'use strict'; define( [ 'app', 'marionette', 'Commands/CommandController', 'Shared/Messenger' ], function (App, Marionette, CommandController, Messenger) { return Marionette.ItemView.extend({ template : 'Shared/Toolbar/ButtonTemplate', className: 'btn', events: { 'click': 'onClick' }, ui: { icon: '.x-icon' }, initialize: function () { this.storageKey = this.model.get('menuKey') + ':' + this.model.get('key'); this.idle = true; }, onRender: function () { if (this.model.get('active')) { this.$el.addClass('active'); this.invokeCallback(); } if(!this.model.get('title')){ this.$el.addClass('btn-icon-only'); } }, onClick: function () { if (this.idle) { this.invokeCallback(); this.invokeRoute(); this.invokeCommand(); } }, invokeCommand: function () { //TODO: Use Actioneer to handle icon swapping var command = this.model.get('command'); if (command) { this.idle = false; this.$el.addClass('disabled'); this.ui.icon.addClass('icon-spinner icon-spin'); var self = this; var commandPromise = CommandController.Execute(command); commandPromise.done(function () { if (self.model.get('successMessage')) { Messenger.show({ message: self.model.get('successMessage') }); } if (self.model.get('successCallback')) { if (!self.model.ownerContext) { throw 'ownerContext must be set.'; } self.model.get('successCallback').call(self.model.ownerContext); } }); commandPromise.fail(function (options) { if (options.readyState === 0 || options.status === 0) { return; } if (self.model.get('errorMessage')) { Messenger.show({ message: self.model.get('errorMessage'), type : 'error' }); } if (self.model.get('failCallback')) { if (!self.model.ownerContext) { throw 'ownerContext must be set.'; } self.model.get('failCallback').call(self.model.ownerContext); } }); commandPromise.always(function () { if (!self.isClosed) { self.$el.removeClass('disabled'); self.ui.icon.removeClass('icon-spinner icon-spin'); self.idle = true; } }); if (self.model.get('alwaysCallback')) { if (!self.model.ownerContext) { throw 'ownerContext must be set.'; } self.model.get('alwaysCallback').call(self.model.ownerContext); } } }, invokeRoute: function () { var route = this.model.get('route'); if (route) { require( [ 'Router' ], function () { App.Router.navigate(route, {trigger: true}); }); } }, invokeCallback: function () { if (!this.model.ownerContext) { throw 'ownerContext must be set.'; } var callback = this.model.get('callback'); if (callback) { callback.call(this.model.ownerContext); } } }); });