"InteractiveImportErrMovie":"Movie must be chosen for each selected file",
"InteractiveImportErrQuality":"Quality must be chosen for each selected file",
"InteractiveSearch":"Interactive Search",
"InteractiveSearchResultsFailedErrorMessage":"Search failed because its {message}. Try refreshing the movie info and verify the necessary information is present before searching again.",
"InvalidFormat":"Invalid Format",
"KeepAndUnmonitorMovie":"Keep and Unmonitor Movie",
@ -667,6 +668,7 @@
"MovieMatchType":"Movie Match Type",
"MovieNaming":"Movie Naming",
"MovieOnly":"Movie Only",
"MovieSearchResultsLoadError":"Unable to load results for this movie search. Try again later",
"MovieTitle":"Movie Title",
"MovieTitleHelpText":"The title of the movie to exclude (can be anything meaningful)",
"MovieYear":"Movie Year",
@ -1217,7 +1219,6 @@
"UnableToLoadQualityProfiles":"Unable to load Quality Profiles",
"UnableToLoadRemotePathMappings":"Unable to load Remote Path Mappings",
"UnableToLoadRestrictions":"Unable to load Restrictions",
"UnableToLoadResultsIntSearch":"Unable to load results for this movie search. Try again later",
"UnableToLoadRootFolders":"Unable to load root folders",
"UnableToLoadTags":"Unable to load Tags",
"UnableToLoadTheCalendar":"Unable to load the calendar",