluteEpisodeNumber)
if (Settings.AnimeCategories.Empty())
return Enumerable.Empty<String>();
return titles.SelectMany(title =>
RecentFeed.Select(url =>
url.Replace("t=tvsearch", "t=search"), NewsnabifyTitle(title), absoluteEpisodeNumber)));
public override IEnumerable<string> GetSeasonSearchUrls(List<String> titles, int tvRageId, int seasonNumber, int offset)
if (Settings.Categories.Empty())
return Enumerable.Empty<String>();
if (tvRageId > 0)
return RecentFeed.Select(url => String.Format("{0}&limit=100&rid={1}&season={2}&offset={3}", url, tvRageId, seasonNumber, offset));
return titles.SelectMany(title =>
RecentFeed.Select(url =>
url, NewsnabifyTitle(title), seasonNumber, offset)));
public override IEnumerable<string> GetSearchUrls(string query, int offset)
// encode query (replace the + with spaces first)
query = query.Replace("+", " ");
query = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(query);
return RecentFeed.Select(url => String.Format("{0}&offset={1}&limit=100&q={2}", url.Replace("t=tvsearch", "t=search"), offset, query));
public override ValidationResult Test()
var releases = _feedFetcher.FetchRss(this);
if (releases.Any()) return new ValidationResult();
var url = RecentFeed.First();
var xml = _httpProvider.DownloadString(url);
NewznabPreProcessor.Process(xml, url);
catch (ApiKeyException)
_logger.Warn("Indexer returned result for Newznab RSS URL, API Key appears to be invalid");
var apiKeyFailure = new ValidationFailure("ApiKey", "Invalid API Key");
return new ValidationResult(new List<ValidationFailure> { apiKeyFailure });
catch (RequestLimitReachedException)
_logger.Warn("Request limit reached");
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.WarnException("Unable to connect to indexer: " + ex.Message, ex);
var failure = new ValidationFailure("Url", "Unable to connect to indexer, check the log for more details");
return new ValidationResult(new List<ValidationFailure> { failure });
return new ValidationResult();
private static string NewsnabifyTitle(string title)
return title.Replace("+", "%20");
11 years ago