using System; using System.Data; using FluentMigrator; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.Migration.Framework; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.Migration { [Migration(187)] public class swap_filechmod_for_folderchmod : NzbDroneMigrationBase { protected override void MainDbUpgrade() { // Reverts part of migration 140, note that the v1 of migration140 also removed chowngroup Execute.WithConnection(ConvertFileChmodToFolderChmod); } private void ConvertFileChmodToFolderChmod(IDbConnection conn, IDbTransaction tran) { using (IDbCommand getFileChmodCmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { getFileChmodCmd.Transaction = tran; getFileChmodCmd.CommandText = @"SELECT ""Value"" FROM ""Config"" WHERE ""Key"" = 'filechmod'"; var fileChmod = getFileChmodCmd.ExecuteScalar() as string; if (fileChmod != null) { if (fileChmod.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { // Convert without using mono libraries. We take the 'r' bits and shifting them to the 'x' position, preserving everything else. var fileChmodNum = Convert.ToInt32(fileChmod, 8); var folderChmodNum = fileChmodNum | ((fileChmodNum & 0x124) >> 2); var folderChmod = Convert.ToString(folderChmodNum, 8).PadLeft(3, '0'); using (IDbCommand insertCmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { insertCmd.Transaction = tran; insertCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO \"Config\" (\"Key\", \"Value\") VALUES ('chmodfolder', ?)"; insertCmd.AddParameter(folderChmod); insertCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } using (IDbCommand deleteCmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { deleteCmd.Transaction = tran; deleteCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM \"Config\" WHERE \"Key\" = 'filechmod'"; deleteCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } } } }