import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import split from 'Utilities/String/split'; import TagInput from './TagInput'; function createMapStateToProps() { return createSelector( (state, { value }) => value, (tags) => { const tagsArray = Array.isArray(tags) ? tags : split(tags); return { tags: tagsArray.reduce((result, tag) => { if (tag) { result.push({ id: tag, name: tag }); } return result; }, []), valueArray: tagsArray }; } ); } class TextTagInputConnector extends Component { // // Listeners onTagAdd = (tag) => { const { name, valueArray, onChange } = this.props; // Split and trim tags before adding them to the list, this will // cleanse tags pasted in that had commas and spaces which leads // to oddities with restrictions (as an example). const newValue = [...valueArray]; const newTags ='/') ? [] : split(; newTags.forEach((newTag) => { newValue.push(newTag.trim()); }); onChange({ name, value: newValue }); }; onTagDelete = ({ index }) => { const { name, valueArray, onChange } = this.props; const newValue = [...valueArray]; newValue.splice(index, 1); onChange({ name, value: newValue }); }; onTagReplace = (tagToReplace, newTag) => { const { name, valueArray, onChange } = this.props; const newValue = [...valueArray]; newValue.splice(tagToReplace.index, 1); newValue.push(; onChange({ name, value: newValue }); }; // // Render render() { return ( ); } } TextTagInputConnector.propTypes = { name: PropTypes.string.isRequired, valueArray: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).isRequired, onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired }; export default connect(createMapStateToProps, null)(TextTagInputConnector);