returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"Remote download client {client.Definition.Name} places downloads in {folder.FullPath} but this is not a valid {_osInfo.Name} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.","#bad_remote_path_mapping");
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"You are using docker; download client {client.Definition.Name} places downloads in {folder.FullPath} but this is not a valid {_osInfo.Name} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.","#docker_bad_remote_path_mapping");
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"Local download client {client.Definition.Name} places downloads in {folder.FullPath} but this is not a valid {_osInfo.Name} path. Review your download client settings.","#bad_download_client_settings");
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"You are using docker; download client {client.Definition.Name} places downloads in {folder.FullPath} but this directory does not appear to exist inside the container. Review your remote path mappings and container volume settings.","#docker_bad_remote_path_mapping");
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"Remote download client {client.Definition.Name} places downloads in {folder.FullPath} but this directory does not appear to exist. Likely missing or incorrect remote path mapping.","#bad_remote_path_mapping");
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"Download client {client.Definition.Name} places downloads in {folder.FullPath} but Radarr cannot see this directory. You may need to adjust the folder's permissions.","#permissions_error");
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"Radarr can see but not access downloaded movie {moviePath}. Likely permissions error.","#permissions_error");
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"Remote download client {client.Definition.Name} reported files in {dlpath} but this is not a valid {_osInfo.Name} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.","#bad_remote_path_mapping");
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"You are using docker; download client {client.Definition.Name} reported files in {dlpath} but this is not a valid {_osInfo.Name} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.","#docker_bad_remote_path_mapping");
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"Local download client {client.Definition.Name} reported files in {dlpath} but this is not a valid {_osInfo.Name} path. Review your download client settings.","#bad_download_client_settings");
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"Radarr can see but not access download directory {dlpath}. Likely permissions error.","#permissions_error");
// if it's a remote client/docker, likely missing path mappings
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"You are using docker; download client {client.Definition.Name} reported files in {dlpath} but this directory does not appear to exist inside the container. Review your remote path mappings and container volume settings.","#docker_bad_remote_path_mapping");
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"Remote download client {client.Definition.Name} reported files in {dlpath} but this directory does not appear to exist. Likely missing remote path mapping.","#bad_remote_path_mapping");
// path mappings shouldn't be needed locally so probably a permissions issue
returnnewHealthCheck(GetType(),HealthCheckResult.Error,$"Download client {client.Definition.Name} reported files in {dlpath} but Radarr cannot see this directory. You may need to adjust the folder's permissions.","#permissions_error");
"ImportIncludeQuality":"Make sure that your files include the quality in their filenames. e.g. {0}",
"ImportLibrary":"Library Import",
"ImportListMissingRoot":"Missing root folder for import list(s): {0}",
"ImportListMultipleMissingRoots":"Multiple root folders are missing for import lists: {0}",
"ImportListStatusCheckAllClientMessage":"All lists are unavailable due to failures",
"ImportListStatusCheckSingleClientMessage":"Lists unavailable due to failures: {0}",
"ImportListSyncIntervalHelpText":"How often Radarr syncs with your lists. Minimum value of 6 hours",
@ -757,6 +759,22 @@
"ReleaseWillBeProcessedInterp":"Release will be processed {0}",
"RemotePathMappings":"Remote Path Mappings",
"RemotePathMappingCheckBadDockerPath":"You are using docker; download client {0} places downloads in {1} but this is not a valid {2} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckDockerFolderMissing":"You are using docker; download client {0} places downloads in {1} but this directory does not appear to exist inside the container. Review your remote path mappings and container volume settings.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckLocalFolderMissing":"Remote download client {0} places downloads in {1} but this directory does not appear to exist. Likely missing or incorrect remote path mapping.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckLocalWrongOSPath":"Local download client {0} places downloads in {1} but this is not a valid {2} path. Review your download client settings.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckWrongOSPath":"Remote download client {0} places downloads in {1} but this is not a valid {2} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckGenericPermissions":"Download client {0} places downloads in {1} but Radarr cannot see this directory. You may need to adjust the folder's permissions.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckDownloadPermissions":"Radarr can see but not access downloaded movie {0}. Likely permissions error.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckFileRemoved":"File {0} was removed part way through processing.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckImportFailed":"Radarr failed to import a movie. Check your logs for details.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckFilesWrongOSPath":"Remote download client {0} reported files in {1} but this is not a valid {2} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckFilesBadDockerPath":"You are using docker; download client {0} reported files in {1} but this is not a valid {2} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckFilesLocalWrongOSPath":"Local download client {0} reported files in {1} but this is not a valid {2} path. Review your download client settings.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckFolderPermissions":"Radarr can see but not access download directory {0}. Likely permissions error.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckDockerFilesMissing":"You are using docker; download client {0} reported files in {1} but this directory does not appear to exist inside the container. Review your remote path mappings and container volume settings.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckRemoteDownloadClient":"Remote download client {0} reported files in {1} but this directory does not appear to exist. Likely missing remote path mapping.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckFilesGenericPermissions":"Download client {0} reported files in {1} but Radarr cannot see this directory. You may need to adjust the folder's permissions.",
"RemoveCompletedDownloadsHelpText":"Remove imported downloads from download client history",
"RemovedFromTaskQueue":"Removed from task queue",
@ -1030,6 +1048,7 @@
"UnselectAll":"Unselect All",
"UpdateAll":"Update All",
"UpdateAutomaticallyHelpText":"Automatically download and install updates. You will still be able to install from System: Updates",
"UpdateAvailable":"New update is available",
"UpdateCheckStartupNotWritableMessage":"Cannot install update because startup folder '{0}' is not writable by the user '{1}'.",
"UpdateCheckStartupTranslocationMessage":"Cannot install update because startup folder '{0}' is in an App Translocation folder.",
"UpdateCheckUINotWritableMessage":"Cannot install update because UI folder '{0}' is not writable by the user '{1}'.",