using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Diacritical; using DryIoc.ImTools; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common.EnsureThat; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Core.CustomFormats; using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles; using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.MediaInfo; using NzbDrone.Core.Movies; using NzbDrone.Core.Movies.Translations; using NzbDrone.Core.Parser; using NzbDrone.Core.Qualities; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Organizer { public interface IBuildFileNames { string BuildFileName(Movie movie, MovieFile movieFile, NamingConfig namingConfig = null, List customFormats = null); string BuildFilePath(Movie movie, string fileName, string extension); string GetMovieFolder(Movie movie, NamingConfig namingConfig = null); } public class FileNameBuilder : IBuildFileNames { private const string MediaInfoVideoDynamicRangeToken = "{MediaInfo VideoDynamicRange}"; private const string MediaInfoVideoDynamicRangeTypeToken = "{MediaInfo VideoDynamicRangeType}"; private readonly INamingConfigService _namingConfigService; private readonly IQualityDefinitionService _qualityDefinitionService; private readonly IUpdateMediaInfo _mediaInfoUpdater; private readonly IMovieTranslationService _movieTranslationService; private readonly ICustomFormatCalculationService _formatCalculator; private readonly Logger _logger; private static readonly Regex TitleRegex = new Regex(@"(?\{(?:imdb-|edition-))?\{(?[- ._\[(]*)(?(?:[a-z0-9]+)(?:(?[- ._]+)(?:[a-z0-9]+))?)(?::(?[a-z0-9|+-]+(?[-} ._)\]]*)\}", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant); public static readonly Regex MovieTitleRegex = new Regex(@"(?\{((?:(Movie|Original))(?[- ._])(Clean)?(Original)?(Title|Filename)(The)?)(?::(?[a-z0-9|-]+))?\})", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); private static readonly Regex FileNameCleanupRegex = new Regex(@"([- ._])(\1)+", RegexOptions.Compiled); private static readonly Regex TrimSeparatorsRegex = new Regex(@"[- ._]$", RegexOptions.Compiled); private static readonly Regex ScenifyRemoveChars = new Regex(@"(?<=\s)(,|<|>|\/|\\|;|:|'|""|\||`|~|!|\?|@|$|%|^|\*|-|_|=){1}(?=\s)|('|:|\?|,)(?=(?:(?:s|m)\s)|\s|$)|(\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\})", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); private static readonly Regex ScenifyReplaceChars = new Regex(@"[\/]", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); private static readonly Regex TitlePrefixRegex = new Regex(@"^(The|An|A) (.*?)((?: *\([^)]+\))*)$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); private static readonly Regex ReservedDeviceNamesRegex = new Regex(@"^(?:aux|com[1-9]|con|lpt[1-9]|nul|prn)\.", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // generated from public static readonly ImmutableDictionary Iso639BTMap = new Dictionary { { "alb", "sqi" }, { "arm", "hye" }, { "baq", "eus" }, { "bur", "mya" }, { "chi", "zho" }, { "cze", "ces" }, { "dut", "nld" }, { "fre", "fra" }, { "geo", "kat" }, { "ger", "deu" }, { "gre", "ell" }, { "ice", "isl" }, { "mac", "mkd" }, { "mao", "mri" }, { "may", "msa" }, { "per", "fas" }, { "rum", "ron" }, { "slo", "slk" }, { "tib", "bod" }, { "wel", "cym" } }.ToImmutableDictionary(); public FileNameBuilder(INamingConfigService namingConfigService, IQualityDefinitionService qualityDefinitionService, IUpdateMediaInfo mediaInfoUpdater, IMovieTranslationService movieTranslationService, ICustomFormatCalculationService formatCalculator, Logger logger) { _namingConfigService = namingConfigService; _qualityDefinitionService = qualityDefinitionService; _mediaInfoUpdater = mediaInfoUpdater; _movieTranslationService = movieTranslationService; _formatCalculator = formatCalculator; _logger = logger; } public string BuildFileName(Movie movie, MovieFile movieFile, NamingConfig namingConfig = null, List customFormats = null) { if (namingConfig == null) { namingConfig = _namingConfigService.GetConfig(); } if (!namingConfig.RenameMovies) { return GetOriginalTitle(movieFile, false); } var pattern = namingConfig.StandardMovieFormat; var tokenHandlers = new Dictionary>(FileNameBuilderTokenEqualityComparer.Instance); var multipleTokens = TitleRegex.Matches(pattern).Count > 1; UpdateMediaInfoIfNeeded(pattern, movieFile, movie); AddMovieTokens(tokenHandlers, movie); AddReleaseDateTokens(tokenHandlers, movie.Year); AddIdTokens(tokenHandlers, movie); AddQualityTokens(tokenHandlers, movie, movieFile); AddMediaInfoTokens(tokenHandlers, movieFile); AddMovieFileTokens(tokenHandlers, movieFile, multipleTokens); AddEditionTagsTokens(tokenHandlers, movieFile); AddCustomFormats(tokenHandlers, movie, movieFile, customFormats); var splitPatterns = pattern.Split(new char[] { '\\', '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var components = new List(); foreach (var s in splitPatterns) { var splitPattern = s; var component = ReplaceTokens(splitPattern, tokenHandlers, namingConfig).Trim(); component = FileNameCleanupRegex.Replace(component, match => match.Captures[0].Value[0].ToString()); component = TrimSeparatorsRegex.Replace(component, string.Empty); component = component.Replace("{ellipsis}", "..."); component = ReplaceReservedDeviceNames(component); if (component.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { components.Add(component); } } return Path.Combine(components.ToArray()); } public string BuildFilePath(Movie movie, string fileName, string extension) { Ensure.That(extension, () => extension).IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace(); var path = movie.Path; return Path.Combine(path, fileName + extension); } public string GetMovieFolder(Movie movie, NamingConfig namingConfig = null) { if (namingConfig == null) { namingConfig = _namingConfigService.GetConfig(); } var movieFile = movie.MovieFile; var pattern = namingConfig.MovieFolderFormat; var tokenHandlers = new Dictionary>(FileNameBuilderTokenEqualityComparer.Instance); var multipleTokens = TitleRegex.Matches(pattern).Count > 1; AddMovieTokens(tokenHandlers, movie); AddReleaseDateTokens(tokenHandlers, movie.Year); AddIdTokens(tokenHandlers, movie); if (movie.MovieFile != null) { AddQualityTokens(tokenHandlers, movie, movieFile); AddMediaInfoTokens(tokenHandlers, movieFile); AddMovieFileTokens(tokenHandlers, movieFile, multipleTokens); AddEditionTagsTokens(tokenHandlers, movieFile); } else { AddMovieFileTokens(tokenHandlers, new MovieFile { SceneName = $"{movie.Title} {movie.Year}", RelativePath = $"{movie.Title} {movie.Year}" }, multipleTokens); } var splitPatterns = pattern.Split(new char[] { '\\', '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var components = new List(); foreach (var s in splitPatterns) { var splitPattern = s; var component = ReplaceTokens(splitPattern, tokenHandlers, namingConfig); component = CleanFolderName(component); component = component.Replace("{ellipsis}", "..."); component = ReplaceReservedDeviceNames(component); if (component.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { components.Add(component); } } return Path.Combine(components.ToArray()); } public static string CleanTitle(string title) { title = title.Replace("&", "and"); title = ScenifyReplaceChars.Replace(title, " "); title = ScenifyRemoveChars.Replace(title, string.Empty); return title; } public static string TitleThe(string title) { return TitlePrefixRegex.Replace(title, "$2, $1$3"); } public static string TitleFirstCharacter(string title) { if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(title[0])) { return title.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper().RemoveDiacritics()[0].ToString(); } // Try the second character if the first was non alphanumeric if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(title[1])) { return title.Substring(1, 1).ToUpper().RemoveDiacritics()[0].ToString(); } // Default to "_" if no alphanumeric character can be found in the first 2 positions return "_"; } public static string CleanFileName(string name, bool replace = true, ColonReplacementFormat colonReplacement = ColonReplacementFormat.Delete) { var colonReplacementFormat = colonReplacement.GetFormatString(); var result = name; string[] badCharacters = { "\\", "/", "<", ">", "?", "*", ":", "|", "\"" }; string[] goodCharacters = { "+", "+", "", "", "!", "-", colonReplacementFormat, "", "" }; for (var i = 0; i < badCharacters.Length; i++) { result = result.Replace(badCharacters[i], replace ? goodCharacters[i] : string.Empty); } return result.TrimStart(' ', '.').TrimEnd(' '); } public static string CleanFolderName(string name) { name = FileNameCleanupRegex.Replace(name, match => match.Captures[0].Value[0].ToString()); return name.Trim(' ', '.'); } private void AddMovieTokens(Dictionary> tokenHandlers, Movie movie) { tokenHandlers["{Movie Title}"] = m => Truncate(GetLanguageTitle(movie, m.CustomFormat), m.CustomFormat); tokenHandlers["{Movie CleanTitle}"] = m => Truncate(CleanTitle(GetLanguageTitle(movie, m.CustomFormat)), m.CustomFormat); tokenHandlers["{Movie TitleThe}"] = m => Truncate(TitleThe(movie.Title), m.CustomFormat); tokenHandlers["{Movie TitleFirstCharacter}"] = m => TitleFirstCharacter(TitleThe(GetLanguageTitle(movie, m.CustomFormat))); tokenHandlers["{Movie OriginalTitle}"] = m => Truncate(movie.MovieMetadata.Value.OriginalTitle, m.CustomFormat) ?? string.Empty; tokenHandlers["{Movie CleanOriginalTitle}"] = m => Truncate(CleanTitle(movie.MovieMetadata.Value.OriginalTitle ?? string.Empty), m.CustomFormat); tokenHandlers["{Movie Certification}"] = m => movie.MovieMetadata.Value.Certification ?? string.Empty; tokenHandlers["{Movie Collection}"] = m => Truncate(movie.MovieMetadata.Value.CollectionTitle, m.CustomFormat) ?? string.Empty; } private string GetLanguageTitle(Movie movie, string isoCodes) { if (isoCodes.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { foreach (var isoCode in isoCodes.Split('|')) { var language = IsoLanguages.Find(isoCode.ToLower())?.Language; if (language == null) { continue; } var titles = movie.MovieMetadata.Value.Translations.Where(t => t.Language == language).ToList(); if (!movie.MovieMetadata.Value.Translations.Any()) { titles = _movieTranslationService.GetAllTranslationsForMovieMetadata(movie.MovieMetadataId).Where(t => t.Language == language).ToList(); } return titles.FirstOrDefault()?.Title ?? movie.Title; } } return movie.Title; } private void AddEditionTagsTokens(Dictionary> tokenHandlers, MovieFile movieFile) { if (movieFile.Edition.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { tokenHandlers["{Edition Tags}"] = m => Truncate(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(movieFile.Edition.ToLower()), m.CustomFormat); } } private void AddReleaseDateTokens(Dictionary> tokenHandlers, int releaseYear) { if (releaseYear == 0) { tokenHandlers["{Release Year}"] = m => string.Empty; return; } tokenHandlers["{Release Year}"] = m => string.Format("{0}", releaseYear.ToString()); // Do I need m.CustomFormat? } private void AddIdTokens(Dictionary> tokenHandlers, Movie movie) { tokenHandlers["{ImdbId}"] = m => movie.MovieMetadata.Value.ImdbId ?? string.Empty; tokenHandlers["{TmdbId}"] = m => movie.MovieMetadata.Value.TmdbId.ToString(); } private void AddMovieFileTokens(Dictionary> tokenHandlers, MovieFile movieFile, bool multipleTokens) { tokenHandlers["{Original Title}"] = m => GetOriginalTitle(movieFile, multipleTokens); tokenHandlers["{Original Filename}"] = m => GetOriginalFileName(movieFile, multipleTokens); tokenHandlers["{Release Group}"] = m => Truncate(movieFile.ReleaseGroup, m.CustomFormat) ?? m.DefaultValue("Radarr"); } private void AddQualityTokens(Dictionary> tokenHandlers, Movie movie, MovieFile movieFile) { if (movieFile?.Quality?.Quality == null) { tokenHandlers["{Quality Full}"] = m => ""; tokenHandlers["{Quality Title}"] = m => ""; tokenHandlers["{Quality Proper}"] = m => ""; tokenHandlers["{Quality Real}"] = m => ""; return; } var qualityTitle = _qualityDefinitionService.Get(movieFile.Quality.Quality).Title; var qualityProper = GetQualityProper(movie, movieFile.Quality); var qualityReal = GetQualityReal(movie, movieFile.Quality); tokenHandlers["{Quality Full}"] = m => string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", qualityTitle, qualityProper, qualityReal); tokenHandlers["{Quality Title}"] = m => qualityTitle; tokenHandlers["{Quality Proper}"] = m => qualityProper; tokenHandlers["{Quality Real}"] = m => qualityReal; } private static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary MinimumMediaInfoSchemaRevisions = new Dictionary(FileNameBuilderTokenEqualityComparer.Instance) { { MediaInfoVideoDynamicRangeToken, 5 }, { MediaInfoVideoDynamicRangeTypeToken, 12 } }; private void AddMediaInfoTokens(Dictionary> tokenHandlers, MovieFile movieFile) { if (movieFile.MediaInfo == null) { _logger.Trace("Media info is unavailable for {0}", movieFile); return; } var sceneName = movieFile.GetSceneOrFileName(); var videoCodec = MediaInfoFormatter.FormatVideoCodec(movieFile.MediaInfo, sceneName) ?? string.Empty; var audioCodec = MediaInfoFormatter.FormatAudioCodec(movieFile.MediaInfo, sceneName) ?? string.Empty; var audioChannels = MediaInfoFormatter.FormatAudioChannels(movieFile.MediaInfo); var audioLanguages = movieFile.MediaInfo.AudioLanguages ?? new List(); var subtitles = movieFile.MediaInfo.Subtitles ?? new List(); var videoBitDepth = movieFile.MediaInfo.VideoBitDepth > 0 ? movieFile.MediaInfo.VideoBitDepth.ToString() : 8.ToString(); var audioChannelsFormatted = audioChannels > 0 ? audioChannels.ToString("F1", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : string.Empty; var mediaInfo3D = movieFile.MediaInfo.VideoMultiViewCount > 1 ? "3D" : string.Empty; tokenHandlers["{MediaInfo Video}"] = m => videoCodec; tokenHandlers["{MediaInfo VideoCodec}"] = m => videoCodec; tokenHandlers["{MediaInfo VideoBitDepth}"] = m => videoBitDepth; tokenHandlers["{MediaInfo Audio}"] = m => audioCodec; tokenHandlers["{MediaInfo AudioCodec}"] = m => audioCodec; tokenHandlers["{MediaInfo AudioChannels}"] = m => audioChannelsFormatted; tokenHandlers["{MediaInfo AudioLanguages}"] = m => GetLanguagesToken(audioLanguages, m.CustomFormat, true, true); tokenHandlers["{MediaInfo AudioLanguagesAll}"] = m => GetLanguagesToken(audioLanguages, m.CustomFormat, false, true); tokenHandlers["{MediaInfo SubtitleLanguages}"] = m => GetLanguagesToken(subtitles, m.CustomFormat, false, true); tokenHandlers["{MediaInfo SubtitleLanguagesAll}"] = m => GetLanguagesToken(subtitles, m.CustomFormat, false, true); tokenHandlers["{MediaInfo 3D}"] = m => mediaInfo3D; tokenHandlers["{MediaInfo Simple}"] = m => $"{videoCodec} {audioCodec}"; tokenHandlers["{MediaInfo Full}"] = m => $"{videoCodec} {audioCodec}{GetLanguagesToken(audioLanguages, m.CustomFormat, true, true)} {GetLanguagesToken(subtitles, m.CustomFormat, false, true)}"; tokenHandlers[MediaInfoVideoDynamicRangeToken] = m => MediaInfoFormatter.FormatVideoDynamicRange(movieFile.MediaInfo); tokenHandlers[MediaInfoVideoDynamicRangeTypeToken] = m => MediaInfoFormatter.FormatVideoDynamicRangeType(movieFile.MediaInfo); } private void AddCustomFormats(Dictionary> tokenHandlers, Movie movie, MovieFile movieFile, List customFormats = null) { if (customFormats == null) { movieFile.Movie = movie; customFormats = _formatCalculator.ParseCustomFormat(movieFile, movie); } tokenHandlers["{Custom Formats}"] = m => string.Join(" ", customFormats.Where(x => x.IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming)); } private string GetLanguagesToken(List mediaInfoLanguages, string filter, bool skipEnglishOnly, bool quoted) { var tokens = new List(); foreach (var item in mediaInfoLanguages) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item) && item != "und") { tokens.Add(item.Trim()); } } for (var i = 0; i < tokens.Count; i++) { try { var token = tokens[i].ToLowerInvariant(); if (Iso639BTMap.TryGetValue(token, out var mapped)) { token = mapped; } var cultureInfo = new CultureInfo(token); tokens[i] = cultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName.ToUpper(); } catch { } } tokens = tokens.Distinct().ToList(); var filteredTokens = tokens; // Exclude or filter if (filter.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { if (filter.StartsWith("-")) { filteredTokens = tokens.Except(filter.Split('-')).ToList(); } else { filteredTokens = filter.Split('+').Intersect(tokens).ToList(); } } // Replace with wildcard (maybe too limited) if (filter.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() && filter.EndsWith("+") && filteredTokens.Count != tokens.Count) { filteredTokens.Add("--"); } if (skipEnglishOnly && filteredTokens.Count == 1 && filteredTokens.First() == "EN") { return string.Empty; } var response = string.Join("+", filteredTokens); if (quoted && response.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { return $"[{response}]"; } else { return response; } } private void UpdateMediaInfoIfNeeded(string pattern, MovieFile movieFile, Movie movie) { if (movie.Path.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { return; } var schemaRevision = movieFile.MediaInfo != null ? movieFile.MediaInfo.SchemaRevision : 0; var matches = TitleRegex.Matches(pattern); var shouldUpdateMediaInfo = matches.Cast() .Select(m => MinimumMediaInfoSchemaRevisions.GetValueOrDefault(m.Value, -1)) .Any(r => schemaRevision < r); if (shouldUpdateMediaInfo) { _mediaInfoUpdater.Update(movieFile, movie); } } private string ReplaceTokens(string pattern, Dictionary> tokenHandlers, NamingConfig namingConfig) { return TitleRegex.Replace(pattern, match => ReplaceToken(match, tokenHandlers, namingConfig)); } private string ReplaceToken(Match match, Dictionary> tokenHandlers, NamingConfig namingConfig) { var tokenMatch = new TokenMatch { RegexMatch = match, Tag = match.Groups["tag"].Value, Prefix = match.Groups["prefix"].Value, Separator = match.Groups["separator"].Value, Suffix = match.Groups["suffix"].Value, Token = match.Groups["token"].Value, CustomFormat = match.Groups["customFormat"].Value }; if (tokenMatch.CustomFormat.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { tokenMatch.CustomFormat = null; } var tokenHandler = tokenHandlers.GetValueOrDefault(tokenMatch.Token, m => string.Empty); var replacementText = tokenHandler(tokenMatch).Trim(); if (tokenMatch.Token.All(t => !char.IsLetter(t) || char.IsLower(t))) { replacementText = replacementText.ToLower(); } else if (tokenMatch.Token.All(t => !char.IsLetter(t) || char.IsUpper(t))) { replacementText = replacementText.ToUpper(); } if (!tokenMatch.Separator.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { replacementText = replacementText.Replace(" ", tokenMatch.Separator); } replacementText = CleanFileName(replacementText, namingConfig.ReplaceIllegalCharacters, namingConfig.ColonReplacementFormat); if (!replacementText.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { replacementText = tokenMatch.Tag + tokenMatch.Prefix + replacementText + tokenMatch.Suffix; } return replacementText; } private string ReplaceNumberToken(string token, int value) { var split = token.Trim('{', '}').Split(':'); if (split.Length == 1) { return value.ToString("0"); } return value.ToString(split[1]); } private string GetQualityProper(Movie movie, QualityModel quality) { if (quality.Revision.Version > 1) { return "Proper"; } return string.Empty; } private string GetQualityReal(Movie movie, QualityModel quality) { if (quality.Revision.Real > 0) { return "REAL"; } return string.Empty; } private string GetOriginalTitle(MovieFile movieFile, bool multipleTokens) { if (movieFile.SceneName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { return GetOriginalFileName(movieFile, multipleTokens); } return movieFile.SceneName; } private string GetOriginalFileName(MovieFile movieFile, bool multipleTokens) { if (multipleTokens) { return string.Empty; } if (movieFile.RelativePath.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(movieFile.Path); } return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(movieFile.RelativePath); } private string ReplaceReservedDeviceNames(string input) { // Replace reserved windows device names with an alternative return ReservedDeviceNamesRegex.Replace(input, match => match.Value.Replace(".", "_")); } private string Truncate(string input, string formatter) { var maxLength = GetMaxLengthFromFormatter(formatter); if (maxLength == 0 || input.Length <= Math.Abs(maxLength)) { return input; } if (maxLength < 0) { return $"{{ellipsis}}{input.Reverse().Truncate(Math.Abs(maxLength) - 3).TrimEnd(' ', '.').Reverse()}"; } return $"{input.Truncate(maxLength - 3).TrimEnd(' ', '.')}{{ellipsis}}"; } private int GetMaxLengthFromFormatter(string formatter) { int.TryParse(formatter, out var maxCustomLength); return maxCustomLength; } } internal sealed class TokenMatch { public Match RegexMatch { get; set; } public string Tag { get; set; } public string Prefix { get; set; } public string Separator { get; set; } public string Suffix { get; set; } public string Token { get; set; } public string CustomFormat { get; set; } public string DefaultValue(string defaultValue) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Prefix) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Suffix)) { return defaultValue; } else { return string.Empty; } } } public enum MultiEpisodeStyle { Extend = 0, Duplicate = 1, Repeat = 2, Scene = 3, Range = 4, PrefixedRange = 5 } }