using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using NLog ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Qualities ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Tv ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Helpers ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Core ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Repository ;
using PetaPoco ;
using NzbDrone.Common ;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Providers
public class MediaFileProvider
private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager . GetCurrentClassLogger ( ) ;
private readonly IConfigService _configService ;
private readonly IDatabase _database ;
private readonly IEpisodeService _episodeService ;
public MediaFileProvider ( IEpisodeService episodeService , IConfigService configService , IDatabase database )
_episodeService = episodeService ;
_configService = configService ;
_database = database ;
public MediaFileProvider ( )
public virtual int Add ( EpisodeFile episodeFile )
return Convert . ToInt32 ( _database . Insert ( episodeFile ) ) ;
public virtual void Update ( EpisodeFile episodeFile )
_database . Update ( episodeFile ) ;
public virtual void Delete ( int episodeFileId )
_database . Delete < EpisodeFile > ( episodeFileId ) ;
public virtual bool Exists ( string path )
return _database . Exists < EpisodeFile > ( "WHERE Path =@0" , path . NormalizePath ( ) ) ;
public virtual EpisodeFile GetFileByPath ( string path )
return _database . SingleOrDefault < EpisodeFile > ( "WHERE Path =@0" , path . NormalizePath ( ) ) ;
public virtual EpisodeFile GetEpisodeFile ( int episodeFileId )
return _database . Single < EpisodeFile > ( episodeFileId ) ;
public virtual List < EpisodeFile > GetEpisodeFiles ( )
return _database . Fetch < EpisodeFile > ( ) ;
public virtual IList < EpisodeFile > GetSeriesFiles ( int seriesId )
return _database . Fetch < EpisodeFile > ( "WHERE SeriesId= @0" , seriesId ) ;
public virtual IList < EpisodeFile > GetSeasonFiles ( int seriesId , int seasonNumber )
return _database . Fetch < EpisodeFile > ( "WHERE SeriesId= @0 AND SeasonNumber = @1" , seriesId , seasonNumber ) ;
public virtual Tuple < int , int > GetEpisodeFilesCount ( int seriesId )
var allEpisodes = _episodeService . GetEpisodeBySeries ( seriesId ) . ToList ( ) ;
var episodeTotal = allEpisodes . Where ( e = > ! e . Ignored & & e . AirDate ! = null & & e . AirDate < = DateTime . Today ) . ToList ( ) ;
var avilableEpisodes = episodeTotal . Where ( e = > e . EpisodeFileId > 0 ) . ToList ( ) ;
return new Tuple < int , int > ( avilableEpisodes . Count , episodeTotal . Count ) ;
public virtual FileInfo CalculateFilePath ( Series series , int seasonNumber , string fileName , string extention )
string path = series . Path ;
if ( series . SeasonFolder )
var seasonFolder = _configService . SortingSeasonFolderFormat
. Replace ( "%0s" , seasonNumber . ToString ( "00" ) )
. Replace ( "%s" , seasonNumber . ToString ( ) ) ;
path = Path . Combine ( path , seasonFolder ) ;
path = Path . Combine ( path , fileName + extention ) ;
return new FileInfo ( path ) ;
public virtual void CleanUpDatabase ( )
Logger . Trace ( "Verifying Episode > Episode file relationships." ) ;
string updateString = "UPDATE Episodes SET EpisodeFileId = 0, GrabDate = NULL, PostDownloadStatus = 0" ;
if ( _configService . AutoIgnorePreviouslyDownloadedEpisodes )
updateString + = ", Ignored = 1" ;
var updated = _database . Execute ( updateString +
@ "WHERE EpisodeFileId IN
( SELECT Episodes . EpisodeFileId FROM Episodes
ON Episodes . EpisodeFileId = EpisodeFiles . EpisodeFileId
WHERE Episodes . EpisodeFileId > 0 AND EpisodeFiles . EpisodeFileId IS NULL ) ");
if ( updated > 0 )
Logger . Debug ( "Removed {0} invalid links to episode files." , updated ) ;
Logger . Trace ( "Deleting orphan files." ) ;
updated = _database . Execute ( @ "DELETE FROM EpisodeFiles
WHERE EpisodeFileId IN
( SELECT EpisodeFiles . EpisodeFileId FROM EpisodeFiles
ON EpisodeFiles . EpisodeFileId = Episodes . EpisodeFileId
WHERE Episodes . EpisodeFileId IS NULL ) ");
if ( updated > 0 )
Logger . Debug ( "Removed {0} orphan file(s) from database." , updated ) ;
public virtual string GetNewFilename ( IList < Episode > episodes , Series series , Quality quality , bool proper , EpisodeFile episodeFile )
if ( _configService . SortingUseSceneName )
Logger . Trace ( "Attempting to use scene name" ) ;
if ( String . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( episodeFile . SceneName ) )
var name = Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( episodeFile . Path ) ;
Logger . Trace ( "Unable to use scene name, because it is null, sticking with current name: {0}" , name ) ;
return name ;
return episodeFile . SceneName ;
var sortedEpisodes = episodes . OrderBy ( e = > e . EpisodeNumber ) ;
var separatorStyle = EpisodeSortingHelper . GetSeparatorStyle ( _configService . SortingSeparatorStyle ) ;
var numberStyle = EpisodeSortingHelper . GetNumberStyle ( _configService . SortingNumberStyle ) ;
var episodeNames = new List < String > ( ) ;
episodeNames . Add ( Parser . CleanupEpisodeTitle ( sortedEpisodes . First ( ) . Title ) ) ;
string result = String . Empty ;
if ( _configService . SortingIncludeSeriesName )
result + = series . Title + separatorStyle . Pattern ;
if ( series . SeriesType = = SeriesType . Standard )
result + = numberStyle . Pattern . Replace ( "%0e" ,
String . Format ( "{0:00}" , sortedEpisodes . First ( ) . EpisodeNumber ) ) ;
if ( episodes . Count > 1 )
var multiEpisodeStyle =
EpisodeSortingHelper . GetMultiEpisodeStyle ( _configService . SortingMultiEpisodeStyle ) ;
foreach ( var episode in sortedEpisodes . Skip ( 1 ) )
if ( multiEpisodeStyle . Name = = "Duplicate" )
result + = separatorStyle . Pattern + numberStyle . Pattern ;
result + = multiEpisodeStyle . Pattern ;
result = result . Replace ( "%0e" , String . Format ( "{0:00}" , episode . EpisodeNumber ) ) ;
episodeNames . Add ( Parser . CleanupEpisodeTitle ( episode . Title ) ) ;
result = result
. Replace ( "%s" , String . Format ( "{0}" , episodes . First ( ) . SeasonNumber ) )
. Replace ( "%0s" , String . Format ( "{0:00}" , episodes . First ( ) . SeasonNumber ) )
. Replace ( "%x" , numberStyle . EpisodeSeparator )
. Replace ( "%p" , separatorStyle . Pattern ) ;
if ( episodes . First ( ) . AirDate . HasValue )
result + = episodes . First ( ) . AirDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
result + = "Unknown" ;
if ( _configService . SortingIncludeEpisodeTitle )
if ( episodeNames . Distinct ( ) . Count ( ) = = 1 )
result + = separatorStyle . Pattern + episodeNames . First ( ) ;
result + = separatorStyle . Pattern + String . Join ( " + " , episodeNames . Distinct ( ) ) ;
if ( _configService . SortingAppendQuality )
result + = String . Format ( " [{0}]" , quality ) ;
if ( proper )
result + = " [Proper]" ;
if ( _configService . SortingReplaceSpaces )
result = result . Replace ( ' ' , '.' ) ;
Logger . Trace ( "New File Name is: [{0}]" , result . Trim ( ) ) ;
return CleanFilename ( result . Trim ( ) ) ;
public virtual void ChangeQuality ( int episodeFileId , Quality quality )
_database . Execute ( "UPDATE EpisodeFiles SET Quality = @quality WHERE EpisodeFileId = @episodeFileId" , new { episodeFileId , quality } ) ;
public virtual void ChangeQuality ( int seriesId , int seasonNumber , Quality quality )
_database . Execute ( "UPDATE EpisodeFiles SET Quality = @quality WHERE SeriesId = @seriesId AND SeasonNumber = @seasonNumber" , new { seriesId , seasonNumber , quality } ) ;
public static string CleanFilename ( string name )
string result = name ;
string [ ] badCharacters = { "\\" , "/" , "<" , ">" , "?" , "*" , ":" , "|" , "\"" } ;
string [ ] goodCharacters = { "+" , "+" , "{" , "}" , "!" , "@" , "-" , "#" , "`" } ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < badCharacters . Length ; i + + )
result = result . Replace ( badCharacters [ i ] , goodCharacters [ i ] ) ;
return result . Trim ( ) ;