@ -4,31 +4,46 @@
"Activity": "Activity",
"Added": "Added",
"AddExclusion": "Add Exclusion",
"AddList": "Add List",
"AddMovies": "Add Movies",
"AddNew": "Add New",
"AddNewMessage": "It's easy to add a new movie, just start typing the name of the movie you want to add",
"AddNewMovie": "Add New Movie",
"AddNewTmdbIdMessage": "You can also search using TMDB Id of a movie. eg. tmdb:71663",
"Age": "Age",
"Agenda": "Agenda",
"All": "All",
"AllMoviesHiddenDueToFilter": "All movies are hidden due to applied filter.",
"AlternativeTitle": "Alternative Title",
"Analytics": "Analytics",
"AndNot": "and not",
"AppDataLocationHealthCheckMessage": "Updating will not be possible to prevent deleting AppData on Update",
"Apply": "Apply",
"AudioInfo": "Audio Info",
"Backup": "Backup",
"BackupNow": "Backup Now",
"Blacklist": "Blacklist",
"Calendar": "Calendar",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Cast": "Cast",
"Certification": "Certification",
"ChooseAnotherFolder": "Choose another Folder",
"Clear": "Clear",
"Close": "Close",
"Collection": "Collection",
"Columns": "Columns",
"CompletedDownloadHandling": "Completed Download Handling",
"Component": "Component",
"Connect": "Connect",
"ConnectionLost": "Connection Lost",
"ConnectionLostAutomaticMessage": "Radarr will try to connect automatically, or you can click reload below.",
"ConnectionLostMessage": "Radarr has lost it's connection to the backend and will need to be reloaded to restore functionality.",
"Connections": "Connections",
"ConnectSettingsSummary": "Notifications, connections to media servers/players and custom scripts",
"Crew": "Crew",
"CustomFilters": "Custom Filters",
"CustomFormats": "Custom Formats",
"CustomFormatScore": "Custom Format score",
"CustomFormatsSettingsSummary": "Custom Formats and Settings",
"CutoffUnmet": "Cut-off Unmet",
"Date": "Date",
@ -52,8 +67,10 @@
"DownloadClientStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Download clients unavailable due to failures: {0}",
"Downloaded": "Downloaded",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Error": "Error",
"Events": "Events",
"EventType": "Event Type",
"Extension": "Extension",
"Failed": "Failed",
"FailedDownloadHandling": "Failed Download Handling",
"FileManagement": "File Management",
@ -70,7 +87,9 @@
"Genres": "Genres",
"Grabbed": "Grabbed",
"GrabSelected": "Grab Selected",
"HardlinkCopyFiles": "Hardlink/Copy Files",
"Health": "Health",
"HealthNoIssues": "No issues with your configuration",
"HideAdvanced": "Hide Advanced",
"History": "History",
"Host": "Host",
@ -78,6 +97,7 @@
"Ignored": "Ignored",
"Import": "Import",
"Imported": "Imported",
"ImportExistingMovies": "Import Existing Movies",
"ImportFirstTip": "Make sure that your files include the quality in their filenames. eg.",
"ImportHeader": "Import movies you already have",
"ImportMechanismHealthCheckMessage": "Enable Completed Download Handling",
@ -94,12 +114,16 @@
"IndexersSettingsSummary": "Indexers and release restrictions",
"IndexerStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All indexers are unavailable due to failures",
"IndexerStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Indexers unavailable due to failures: {0}",
"Info": "Info",
"KeyboardShortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"Language": "Language",
"Languages": "Languages",
"LastWriteTime": "Last Write Time",
"Level": "Level",
"ListExclusions": "List Exclusions",
"Lists": "Lists",
"ListsSettingsSummary": "Import Lists, list exclusions",
"Location": "Location",
"LogFiles": "Log Files",
"LogFilesLocationMessage": "Log files are located in:",
"Logging": "Logging",
@ -108,31 +132,45 @@
"MediaInfoDllCheckMessage": "MediaInfo Library could not be loaded {0}",
"MediaManagement": "Media Management",
"MediaManagementSettingsSummary": "Naming and file management settings",
"Message": "Message",
"Metadata": "Metadata",
"MetadataSettingsSummary": "Create metadata files when movies are imported or refreshed",
"MinAvailability": "Min Availability",
"MinimumAvailability": "Minimum Availability",
"Missing": "Missing",
"Monitor": "Monitor",
"Monitored": "Monitored",
"MonitoredOnly": "Monitored Only",
"MonoNotNetCoreCheckMessage": "Please upgrade to the .NET Core version of Radarr",
"MonoTlsCheckMessage": "Radarr Mono 4.x tls workaround still enabled, consider removing MONO_TLS_PROVIDER=legacy environment option",
"Month": "Month",
"MoreInfo": "More Info",
"MountCheckMessage": "Mount containing a movie path is mounted read-only: ",
"MoveFiles": "Move Files",
"Movie": "Movie",
"MovieEditor": "Movie Editor",
"MovieIndex": "Movie Index",
"MovieNaming": "Movie Naming",
"Movies": "Movies",
"MovieTitle": "Movie Title",
"Name": "Name",
"NetImportStatusCheckAllClientMessage": "All lists are unavailable due to failures",
"NetImportStatusCheckSingleClientMessage": "Lists unavailable due to failures: {0}",
"NoChange": "No Change",
"NoChanges": "No Changes",
"OAuthPopupMessage": "Pop-ups are being blocked by your browser",
"Ok": "Ok",
"Options": "Options",
"Organize": "Organize",
"OrganizeAndRename": "Organize & Rename",
"OrganizeModalAllPathsRelative": "All paths are relative to:",
"OrganizeModalDisabled": "Renaming is disabled, nothing to rename",
"OrganizeModalNamingPattern": "Naming Pattern:",
"OrganizeModalSuccess": "Success! My work is done, no files to rename.",
"OutputPath": "Output Path",
"PageSize": "Page Size",
"Path": "Path",
"Peers": "Peers",
"PhysicalRelease": "Physical Release",
"PreviewRename": "Preview Rename",
"Profiles": "Profiles",
@ -153,17 +191,22 @@
"Ratings": "Ratings",
"Refresh": "Refresh",
"RefreshAndScan": "Refresh & Scan",
"RejectionCount": "Rejection Count",
"RelativePath": "Relative Path",
"ReleaseBranchCheckOfficialBranchMessage": "Branch {0} is not a valid Radarr release branch, you will not receive updates",
"ReleaseBranchCheckPreviousVersionMessage": "Branch {0} is for a previous version of Radarr, set branch to 'Aphrodite' for further updates",
"ReleaseGroup": "Release Group",
"ReleaseStatus": "Release Status",
"ReleaseTitle": "Release Title",
"Reload": "Reload",
"RemotePathMappings": "Remote Path Mappings",
"RemovedMovieCheckMultipleMessage": "Movies {0} were removed from TMDb",
"RemovedMovieCheckSingleMessage": "Movie {0} was removed from TMDb",
"RemoveRootFolder": "Remove root folder",
"RemoveSelected": "Remove Selected",
"Renamed": "Renamed",
"RenameFiles": "Rename Files",
"Restart": "Restart",
"RestoreBackup": "Restore Backup",
"Restrictions": "Restrictions",
"RootFolder": "Root Folder",
@ -172,6 +215,7 @@
"RootFolders": "Root Folders",
"RSSSync": "RSS Sync",
"Runtime": "Runtime",
"Save": "Save",
"SaveChanges": "Save Changes",
"Scheduled": "Scheduled",
"Search": "Search",
@ -180,25 +224,37 @@
"SearchForMissing": "Search for Missing",
"SearchSelected": "Search Selected",
"Security": "Security",
"Seeders": "Seeders",
"SelectAll": "SelectAll",
"SetTags": "Set Tags",
"Settings": "Settings",
"ShowAdvanced": "Show Advanced",
"Shutdown": "Shutdown",
"Size": "Size",
"SizeOnDisk": "Size on Disk",
"Sort": "Sort",
"Source": "Source",
"SourceTitle": "Source Title",
"Status": "Status",
"Studio": "Studio",
"Style": "Style",
"System": "System",
"TableOptions": "Table Options",
"TableOptionsColumnsMessage": "Choose which columns are visible and which order they appear in",
"Tags": "Tags",
"TagsSettingsSummary": "See all tags and how they are used. Unused tags can be removed",
"Tasks": "Tasks",
"Test": "Test",
"TestAll": "Test All",
"Time": "Time",
"Timeleft": "Timeleft",
"Title": "Title",
"Titles": "Titles",
"TotalSpace": "Total Space",
"Type": "Type",
"UI": "UI",
"UISettingsSummary": "Calendar, date and color impaired options",
"Unavailable": "Unavailable",
"UnmappedFolders": "Unmapped Folders",
"Unmonitored": "Unmonitored",
"UnselectAll": "Unselect All",
@ -208,8 +264,10 @@
"UpdateCheckUINotWritableMessage": "Cannot install update because UI folder '{0}' is not writable by the user '{1}'.",
"Updates": "Updates",
"UpdateSelected": "Update Selected",
"VideoCodec": "Video Codec",
"View": "View",
"Wanted": "Wanted",
"Warn": "Warn",
"Week": "Week",
"Year": "Year"