[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "Url Base", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Advanced = true, HelpText = "Adds a prefix to the deluge json url, see http://[host]:[port]/[urlBase]/json")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Category", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "Adding a category specific to Radarr avoids conflicts with unrelated downloads, but it's optional")]
[FieldDefinition(1, Label = "Port", Type = FieldType.Textbox)]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox)]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.UserName)]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Category", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "Adding a category specific to Radarr avoids conflicts with unrelated downloads, but it's optional. Creates a [category]subdirectoryintheoutputdirectory.")]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "Url Base", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Advanced = true, HelpText = "Adds a prefix to the Hadouken url, e.g. http://[host]:[port]/[urlBase]/api")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox)]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.UserName)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Category", Type = FieldType.Textbox)]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "Url Base", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Advanced = true, HelpText = "Adds a prefix to the NZBVortex url, e.g. http://[host]:[port]/[urlBase]/api")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "API Key", Type = FieldType.Textbox)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Group", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "Adding a category specific to Radarr avoids conflicts with unrelated downloads, but it's optional")]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "Url Base", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Advanced = true, HelpText = "Adds a prefix to the nzbget url, e.g. http://[host]:[port]/[urlBase]/jsonrpc")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox)]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.UserName)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Category", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "Adding a category specific to Radarr avoids conflicts with unrelated downloads, but it's optional")]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "Url Base", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Advanced = true, HelpText = "Adds a prefix to the qBittorrent url, e.g. http://[host]:[port]/[urlBase]/api")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox)]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.UserName)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Category", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "Adding a category specific to Radarr avoids conflicts with unrelated downloads, but it's optional")]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "Url Base", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Advanced = true, HelpText = "Adds a prefix to the Sabnzbd url, e.g. http://[host]:[port]/[urlBase]/api")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "API Key", Type = FieldType.Textbox)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.UserName)]
[FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(6, Label = "Category", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "Adding a category specific to Radarr avoids conflicts with unrelated downloads, but it's optional")]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "Url Base", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Advanced = true, HelpText = "Adds a prefix to the transmission rpc url, eg http://[host]:[port]/[urlBase]/rpc,defaultsto'/transmission/'")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox)]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.UserName)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Category", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "Adding a category specific to Radarr avoids conflicts with unrelated downloads, but it's optional. Creates a [category]subdirectoryintheoutputdirectory.")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Use SSL", Type = FieldType.Checkbox)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.UserName)]
[FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(6, Label = "Category", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "Adding a category specific to Radarr avoids conflicts with unrelated downloads, but it's optional.")]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "Url Base", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Advanced = true, HelpText = "Adds a prefix to the uTorrent url, e.g. http://[host]:[port]/[urlBase]/api")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox)]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.UserName)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Category", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "Adding a category specific to Radarr avoids conflicts with unrelated downloads, but it's optional")]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "CouchPotato Url Base", HelpText = "If you have CouchPotato configured via reverse proxy put the base path here. e.g. couchpotato. Leave blank for no base URL.")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "CouchPotato API Key", HelpText = "CouchPotato API Key. This can found within Settings > General")]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "CouchPotato API Key", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.ApiKey, HelpText = "CouchPotato API Key. This can found within Settings > General")]
[FieldDefinition(0, Label = "Full URL", HelpText = "URL, including port, of the Radarr V3 instance to import from")]
[FieldDefinition(1, Label = "API Key", HelpText = "Apikey of the Radarr V3 instance to import from")]
[FieldDefinition(1, Label = "API Key", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.ApiKey, HelpText = "Apikey of the Radarr V3 instance to import from")]
[FieldDefinition(2, Type = FieldType.Device, RequestAction = "getProfiles", Label = "Profiles", HelpText = "Profiles from the source instance to import from")]
[FieldDefinition(1, Type = FieldType.TagSelect, SelectOptions = typeof(LanguageFieldConverter), Label = "Multi Languages", HelpText = "What languages are normally in a multi release on this indexer?", Advanced = true)]
[FieldDefinition(2, Type = FieldType.TagSelect, SelectOptions = typeof(LanguageFieldConverter), Label = "Multi Languages", HelpText = "What languages are normally in a multi release on this indexer?", Advanced = true)]
[FieldDefinition(1, Type = FieldType.TagSelect, SelectOptions = typeof(LanguageFieldConverter), Label = "Multi Languages", HelpText = "What languages are normally in a multi release on this indexer?", Advanced = true)]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "API URL", Advanced = true, HelpText = "Do not change this unless you know what you're doing. Since your API key will be sent to that host.")]
[FieldDefinition(1, Type = FieldType.TagSelect, SelectOptions = typeof(LanguageFieldConverter), Label = "Multi Languages", HelpText = "What languages are normally in a multi release on this indexer?", Advanced = true)]
[FieldDefinition(0, Label = "URL", Advanced = true, HelpText = "Do not change this unless you know what you're doing. Since your cookie will be sent to that host.")]
[FieldDefinition(1, Label = "APIUser", HelpText = "These settings are found in your PassThePopcorn security settings (Edit Profile > Security).")]
[FieldDefinition(1, Label = "APIUser", HelpText = "These settings are found in your PassThePopcorn security settings (Edit Profile > Security).", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.UserName)]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "APIKey", Type = FieldType.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "APIKey", Type = FieldType.Password, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(3, Type = FieldType.TagSelect, SelectOptions = typeof(LanguageFieldConverter), Label = "Multi Languages", HelpText = "What languages are normally in a multi release on this indexer?", Advanced = true)]
[FieldDefinition(1, Label = "Username", HelpText = "The username you use at your indexer.")]
[FieldDefinition(1, Label = "Username", HelpText = "The username you use at your indexer.", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.UserName)]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "Passkey", HelpText = "The password you use at your Indexer.")]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "Passkey", HelpText = "The password you use at your Indexer.", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(3, Type = FieldType.TagSelect, SelectOptions = typeof(LanguageFieldConverter), Label = "Multi Languages", HelpText = "What languages are normally in a multi release on this indexer?", Advanced = true)]
[FieldDefinition(0, Label = "API Key", HelpText = "The API Key from your Join account settings (click Join API button).", HelpLink = "https://joinjoaomgcd.appspot.com/")]
[FieldDefinition(0, Label = "API Key", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.ApiKey, HelpText = "The API Key from your Join account settings (click Join API button).", HelpLink = "https://joinjoaomgcd.appspot.com/")]
[FieldDefinition(1, Label = "Device IDs", HelpText = "Deprecated, use Device Names instead. Comma separated list of Device IDs you'd like to send notifications to. If unset, all devices will receive notifications.")]
[FieldDefinition(1, Label = "Device IDs", HelpText = "List of device IDs (leave blank to send to all devices)", Type = FieldType.Device, RequestAction = "getDevices")]
[FieldDefinition(1, Label = "Username", HelpText = "Choose the username that this integration will post as", Type = FieldType.Textbox)]
[FieldDefinition(1, Label = "Username", Privacy = PrivacyLevel.UserName, HelpText = "Choose the username that this integration will post as", Type = FieldType.Textbox)]
[FieldDefinition(2, Label = "Icon", HelpText = "Change the icon that is used for messages from this integration (Emoji or URL)", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpLink = "http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/")]
[FieldDefinition(1, Label = "Chat ID", HelpLink = "http://stackoverflow.com/a/37396871/882971", HelpText = "You must start a conversation with the bot or add it to your group to receive messages")]
[FieldDefinition(1, Label = "Method", Type = FieldType.Select, SelectOptions = typeof(WebhookMethod), HelpText = "Which HTTP method to use submit to the Webservice")]