- Omgwtfnzbs API categories (UHD, Full BR and Other) (#2764) [jusher00]
- Indexers that do not support movie search should give better error messages. Radarr now also complains if an indexer does not support certain categories. [Leonardo Galli]
- RSS Feeds with no description failing to be added. [Leonardo Galli]
## v0.2.0.1067 (2018-04-17)
### **Fixes**
- Radarr not loading with an invalid sort key. [Leonardo Galli]
## v0.2.0.1066 (2018-04-16)
### **New features**
- More logging for strange PTP errors. Please report them immediately when you see them. [Leonardo Galli]
- Setting for Colon Replacement Format (#2711) [Qstick]