using FluentValidation; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Core.Annotations; using NzbDrone.Core.Validation; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.QBittorrent { public class QBittorrentSettingsValidator : AbstractValidator { public QBittorrentSettingsValidator() { RuleFor(c => c.Host).ValidHost(); RuleFor(c => c.Port).InclusiveBetween(1, 65535); RuleFor(c => c.UrlBase).ValidUrlBase().When(c => c.UrlBase.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()); RuleFor(c => c.MovieCategory).Matches(@"^([^\\\/](\/?[^\\\/])*)?$").WithMessage(@"Can not contain '\', '//', or start/end with '/'"); RuleFor(c => c.MovieImportedCategory).Matches(@"^([^\\\/](\/?[^\\\/])*)?$").WithMessage(@"Can not contain '\', '//', or start/end with '/'"); } } public class QBittorrentSettings : DownloadClientSettingsBase { private static readonly QBittorrentSettingsValidator Validator = new (); public QBittorrentSettings() { Host = "localhost"; Port = 8080; MovieCategory = "radarr"; } [FieldDefinition(0, Label = "Host", Type = FieldType.Textbox)] public string Host { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(1, Label = "Port", Type = FieldType.Textbox)] public int Port { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(2, Label = "UseSsl", Type = FieldType.Checkbox, HelpText = "DownloadClientQbittorrentSettingsUseSslHelpText")] public bool UseSsl { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(3, Label = "UrlBase", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Advanced = true, HelpText = "DownloadClientSettingsUrlBaseHelpText")] [FieldToken(TokenField.HelpText, "UrlBase", "clientName", "qBittorrent")] [FieldToken(TokenField.HelpText, "UrlBase", "url", "http://[host]:[port]/[urlBase]/api")] public string UrlBase { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Username", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.UserName)] public string Username { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password, Privacy = PrivacyLevel.Password)] public string Password { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(6, Label = "Category", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "DownloadClientSettingsCategoryHelpText")] public string MovieCategory { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(7, Label = "PostImportCategory", Type = FieldType.Textbox, Advanced = true, HelpText = "DownloadClientSettingsPostImportCategoryHelpText")] public string MovieImportedCategory { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(8, Label = "DownloadClientSettingsRecentPriority", Type = FieldType.Select, SelectOptions = typeof(QBittorrentPriority), HelpText = "DownloadClientSettingsRecentPriorityMovieHelpText")] public int RecentMoviePriority { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(9, Label = "DownloadClientSettingsOlderPriority", Type = FieldType.Select, SelectOptions = typeof(QBittorrentPriority), HelpText = "DownloadClientSettingsOlderPriorityMovieHelpText")] public int OlderMoviePriority { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(10, Label = "DownloadClientSettingsInitialState", Type = FieldType.Select, SelectOptions = typeof(QBittorrentState), HelpText = "DownloadClientQbittorrentSettingsInitialStateHelpText")] public int InitialState { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(11, Label = "DownloadClientQbittorrentSettingsSequentialOrder", Type = FieldType.Checkbox, HelpText = "DownloadClientQbittorrentSettingsSequentialOrderHelpText")] public bool SequentialOrder { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(12, Label = "DownloadClientQbittorrentSettingsFirstAndLastFirst", Type = FieldType.Checkbox, HelpText = "DownloadClientQbittorrentSettingsFirstAndLastFirstHelpText")] public bool FirstAndLast { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(13, Label = "DownloadClientQbittorrentSettingsContentLayout", Type = FieldType.Select, SelectOptions = typeof(QBittorrentContentLayout), HelpText = "DownloadClientQbittorrentSettingsContentLayoutHelpText")] public int ContentLayout { get; set; } public override NzbDroneValidationResult Validate() { return new NzbDroneValidationResult(Validator.Validate(this)); } } }